# Get default and specified options
my %graphopts = (
# 'ratio' => 1,
+ 'bgcolor' => 'transparent',
my %nodeopts = (
'fontsize' => 11,
unshift( @cmd, $self->is_undirected ? 'neato' : 'dot' );
my $svg;
my $dotfile = File::Temp->new();
- # $dotfile->unlink_on_destroy(0);
binmode $dotfile, ':utf8';
print $dotfile $dot;
close $dotfile;
push( @cmd, $dotfile->filename );
run( \@cmd, ">", binary(), \$svg );
- # HACK: Parse the SVG and change the dimensions.
- # Get rid of width and height attributes to allow scaling.
- if( $opts->{'size'} ) {
- require XML::LibXML;
- my $parser = XML::LibXML->new( load_ext_dtd => 0 );
- my $svgdoc;
- eval {
- $svgdoc = $parser->parse_string( decode_utf8( $svg ) );
- };
- throw( "Could not reparse SVG: $@" ) if $@;
- my( $ew, $eh ) = @{$opts->{'size'}};
- # If the graph is wider than it is tall, set width to ew and remove height.
- # Otherwise set height to eh and remove width.
- # TODO Also scale the viewbox
- my $width = $svgdoc->documentElement->getAttribute('width');
- my $height = $svgdoc->documentElement->getAttribute('height');
- $width =~ s/\D+//g;
- $height =~ s/\D+//g;
- my( $remove, $keep, $val, $viewbox );
- if( $width > $height ) {
- $remove = 'height';
- $keep = 'width';
- $val = $ew . 'px';
- my $vbheight = $width / $ew * $height;
- $viewbox = "0.00 0.00 $width.00" . sprintf( "%.2f", $vbheight );
- } else {
- $remove = 'width';
- $keep = 'height';
- $val = $eh . 'px';
- my $vbwidth = $height / $eh * $width;
- $viewbox = "0.00 0.00 " . sprintf( "%.2f", $vbwidth ) . " $height.00";
- }
- $svgdoc->documentElement->removeAttribute( $remove );
- $svgdoc->documentElement->setAttribute( $keep, $val );
- $svgdoc->documentElement->removeAttribute( 'viewBox' );
- $svgdoc->documentElement->setAttribute( 'viewBox', $viewbox );
- $svg = $svgdoc->toString();
- }
- # Return the result
return decode_utf8( $svg );