sub SIG_FREE () { 'F' }
sub SIG_SIZE () { 1 }
+use DBM::Deep::Iterator::BucketList ();
+use DBM::Deep::Iterator::Index ();
+use DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data ();
+use DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList ();
+use DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index ();
+use DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Null ();
+use DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Reference ();
+use DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Scalar ();
+use DBM::Deep::Null ();
my $STALE_SIZE = 2;
# Please refer to the pack() documentation for further information
=head2 new()
This takes a set of args. These args are described in the documentation for
return $self;
=head2 read_value( $obj, $key )
This takes an object that provides _base_offset() and a string. It returns the
return $obj->{iterator}->get_next_key( $obj );
=head2 setup_fh( $obj )
This takes an object that provides _base_offset(). It will do everything needed
return $rv;
The following methods are internal-use-only to DBM::Deep::Engine.
delete $self->{entries}{$self->trans_id};
=head2 _write_file_header()
This writes the file header for a new file. This will write the various settings
return $loc;
=head2 flush()
This takes no arguments. It will do everything necessary to flush all things to
+The following are readonly attributes.
+=over 4
+=item * storage
+=item * byte_size
+=item * hash_size
+=item * hash_chars
+=item * num_txns
+=item * max_buckets
+=item * blank_md5
+=item * data_sector_size
+=item * txn_bitfield_len
sub storage { $_[0]{storage} }
sub byte_size { $_[0]{byte_size} }
return $self->{txn_bitfield_len};
+The following are read/write attributes.
+=over 4
+=item * trans_id / set_trans_id( $new_id )
+=item * trans_loc / set_trans_loc( $new_loc )
+=item * chains_loc / set_chains_loc( $new_loc )
sub trans_id { $_[0]{trans_id} }
sub set_trans_id { $_[0]{trans_id} = $_[1] }
sub cache { $_[0]{cache} ||= {} }
sub clear_cache { %{$_[0]->cache} = () }
+=head2 _dump_file()
+This method takes no arguments. It's used to print out a textual representation of the DBM::Deep
+DB file. It assumes the file is not-corrupted.
sub _dump_file {
my $self = shift;
return $return;
-package DBM::Deep::Iterator;
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- my $self = bless {
- breadcrumbs => [],
- engine => $args->{engine},
- base_offset => $args->{base_offset},
- }, $class;
- Scalar::Util::weaken( $self->{engine} );
- return $self;
-sub reset { $_[0]{breadcrumbs} = [] }
-sub get_sector_iterator {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($loc) = @_;
- my $sector = $self->{engine}->_load_sector( $loc )
- or return;
- if ( $sector->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index' ) ) {
- return DBM::Deep::Iterator::Index->new({
- iterator => $self,
- sector => $sector,
- });
- }
- elsif ( $sector->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList' ) ) {
- return DBM::Deep::Iterator::BucketList->new({
- iterator => $self,
- sector => $sector,
- });
- }
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_sector_iterator(): Why did $loc make a $sector?" );
-sub get_next_key {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($obj) = @_;
- my $crumbs = $self->{breadcrumbs};
- my $e = $self->{engine};
- unless ( @$crumbs ) {
- # This will be a Reference sector
- my $sector = $e->_load_sector( $self->{base_offset} )
- # If no sector is found, thist must have been deleted from under us.
- or return;
- if ( $sector->staleness != $obj->_staleness ) {
- return;
- }
- my $loc = $sector->get_blist_loc
- or return;
- push @$crumbs, $self->get_sector_iterator( $loc );
- }
- # We're at the end.
- unless ( @$crumbs ) {
- $self->reset;
- return;
- }
- my $iterator = $crumbs->[-1];
- # This level is done.
- if ( $iterator->at_end ) {
- pop @$crumbs;
- }
- if ( $iterator->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Iterator::Index' ) ) {
- # If we don't have any more, it will be caught at the
- # prior check.
- if ( my $next = $iterator->get_next_iterator ) {
- push @$crumbs, $next;
- }
- }
- unless ( $iterator->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Iterator::BucketList' ) ) {
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error(
- "Should have a bucketlist iterator here - instead have $iterator"
- );
- }
- # At this point, we have a BucketList iterator
- my $key = $iterator->get_next_key;
- if ( defined $key ) {
- return $key;
- }
- #XXX else { $iterator->set_to_end() } ?
- # We hit the end of the bucketlist iterator, so redo
- }
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_next_key(): How did we get here?" );
-package DBM::Deep::Iterator::Index;
-sub new {
- my $self = bless $_[1] => $_[0];
- $self->{curr_index} = 0;
- return $self;
-sub at_end {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{curr_index} >= $self->{iterator}{engine}->hash_chars;
-sub get_next_iterator {
- my $self = shift;
- my $loc;
- while ( !$loc ) {
- return if $self->at_end;
- $loc = $self->{sector}->get_entry( $self->{curr_index}++ );
- }
- return $self->{iterator}->get_sector_iterator( $loc );
-package DBM::Deep::Iterator::BucketList;
-sub new {
- my $self = bless $_[1] => $_[0];
- $self->{curr_index} = 0;
- return $self;
-sub at_end {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{curr_index} >= $self->{iterator}{engine}->max_buckets;
-sub get_next_key {
- my $self = shift;
- return if $self->at_end;
- my $idx = $self->{curr_index}++;
- my $data_loc = $self->{sector}->get_data_location_for({
- allow_head => 1,
- idx => $idx,
- }) or return;
- #XXX Do we want to add corruption checks here?
- return $self->{sector}->get_key_for( $idx )->data;
-package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector;
-sub new {
- my $self = bless $_[1], $_[0];
- Scalar::Util::weaken( $self->{engine} );
- $self->_init;
- return $self;
-#sub _init {}
-#sub clone { DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Must be implemented in the child class" ); }
-sub engine { $_[0]{engine} }
-sub offset { $_[0]{offset} }
-sub type { $_[0]{type} }
-sub base_size {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->engine->SIG_SIZE + $STALE_SIZE;
-sub free {
- my $self = shift;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- $e->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $e->SIG_FREE );
- # Skip staleness counter
- $e->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- chr(0) x ($self->size - $self->base_size),
- );
- my $free_meth = $self->free_meth;
- $e->$free_meth( $self->offset, $self->size );
- return;
-package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data;
-our @ISA = qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector );
-# This is in bytes
-sub size { $_[0]{engine}->data_sector_size }
-sub free_meth { return '_add_free_data_sector' }
-sub clone {
- my $self = shift;
- return ref($self)->new({
- engine => $self->engine,
- type => $self->type,
- data => $self->data,
- });
-package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Scalar;
-our @ISA = qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data );
-sub free {
- my $self = shift;
- my $chain_loc = $self->chain_loc;
- $self->SUPER::free();
- if ( $chain_loc ) {
- $self->engine->_load_sector( $chain_loc )->free;
- }
- return;
-sub type { $_[0]{engine}->SIG_DATA }
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my $engine = $self->engine;
- unless ( $self->offset ) {
- my $data_section = $self->size - $self->base_size - $engine->byte_size - 1;
- $self->{offset} = $engine->_request_data_sector( $self->size );
- my $data = delete $self->{data};
- my $dlen = length $data;
- my $continue = 1;
- my $curr_offset = $self->offset;
- while ( $continue ) {
- my $next_offset = 0;
- my ($leftover, $this_len, $chunk);
- if ( $dlen > $data_section ) {
- $leftover = 0;
- $this_len = $data_section;
- $chunk = substr( $data, 0, $this_len );
- $dlen -= $data_section;
- $next_offset = $engine->_request_data_sector( $self->size );
- $data = substr( $data, $this_len );
- }
- else {
- $leftover = $data_section - $dlen;
- $this_len = $dlen;
- $chunk = $data;
- $continue = 0;
- }
- $engine->storage->print_at( $curr_offset, $self->type ); # Sector type
- # Skip staleness
- $engine->storage->print_at( $curr_offset + $self->base_size,
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $next_offset ), # Chain loc
- pack( $StP{1}, $this_len ), # Data length
- $chunk, # Data to be stored in this sector
- chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
- );
- $curr_offset = $next_offset;
- }
- return;
- }
-sub data_length {
- my $self = shift;
- my $buffer = $self->engine->storage->read_at(
- $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->engine->byte_size, 1
- );
- return unpack( $StP{1}, $buffer );
-sub chain_loc {
- my $self = shift;
- return unpack(
- $StP{$self->engine->byte_size},
- $self->engine->storage->read_at(
- $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- $self->engine->byte_size,
- ),
- );
-sub data {
- my $self = shift;
-# my ($args) = @_;
-# $args ||= {};
- my $data;
- while ( 1 ) {
- my $chain_loc = $self->chain_loc;
- $data .= $self->engine->storage->read_at(
- $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->engine->byte_size + 1, $self->data_length,
- );
- last unless $chain_loc;
- $self = $self->engine->_load_sector( $chain_loc );
- }
- return $data;
-package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Null;
-our @ISA = qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data );
-sub type { $_[0]{engine}->SIG_NULL }
-sub data_length { 0 }
-sub data { return }
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my $engine = $self->engine;
- unless ( $self->offset ) {
- my $leftover = $self->size - $self->base_size - 1 * $engine->byte_size - 1;
- $self->{offset} = $engine->_request_data_sector( $self->size );
- $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $self->type ); # Sector type
- # Skip staleness counter
- $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, 0 ), # Chain loc
- pack( $StP{1}, $self->data_length ), # Data length
- chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
- );
- return;
- }
-package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Reference;
-our @ISA = qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data );
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- unless ( $self->offset ) {
- my $classname = Scalar::Util::blessed( delete $self->{data} );
- my $leftover = $self->size - $self->base_size - 3 * $e->byte_size;
- my $class_offset = 0;
- if ( defined $classname ) {
- my $class_sector = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Scalar->new({
- engine => $e,
- data => $classname,
- });
- $class_offset = $class_sector->offset;
- }
- $self->{offset} = $e->_request_data_sector( $self->size );
- $e->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $self->type ); # Sector type
- # Skip staleness counter
- $e->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, 0 ), # Index/BList loc
- pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $class_offset ), # Classname loc
- pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, 1 ), # Initial refcount
- chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
- );
- }
- else {
- $self->{type} = $e->storage->read_at( $self->offset, 1 );
- }
- $self->{staleness} = unpack(
- $e->storage->read_at( $self->offset + $e->SIG_SIZE, $STALE_SIZE ),
- );
- return;
-sub staleness { $_[0]{staleness} }
-sub get_data_location_for {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- # Assume that the head is not allowed unless otherwise specified.
- $args->{allow_head} = 0 unless exists $args->{allow_head};
- # Assume we don't create a new blist location unless otherwise specified.
- $args->{create} = 0 unless exists $args->{create};
- my $blist = $self->get_bucket_list({
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- key => $args->{key},
- create => $args->{create},
- });
- return unless $blist && $blist->{found};
- # At this point, $blist knows where the md5 is. What it -doesn't- know yet
- # is whether or not this transaction has this key. That's part of the next
- # function call.
- my $location = $blist->get_data_location_for({
- allow_head => $args->{allow_head},
- }) or return;
- return $location;
-sub get_data_for {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- my $location = $self->get_data_location_for( $args )
- or return;
- return $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
-sub write_data {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- my $blist = $self->get_bucket_list({
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- key => $args->{key},
- create => 1,
- }) or DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "How did write_data fail (no blist)?!" );
- # Handle any transactional bookkeeping.
- if ( $self->engine->trans_id ) {
- if ( ! $blist->has_md5 ) {
- $blist->mark_deleted({
- trans_id => 0,
- });
- }
- }
- else {
- my @trans_ids = $self->engine->get_running_txn_ids;
- if ( $blist->has_md5 ) {
- if ( @trans_ids ) {
- my $old_value = $blist->get_data_for;
- foreach my $other_trans_id ( @trans_ids ) {
- next if $blist->get_data_location_for({
- trans_id => $other_trans_id,
- allow_head => 0,
- });
- $blist->write_md5({
- trans_id => $other_trans_id,
- key => $args->{key},
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- value => $old_value->clone,
- });
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( @trans_ids ) {
- foreach my $other_trans_id ( @trans_ids ) {
- #XXX This doesn't seem to possible to ever happen . . .
- next if $blist->get_data_location_for({ trans_id => $other_trans_id, allow_head => 0 });
- $blist->mark_deleted({
- trans_id => $other_trans_id,
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #XXX Is this safe to do transactionally?
- # Free the place we're about to write to.
- if ( $blist->get_data_location_for({ allow_head => 0 }) ) {
- $blist->get_data_for({ allow_head => 0 })->free;
- }
- $blist->write_md5({
- key => $args->{key},
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- value => $args->{value},
- });
-sub delete_key {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- # XXX What should happen if this fails?
- my $blist = $self->get_bucket_list({
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- }) or DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "How did delete_key fail (no blist)?!" );
- # Save the location so that we can free the data
- my $location = $blist->get_data_location_for({
- allow_head => 0,
- });
- my $old_value = $location && $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
- my @trans_ids = $self->engine->get_running_txn_ids;
- # If we're the HEAD and there are running txns, then we need to clone this value to the other
- # transactions to preserve Isolation.
- if ( $self->engine->trans_id == 0 ) {
- if ( @trans_ids ) {
- foreach my $other_trans_id ( @trans_ids ) {
- next if $blist->get_data_location_for({ trans_id => $other_trans_id, allow_head => 0 });
- $blist->write_md5({
- trans_id => $other_trans_id,
- key => $args->{key},
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- value => $old_value->clone,
- });
- }
- }
- }
- my $data;
- if ( @trans_ids ) {
- $blist->mark_deleted( $args );
- if ( $old_value ) {
- $data = $old_value->data({ export => 1 });
- $old_value->free;
- }
- }
- else {
- $data = $blist->delete_md5( $args );
- }
- return $data;
-sub get_blist_loc {
- my $self = shift;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- my $blist_loc = $e->storage->read_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size, $e->byte_size );
- return unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $blist_loc );
-sub get_bucket_list {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- $args ||= {};
- # XXX Add in check here for recycling?
- my $engine = $self->engine;
- my $blist_loc = $self->get_blist_loc;
- # There's no index or blist yet
- unless ( $blist_loc ) {
- return unless $args->{create};
- my $blist = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
- engine => $engine,
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- });
- $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $blist->offset ),
- );
- return $blist;
- }
- my $sector = $engine->_load_sector( $blist_loc )
- or DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot read sector at $blist_loc in get_bucket_list()" );
- my $i = 0;
- my $last_sector = undef;
- while ( $sector->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index' ) ) {
- $blist_loc = $sector->get_entry( ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i++, 1 ) ) );
- $last_sector = $sector;
- if ( $blist_loc ) {
- $sector = $engine->_load_sector( $blist_loc )
- or DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot read sector at $blist_loc in get_bucket_list()" );
- }
- else {
- $sector = undef;
- last;
- }
- }
- # This means we went through the Index sector(s) and found an empty slot
- unless ( $sector ) {
- return unless $args->{create};
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "No last_sector when attempting to build a new entry" )
- unless $last_sector;
- my $blist = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
- engine => $engine,
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- });
- $last_sector->set_entry( ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i - 1, 1 ) ) => $blist->offset );
- return $blist;
- }
- $sector->find_md5( $args->{key_md5} );
- # See whether or not we need to reindex the bucketlist
- # Yes, the double-braces are there for a reason. if() doesn't create a redo-able block,
- # so we have to create a bare block within the if() for redo-purposes. Patch and idea
- # submitted by -RobK, 2008-01-09
- if ( !$sector->has_md5 && $args->{create} && $sector->{idx} == -1 ) {{
- my $redo;
- my $new_index = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index->new({
- engine => $engine,
- });
- my %blist_cache;
- #XXX q.v. the comments for this function.
- foreach my $entry ( $sector->chopped_up ) {
- my ($spot, $md5) = @{$entry};
- my $idx = ord( substr( $md5, $i, 1 ) );
- # XXX This is inefficient
- my $blist = $blist_cache{$idx}
- ||= DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
- engine => $engine,
- });
- $new_index->set_entry( $idx => $blist->offset );
- my $new_spot = $blist->write_at_next_open( $md5 );
- $engine->reindex_entry( $spot => $new_spot );
- }
- # Handle the new item separately.
- {
- my $idx = ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i, 1 ) );
- # If all the previous blist's items have been thrown into one
- # blist and the new item belongs in there too, we need
- # another index.
- if ( keys %blist_cache == 1 and each %blist_cache == $idx ) {
- ++$i, ++$redo;
- } else {
- my $blist = $blist_cache{$idx}
- ||= DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
- engine => $engine,
- });
- $new_index->set_entry( $idx => $blist->offset );
- $blist->find_md5( $args->{key_md5} );
- $blist->write_md5({
- key => $args->{key},
- key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
- value => DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Null->new({
- engine => $engine,
- data => undef,
- }),
- });
- }
-# my $blist = $blist_cache{$idx}
-# ||= DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
-# engine => $engine,
-# });
-# $new_index->set_entry( $idx => $blist->offset );
-# $blist->find_md5( $args->{key_md5} );
-# $blist->write_md5({
-# key => $args->{key},
-# key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
-# value => DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Null->new({
-# engine => $engine,
-# data => undef,
-# }),
-# });
- }
- if ( $last_sector ) {
- $last_sector->set_entry(
- ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i - 1, 1 ) ),
- $new_index->offset,
- );
- } else {
- $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $new_index->offset ),
- );
- }
- $sector->clear;
- $sector->free;
- if ( $redo ) {
- (undef, $sector) = %blist_cache;
- $last_sector = $new_index;
- redo;
- }
- $sector = $blist_cache{ ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i, 1 ) ) };
- $sector->find_md5( $args->{key_md5} );
- }}
- return $sector;
-sub get_class_offset {
- my $self = shift;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- return unpack(
- $StP{$e->byte_size},
- $e->storage->read_at(
- $self->offset + $self->base_size + 1 * $e->byte_size, $e->byte_size,
- ),
- );
-sub get_classname {
- my $self = shift;
- my $class_offset = $self->get_class_offset;
- return unless $class_offset;
- return $self->engine->_load_sector( $class_offset )->data;
-sub data {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- $args ||= {};
- my $obj;
- unless ( $obj = $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset } ) {
- $obj = DBM::Deep->new({
- type => $self->type,
- base_offset => $self->offset,
- staleness => $self->staleness,
- storage => $self->engine->storage,
- engine => $self->engine,
- });
- if ( $self->engine->storage->{autobless} ) {
- my $classname = $self->get_classname;
- if ( defined $classname ) {
- bless $obj, $classname;
- }
- }
- $self->engine->cache->{$self->offset} = $obj;
- }
- # We're not exporting, so just return.
- unless ( $args->{export} ) {
- return $obj;
- }
- # We shouldn't export if this is still referred to.
- if ( $self->get_refcount > 1 ) {
- return $obj;
- }
- return $obj->export;
-sub free {
- my $self = shift;
- # We're not ready to be removed yet.
- if ( $self->decrement_refcount > 0 ) {
- return;
- }
- # Rebless the object into DBM::Deep::Null.
- eval { %{ $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset } } = (); };
- eval { @{ $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset } } = (); };
- bless $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset }, 'DBM::Deep::Null';
- delete $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset };
- my $blist_loc = $self->get_blist_loc;
- $self->engine->_load_sector( $blist_loc )->free if $blist_loc;
- my $class_loc = $self->get_class_offset;
- $self->engine->_load_sector( $class_loc )->free if $class_loc;
- $self->SUPER::free();
-sub increment_refcount {
- my $self = shift;
- my $refcount = $self->get_refcount;
- $refcount++;
- $self->write_refcount( $refcount );
- return $refcount;
-sub decrement_refcount {
- my $self = shift;
- my $refcount = $self->get_refcount;
- $refcount--;
- $self->write_refcount( $refcount );
- return $refcount;
-sub get_refcount {
- my $self = shift;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- return unpack(
- $StP{$e->byte_size},
- $e->storage->read_at(
- $self->offset + $self->base_size + 2 * $e->byte_size, $e->byte_size,
- ),
- );
-sub write_refcount {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($num) = @_;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- $e->storage->print_at(
- $self->offset + $self->base_size + 2 * $e->byte_size,
- pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $num ),
- );
-package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList;
-our @ISA = qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector );
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my $engine = $self->engine;
- unless ( $self->offset ) {
- my $leftover = $self->size - $self->base_size;
- $self->{offset} = $engine->_request_blist_sector( $self->size );
- $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $engine->SIG_BLIST ); # Sector type
- # Skip staleness counter
- $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the data
- );
- }
- if ( $self->{key_md5} ) {
- $self->find_md5;
- }
- return $self;
-sub clear {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- chr(0) x ($self->size - $self->base_size), # Zero-fill the data
- );
-sub size {
- my $self = shift;
- unless ( $self->{size} ) {
- my $e = $self->engine;
- # Base + numbuckets * bucketsize
- $self->{size} = $self->base_size + $e->max_buckets * $self->bucket_size;
- }
- return $self->{size};
-sub free_meth { return '_add_free_blist_sector' }
-sub free {
- my $self = shift;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- foreach my $bucket ( $self->chopped_up ) {
- my $rest = $bucket->[-1];
- # Delete the keysector
- my $l = unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, substr( $rest, $e->hash_size, $e->byte_size ) );
- my $s = $e->_load_sector( $l ); $s->free if $s;
- # Delete the HEAD sector
- $l = unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size},
- substr( $rest,
- $e->hash_size + $e->byte_size,
- $e->byte_size,
- ),
- );
- $s = $e->_load_sector( $l ); $s->free if $s;
- foreach my $txn ( 0 .. $e->num_txns - 2 ) {
- my $l = unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size},
- substr( $rest,
- $e->hash_size + 2 * $e->byte_size + $txn * ($e->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE),
- $e->byte_size,
- ),
- );
- my $s = $e->_load_sector( $l ); $s->free if $s;
- }
- }
- $self->SUPER::free();
-sub bucket_size {
- my $self = shift;
- unless ( $self->{bucket_size} ) {
- my $e = $self->engine;
- # Key + head (location) + transactions (location + staleness-counter)
- my $location_size = $e->byte_size + $e->byte_size + ($e->num_txns - 1) * ($e->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE);
- $self->{bucket_size} = $e->hash_size + $location_size;
- }
- return $self->{bucket_size};
-# XXX This is such a poor hack. I need to rethink this code.
-sub chopped_up {
- my $self = shift;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- my @buckets;
- foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $e->max_buckets - 1 ) {
- my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $idx * $self->bucket_size;
- my $md5 = $e->storage->read_at( $spot, $e->hash_size );
- #XXX If we're chopping, why would we ever have the blank_md5?
- last if $md5 eq $e->blank_md5;
- my $rest = $e->storage->read_at( undef, $self->bucket_size - $e->hash_size );
- push @buckets, [ $spot, $md5 . $rest ];
- }
- return @buckets;
-sub write_at_next_open {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($entry) = @_;
- #XXX This is such a hack!
- $self->{_next_open} = 0 unless exists $self->{_next_open};
- my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->{_next_open}++ * $self->bucket_size;
- $self->engine->storage->print_at( $spot, $entry );
- return $spot;
-sub has_md5 {
- my $self = shift;
- unless ( exists $self->{found} ) {
- $self->find_md5;
- }
- return $self->{found};
-sub find_md5 {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{found} = undef;
- $self->{idx} = -1;
- if ( @_ ) {
- $self->{key_md5} = shift;
- }
- # If we don't have an MD5, then what are we supposed to do?
- unless ( exists $self->{key_md5} ) {
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot find_md5 without a key_md5 set" );
- }
- my $e = $self->engine;
- foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $e->max_buckets - 1 ) {
- my $potential = $e->storage->read_at(
- $self->offset + $self->base_size + $idx * $self->bucket_size, $e->hash_size,
- );
- if ( $potential eq $e->blank_md5 ) {
- $self->{idx} = $idx;
- return;
- }
- if ( $potential eq $self->{key_md5} ) {
- $self->{found} = 1;
- $self->{idx} = $idx;
- return;
- }
- }
- return;
-sub write_md5 {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "write_md5: no key" ) unless exists $args->{key};
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "write_md5: no key_md5" ) unless exists $args->{key_md5};
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "write_md5: no value" ) unless exists $args->{value};
- my $engine = $self->engine;
- $args->{trans_id} = $engine->trans_id unless exists $args->{trans_id};
- my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->{idx} * $self->bucket_size;
- $engine->add_entry( $args->{trans_id}, $spot );
- unless ($self->{found}) {
- my $key_sector = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Scalar->new({
- engine => $engine,
- data => $args->{key},
- });
- $engine->storage->print_at( $spot,
- $args->{key_md5},
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $key_sector->offset ),
- );
- }
- my $loc = $spot
- + $engine->hash_size
- + $engine->byte_size;
- if ( $args->{trans_id} ) {
- $loc += $engine->byte_size + ($args->{trans_id} - 1) * ( $engine->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE );
- $engine->storage->print_at( $loc,
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $args->{value}->offset ),
- pack( $StP{$STALE_SIZE}, $engine->get_txn_staleness_counter( $args->{trans_id} ) ),
- );
- }
- else {
- $engine->storage->print_at( $loc,
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $args->{value}->offset ),
- );
- }
-sub mark_deleted {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- $args ||= {};
- my $engine = $self->engine;
- $args->{trans_id} = $engine->trans_id unless exists $args->{trans_id};
- my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->{idx} * $self->bucket_size;
- $engine->add_entry( $args->{trans_id}, $spot );
- my $loc = $spot
- + $engine->hash_size
- + $engine->byte_size;
- if ( $args->{trans_id} ) {
- $loc += $engine->byte_size + ($args->{trans_id} - 1) * ( $engine->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE );
- $engine->storage->print_at( $loc,
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, 1 ), # 1 is the marker for deleted
- pack( $StP{$STALE_SIZE}, $engine->get_txn_staleness_counter( $args->{trans_id} ) ),
- );
- }
- else {
- $engine->storage->print_at( $loc,
- pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, 1 ), # 1 is the marker for deleted
- );
- }
-sub delete_md5 {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- my $engine = $self->engine;
- return undef unless $self->{found};
- # Save the location so that we can free the data
- my $location = $self->get_data_location_for({
- allow_head => 0,
- });
- my $key_sector = $self->get_key_for;
- my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->{idx} * $self->bucket_size;
- $engine->storage->print_at( $spot,
- $engine->storage->read_at(
- $spot + $self->bucket_size,
- $self->bucket_size * ( $engine->max_buckets - $self->{idx} - 1 ),
- ),
- chr(0) x $self->bucket_size,
- );
- $key_sector->free;
- my $data_sector = $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
- my $data = $data_sector->data({ export => 1 });
- $data_sector->free;
- return $data;
-sub get_data_location_for {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- $args ||= {};
- $args->{allow_head} = 0 unless exists $args->{allow_head};
- $args->{trans_id} = $self->engine->trans_id unless exists $args->{trans_id};
- $args->{idx} = $self->{idx} unless exists $args->{idx};
- my $e = $self->engine;
- my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size
- + $args->{idx} * $self->bucket_size
- + $e->hash_size
- + $e->byte_size;
- if ( $args->{trans_id} ) {
- $spot += $e->byte_size + ($args->{trans_id} - 1) * ( $e->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE );
- }
- my $buffer = $e->storage->read_at(
- $spot,
- $e->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE,
- );
- my ($loc, $staleness) = unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size} . ' ' . $StP{$STALE_SIZE}, $buffer );
- # XXX Merge the two if-clauses below
- if ( $args->{trans_id} ) {
- # We have found an entry that is old, so get rid of it
- if ( $staleness != (my $s = $e->get_txn_staleness_counter( $args->{trans_id} ) ) ) {
- $e->storage->print_at(
- $spot,
- pack( $StP{$e->byte_size} . ' ' . $StP{$STALE_SIZE}, (0) x 2 ),
- );
- $loc = 0;
- }
- }
- # If we're in a transaction and we never wrote to this location, try the
- # HEAD instead.
- if ( $args->{trans_id} && !$loc && $args->{allow_head} ) {
- return $self->get_data_location_for({
- trans_id => 0,
- allow_head => 1,
- idx => $args->{idx},
- });
- }
- return $loc <= 1 ? 0 : $loc;
-sub get_data_for {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($args) = @_;
- $args ||= {};
- return unless $self->{found};
- my $location = $self->get_data_location_for({
- allow_head => $args->{allow_head},
- });
- return $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
-sub get_key_for {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($idx) = @_;
- $idx = $self->{idx} unless defined $idx;
- if ( $idx >= $self->engine->max_buckets ) {
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_key_for(): Attempting to retrieve $idx" );
- }
- my $location = $self->engine->storage->read_at(
- $self->offset + $self->base_size + $idx * $self->bucket_size + $self->engine->hash_size,
- $self->engine->byte_size,
- );
- $location = unpack( $StP{$self->engine->byte_size}, $location );
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_key_for: No location?" ) unless $location;
- return $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
-package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index;
-our @ISA = qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector );
-sub _init {
- my $self = shift;
- my $engine = $self->engine;
- unless ( $self->offset ) {
- my $leftover = $self->size - $self->base_size;
- $self->{offset} = $engine->_request_index_sector( $self->size );
- $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $engine->SIG_INDEX ); # Sector type
- # Skip staleness counter
- $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
- chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
- );
- }
- return $self;
-#XXX Change here
-sub size {
- my $self = shift;
- unless ( $self->{size} ) {
- my $e = $self->engine;
- $self->{size} = $self->base_size + $e->byte_size * $e->hash_chars;
- }
- return $self->{size};
-sub free_meth { return '_add_free_index_sector' }
-sub free {
- my $self = shift;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- for my $i ( 0 .. $e->hash_chars - 1 ) {
- my $l = $self->get_entry( $i ) or next;
- $e->_load_sector( $l )->free;
- }
- $self->SUPER::free();
-sub _loc_for {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($idx) = @_;
- return $self->offset + $self->base_size + $idx * $self->engine->byte_size;
-sub get_entry {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($idx) = @_;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_entry: Out of range ($idx)" )
- if $idx < 0 || $idx >= $e->hash_chars;
- return unpack(
- $StP{$e->byte_size},
- $e->storage->read_at( $self->_loc_for( $idx ), $e->byte_size ),
- );
-sub set_entry {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($idx, $loc) = @_;
- my $e = $self->engine;
- DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "set_entry: Out of range ($idx)" )
- if $idx < 0 || $idx >= $e->hash_chars;
- $self->engine->storage->print_at(
- $self->_loc_for( $idx ),
- pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $loc ),
- );
-# This was copied from MARCEL's Class::Null. However, I couldn't use it because
-# I need an undef value, not an implementation of the Null Class pattern.
-package DBM::Deep::Null;
-use overload
- 'bool' => sub { undef },
- '""' => sub { undef },
- '0+' => sub { undef },
- fallback => 1,
- nomethod => 'AUTOLOAD';
-sub AUTOLOAD { return; }
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+sub new {
+ my $self = bless $_[1], $_[0];
+ Scalar::Util::weaken( $self->{engine} );
+ $self->_init;
+ return $self;
+#sub _init {}
+#sub clone { DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Must be implemented in the child class" ); }
+sub engine { $_[0]{engine} }
+sub offset { $_[0]{offset} }
+sub type { $_[0]{type} }
+sub base_size {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->engine->SIG_SIZE + $STALE_SIZE;
+sub free {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ $e->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $e->SIG_FREE );
+ # Skip staleness counter
+ $e->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ chr(0) x ($self->size - $self->base_size),
+ );
+ my $free_meth = $self->free_meth;
+ $e->$free_meth( $self->offset, $self->size );
+ return;
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use base qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector );
+sub _init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $engine = $self->engine;
+ unless ( $self->offset ) {
+ my $leftover = $self->size - $self->base_size;
+ $self->{offset} = $engine->_request_blist_sector( $self->size );
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $engine->SIG_BLIST ); # Sector type
+ # Skip staleness counter
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the data
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $self->{key_md5} ) {
+ $self->find_md5;
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub clear {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ chr(0) x ($self->size - $self->base_size), # Zero-fill the data
+ );
+sub size {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( $self->{size} ) {
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ # Base + numbuckets * bucketsize
+ $self->{size} = $self->base_size + $e->max_buckets * $self->bucket_size;
+ }
+ return $self->{size};
+sub free_meth { return '_add_free_blist_sector' }
+sub free {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ foreach my $bucket ( $self->chopped_up ) {
+ my $rest = $bucket->[-1];
+ # Delete the keysector
+ my $l = unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, substr( $rest, $e->hash_size, $e->byte_size ) );
+ my $s = $e->_load_sector( $l ); $s->free if $s;
+ # Delete the HEAD sector
+ $l = unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size},
+ substr( $rest,
+ $e->hash_size + $e->byte_size,
+ $e->byte_size,
+ ),
+ );
+ $s = $e->_load_sector( $l ); $s->free if $s;
+ foreach my $txn ( 0 .. $e->num_txns - 2 ) {
+ my $l = unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size},
+ substr( $rest,
+ $e->hash_size + 2 * $e->byte_size + $txn * ($e->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE),
+ $e->byte_size,
+ ),
+ );
+ my $s = $e->_load_sector( $l ); $s->free if $s;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::free();
+sub bucket_size {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( $self->{bucket_size} ) {
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ # Key + head (location) + transactions (location + staleness-counter)
+ my $location_size = $e->byte_size + $e->byte_size + ($e->num_txns - 1) * ($e->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE);
+ $self->{bucket_size} = $e->hash_size + $location_size;
+ }
+ return $self->{bucket_size};
+# XXX This is such a poor hack. I need to rethink this code.
+sub chopped_up {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ my @buckets;
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $e->max_buckets - 1 ) {
+ my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $idx * $self->bucket_size;
+ my $md5 = $e->storage->read_at( $spot, $e->hash_size );
+ #XXX If we're chopping, why would we ever have the blank_md5?
+ last if $md5 eq $e->blank_md5;
+ my $rest = $e->storage->read_at( undef, $self->bucket_size - $e->hash_size );
+ push @buckets, [ $spot, $md5 . $rest ];
+ }
+ return @buckets;
+sub write_at_next_open {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($entry) = @_;
+ #XXX This is such a hack!
+ $self->{_next_open} = 0 unless exists $self->{_next_open};
+ my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->{_next_open}++ * $self->bucket_size;
+ $self->engine->storage->print_at( $spot, $entry );
+ return $spot;
+sub has_md5 {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( exists $self->{found} ) {
+ $self->find_md5;
+ }
+ return $self->{found};
+sub find_md5 {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{found} = undef;
+ $self->{idx} = -1;
+ if ( @_ ) {
+ $self->{key_md5} = shift;
+ }
+ # If we don't have an MD5, then what are we supposed to do?
+ unless ( exists $self->{key_md5} ) {
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot find_md5 without a key_md5 set" );
+ }
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $e->max_buckets - 1 ) {
+ my $potential = $e->storage->read_at(
+ $self->offset + $self->base_size + $idx * $self->bucket_size, $e->hash_size,
+ );
+ if ( $potential eq $e->blank_md5 ) {
+ $self->{idx} = $idx;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( $potential eq $self->{key_md5} ) {
+ $self->{found} = 1;
+ $self->{idx} = $idx;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub write_md5 {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "write_md5: no key" ) unless exists $args->{key};
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "write_md5: no key_md5" ) unless exists $args->{key_md5};
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "write_md5: no value" ) unless exists $args->{value};
+ my $engine = $self->engine;
+ $args->{trans_id} = $engine->trans_id unless exists $args->{trans_id};
+ my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->{idx} * $self->bucket_size;
+ $engine->add_entry( $args->{trans_id}, $spot );
+ unless ($self->{found}) {
+ my $key_sector = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Scalar->new({
+ engine => $engine,
+ data => $args->{key},
+ });
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $spot,
+ $args->{key_md5},
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $key_sector->offset ),
+ );
+ }
+ my $loc = $spot
+ + $engine->hash_size
+ + $engine->byte_size;
+ if ( $args->{trans_id} ) {
+ $loc += $engine->byte_size + ($args->{trans_id} - 1) * ( $engine->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE );
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $loc,
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $args->{value}->offset ),
+ pack( $StP{$STALE_SIZE}, $engine->get_txn_staleness_counter( $args->{trans_id} ) ),
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $loc,
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $args->{value}->offset ),
+ );
+ }
+sub mark_deleted {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ $args ||= {};
+ my $engine = $self->engine;
+ $args->{trans_id} = $engine->trans_id unless exists $args->{trans_id};
+ my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->{idx} * $self->bucket_size;
+ $engine->add_entry( $args->{trans_id}, $spot );
+ my $loc = $spot
+ + $engine->hash_size
+ + $engine->byte_size;
+ if ( $args->{trans_id} ) {
+ $loc += $engine->byte_size + ($args->{trans_id} - 1) * ( $engine->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE );
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $loc,
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, 1 ), # 1 is the marker for deleted
+ pack( $StP{$STALE_SIZE}, $engine->get_txn_staleness_counter( $args->{trans_id} ) ),
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $loc,
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, 1 ), # 1 is the marker for deleted
+ );
+ }
+sub delete_md5 {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ my $engine = $self->engine;
+ return undef unless $self->{found};
+ # Save the location so that we can free the data
+ my $location = $self->get_data_location_for({
+ allow_head => 0,
+ });
+ my $key_sector = $self->get_key_for;
+ my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->{idx} * $self->bucket_size;
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $spot,
+ $engine->storage->read_at(
+ $spot + $self->bucket_size,
+ $self->bucket_size * ( $engine->max_buckets - $self->{idx} - 1 ),
+ ),
+ chr(0) x $self->bucket_size,
+ );
+ $key_sector->free;
+ my $data_sector = $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
+ my $data = $data_sector->data({ export => 1 });
+ $data_sector->free;
+ return $data;
+sub get_data_location_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ $args ||= {};
+ $args->{allow_head} = 0 unless exists $args->{allow_head};
+ $args->{trans_id} = $self->engine->trans_id unless exists $args->{trans_id};
+ $args->{idx} = $self->{idx} unless exists $args->{idx};
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ my $spot = $self->offset + $self->base_size
+ + $args->{idx} * $self->bucket_size
+ + $e->hash_size
+ + $e->byte_size;
+ if ( $args->{trans_id} ) {
+ $spot += $e->byte_size + ($args->{trans_id} - 1) * ( $e->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE );
+ }
+ my $buffer = $e->storage->read_at(
+ $spot,
+ $e->byte_size + $STALE_SIZE,
+ );
+ my ($loc, $staleness) = unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size} . ' ' . $StP{$STALE_SIZE}, $buffer );
+ # XXX Merge the two if-clauses below
+ if ( $args->{trans_id} ) {
+ # We have found an entry that is old, so get rid of it
+ if ( $staleness != (my $s = $e->get_txn_staleness_counter( $args->{trans_id} ) ) ) {
+ $e->storage->print_at(
+ $spot,
+ pack( $StP{$e->byte_size} . ' ' . $StP{$STALE_SIZE}, (0) x 2 ),
+ );
+ $loc = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # If we're in a transaction and we never wrote to this location, try the
+ # HEAD instead.
+ if ( $args->{trans_id} && !$loc && $args->{allow_head} ) {
+ return $self->get_data_location_for({
+ trans_id => 0,
+ allow_head => 1,
+ idx => $args->{idx},
+ });
+ }
+ return $loc <= 1 ? 0 : $loc;
+sub get_data_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ $args ||= {};
+ return unless $self->{found};
+ my $location = $self->get_data_location_for({
+ allow_head => $args->{allow_head},
+ });
+ return $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
+sub get_key_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($idx) = @_;
+ $idx = $self->{idx} unless defined $idx;
+ if ( $idx >= $self->engine->max_buckets ) {
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_key_for(): Attempting to retrieve $idx" );
+ }
+ my $location = $self->engine->storage->read_at(
+ $self->offset + $self->base_size + $idx * $self->bucket_size + $self->engine->hash_size,
+ $self->engine->byte_size,
+ );
+ $location = unpack( $StP{$self->engine->byte_size}, $location );
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_key_for: No location?" ) unless $location;
+ return $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use base qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector );
+# This is in bytes
+sub size { $_[0]{engine}->data_sector_size }
+sub free_meth { return '_add_free_data_sector' }
+sub clone {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ref($self)->new({
+ engine => $self->engine,
+ type => $self->type,
+ data => $self->data,
+ });
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index;
+use base qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector );
+sub _init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $engine = $self->engine;
+ unless ( $self->offset ) {
+ my $leftover = $self->size - $self->base_size;
+ $self->{offset} = $engine->_request_index_sector( $self->size );
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $engine->SIG_INDEX ); # Sector type
+ # Skip staleness counter
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
+ );
+ }
+ return $self;
+#XXX Change here
+sub size {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( $self->{size} ) {
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ $self->{size} = $self->base_size + $e->byte_size * $e->hash_chars;
+ }
+ return $self->{size};
+sub free_meth { return '_add_free_index_sector' }
+sub free {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ for my $i ( 0 .. $e->hash_chars - 1 ) {
+ my $l = $self->get_entry( $i ) or next;
+ $e->_load_sector( $l )->free;
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::free();
+sub _loc_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($idx) = @_;
+ return $self->offset + $self->base_size + $idx * $self->engine->byte_size;
+sub get_entry {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($idx) = @_;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_entry: Out of range ($idx)" )
+ if $idx < 0 || $idx >= $e->hash_chars;
+ return unpack(
+ $StP{$e->byte_size},
+ $e->storage->read_at( $self->_loc_for( $idx ), $e->byte_size ),
+ );
+sub set_entry {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($idx, $loc) = @_;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "set_entry: Out of range ($idx)" )
+ if $idx < 0 || $idx >= $e->hash_chars;
+ $self->engine->storage->print_at(
+ $self->_loc_for( $idx ),
+ pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $loc ),
+ );
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Null;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use base qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data );
+sub type { $_[0]{engine}->SIG_NULL }
+sub data_length { 0 }
+sub data { return }
+sub _init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $engine = $self->engine;
+ unless ( $self->offset ) {
+ my $leftover = $self->size - $self->base_size - 1 * $engine->byte_size - 1;
+ $self->{offset} = $engine->_request_data_sector( $self->size );
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $self->type ); # Sector type
+ # Skip staleness counter
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, 0 ), # Chain loc
+ pack( $StP{1}, $self->data_length ), # Data length
+ chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
+ );
+ return;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Reference;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use base qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data );
+sub _init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ unless ( $self->offset ) {
+ my $classname = Scalar::Util::blessed( delete $self->{data} );
+ my $leftover = $self->size - $self->base_size - 3 * $e->byte_size;
+ my $class_offset = 0;
+ if ( defined $classname ) {
+ my $class_sector = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Scalar->new({
+ engine => $e,
+ data => $classname,
+ });
+ $class_offset = $class_sector->offset;
+ }
+ $self->{offset} = $e->_request_data_sector( $self->size );
+ $e->storage->print_at( $self->offset, $self->type ); # Sector type
+ # Skip staleness counter
+ $e->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, 0 ), # Index/BList loc
+ pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $class_offset ), # Classname loc
+ pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, 1 ), # Initial refcount
+ chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{type} = $e->storage->read_at( $self->offset, 1 );
+ }
+ $self->{staleness} = unpack(
+ $e->storage->read_at( $self->offset + $e->SIG_SIZE, $STALE_SIZE ),
+ );
+ return;
+sub staleness { $_[0]{staleness} }
+sub get_data_location_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ # Assume that the head is not allowed unless otherwise specified.
+ $args->{allow_head} = 0 unless exists $args->{allow_head};
+ # Assume we don't create a new blist location unless otherwise specified.
+ $args->{create} = 0 unless exists $args->{create};
+ my $blist = $self->get_bucket_list({
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ key => $args->{key},
+ create => $args->{create},
+ });
+ return unless $blist && $blist->{found};
+ # At this point, $blist knows where the md5 is. What it -doesn't- know yet
+ # is whether or not this transaction has this key. That's part of the next
+ # function call.
+ my $location = $blist->get_data_location_for({
+ allow_head => $args->{allow_head},
+ }) or return;
+ return $location;
+sub get_data_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ my $location = $self->get_data_location_for( $args )
+ or return;
+ return $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
+sub write_data {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ my $blist = $self->get_bucket_list({
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ key => $args->{key},
+ create => 1,
+ }) or DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "How did write_data fail (no blist)?!" );
+ # Handle any transactional bookkeeping.
+ if ( $self->engine->trans_id ) {
+ if ( ! $blist->has_md5 ) {
+ $blist->mark_deleted({
+ trans_id => 0,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my @trans_ids = $self->engine->get_running_txn_ids;
+ if ( $blist->has_md5 ) {
+ if ( @trans_ids ) {
+ my $old_value = $blist->get_data_for;
+ foreach my $other_trans_id ( @trans_ids ) {
+ next if $blist->get_data_location_for({
+ trans_id => $other_trans_id,
+ allow_head => 0,
+ });
+ $blist->write_md5({
+ trans_id => $other_trans_id,
+ key => $args->{key},
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ value => $old_value->clone,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if ( @trans_ids ) {
+ foreach my $other_trans_id ( @trans_ids ) {
+ #XXX This doesn't seem to possible to ever happen . . .
+ next if $blist->get_data_location_for({ trans_id => $other_trans_id, allow_head => 0 });
+ $blist->mark_deleted({
+ trans_id => $other_trans_id,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #XXX Is this safe to do transactionally?
+ # Free the place we're about to write to.
+ if ( $blist->get_data_location_for({ allow_head => 0 }) ) {
+ $blist->get_data_for({ allow_head => 0 })->free;
+ }
+ $blist->write_md5({
+ key => $args->{key},
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ value => $args->{value},
+ });
+sub delete_key {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ # XXX What should happen if this fails?
+ my $blist = $self->get_bucket_list({
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ }) or DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "How did delete_key fail (no blist)?!" );
+ # Save the location so that we can free the data
+ my $location = $blist->get_data_location_for({
+ allow_head => 0,
+ });
+ my $old_value = $location && $self->engine->_load_sector( $location );
+ my @trans_ids = $self->engine->get_running_txn_ids;
+ # If we're the HEAD and there are running txns, then we need to clone this value to the other
+ # transactions to preserve Isolation.
+ if ( $self->engine->trans_id == 0 ) {
+ if ( @trans_ids ) {
+ foreach my $other_trans_id ( @trans_ids ) {
+ next if $blist->get_data_location_for({ trans_id => $other_trans_id, allow_head => 0 });
+ $blist->write_md5({
+ trans_id => $other_trans_id,
+ key => $args->{key},
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ value => $old_value->clone,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $data;
+ if ( @trans_ids ) {
+ $blist->mark_deleted( $args );
+ if ( $old_value ) {
+ $data = $old_value->data({ export => 1 });
+ $old_value->free;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $data = $blist->delete_md5( $args );
+ }
+ return $data;
+sub get_blist_loc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ my $blist_loc = $e->storage->read_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size, $e->byte_size );
+ return unpack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $blist_loc );
+sub get_bucket_list {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ $args ||= {};
+ # XXX Add in check here for recycling?
+ my $engine = $self->engine;
+ my $blist_loc = $self->get_blist_loc;
+ # There's no index or blist yet
+ unless ( $blist_loc ) {
+ return unless $args->{create};
+ my $blist = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
+ engine => $engine,
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ });
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $blist->offset ),
+ );
+ return $blist;
+ }
+ my $sector = $engine->_load_sector( $blist_loc )
+ or DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot read sector at $blist_loc in get_bucket_list()" );
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $last_sector = undef;
+ while ( $sector->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index' ) ) {
+ $blist_loc = $sector->get_entry( ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i++, 1 ) ) );
+ $last_sector = $sector;
+ if ( $blist_loc ) {
+ $sector = $engine->_load_sector( $blist_loc )
+ or DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "Cannot read sector at $blist_loc in get_bucket_list()" );
+ }
+ else {
+ $sector = undef;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # This means we went through the Index sector(s) and found an empty slot
+ unless ( $sector ) {
+ return unless $args->{create};
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "No last_sector when attempting to build a new entry" )
+ unless $last_sector;
+ my $blist = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
+ engine => $engine,
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ });
+ $last_sector->set_entry( ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i - 1, 1 ) ) => $blist->offset );
+ return $blist;
+ }
+ $sector->find_md5( $args->{key_md5} );
+ # See whether or not we need to reindex the bucketlist
+ # Yes, the double-braces are there for a reason. if() doesn't create a redo-able block,
+ # so we have to create a bare block within the if() for redo-purposes. Patch and idea
+ # submitted by -RobK, 2008-01-09
+ if ( !$sector->has_md5 && $args->{create} && $sector->{idx} == -1 ) {{
+ my $redo;
+ my $new_index = DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index->new({
+ engine => $engine,
+ });
+ my %blist_cache;
+ #XXX q.v. the comments for this function.
+ foreach my $entry ( $sector->chopped_up ) {
+ my ($spot, $md5) = @{$entry};
+ my $idx = ord( substr( $md5, $i, 1 ) );
+ # XXX This is inefficient
+ my $blist = $blist_cache{$idx}
+ ||= DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
+ engine => $engine,
+ });
+ $new_index->set_entry( $idx => $blist->offset );
+ my $new_spot = $blist->write_at_next_open( $md5 );
+ $engine->reindex_entry( $spot => $new_spot );
+ }
+ # Handle the new item separately.
+ {
+ my $idx = ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i, 1 ) );
+ # If all the previous blist's items have been thrown into one
+ # blist and the new item belongs in there too, we need
+ # another index.
+ if ( keys %blist_cache == 1 and each %blist_cache == $idx ) {
+ ++$i, ++$redo;
+ } else {
+ my $blist = $blist_cache{$idx}
+ ||= DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
+ engine => $engine,
+ });
+ $new_index->set_entry( $idx => $blist->offset );
+ $blist->find_md5( $args->{key_md5} );
+ $blist->write_md5({
+ key => $args->{key},
+ key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+ value => DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Null->new({
+ engine => $engine,
+ data => undef,
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+# my $blist = $blist_cache{$idx}
+# ||= DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList->new({
+# engine => $engine,
+# });
+# $new_index->set_entry( $idx => $blist->offset );
+# $blist->find_md5( $args->{key_md5} );
+# $blist->write_md5({
+# key => $args->{key},
+# key_md5 => $args->{key_md5},
+# value => DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Null->new({
+# engine => $engine,
+# data => undef,
+# }),
+# });
+ }
+ if ( $last_sector ) {
+ $last_sector->set_entry(
+ ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i - 1, 1 ) ),
+ $new_index->offset,
+ );
+ } else {
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $new_index->offset ),
+ );
+ }
+ $sector->clear;
+ $sector->free;
+ if ( $redo ) {
+ (undef, $sector) = %blist_cache;
+ $last_sector = $new_index;
+ redo;
+ }
+ $sector = $blist_cache{ ord( substr( $args->{key_md5}, $i, 1 ) ) };
+ $sector->find_md5( $args->{key_md5} );
+ }}
+ return $sector;
+sub get_class_offset {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ return unpack(
+ $StP{$e->byte_size},
+ $e->storage->read_at(
+ $self->offset + $self->base_size + 1 * $e->byte_size, $e->byte_size,
+ ),
+ );
+sub get_classname {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class_offset = $self->get_class_offset;
+ return unless $class_offset;
+ return $self->engine->_load_sector( $class_offset )->data;
+sub data {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ $args ||= {};
+ my $obj;
+ unless ( $obj = $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset } ) {
+ $obj = DBM::Deep->new({
+ type => $self->type,
+ base_offset => $self->offset,
+ staleness => $self->staleness,
+ storage => $self->engine->storage,
+ engine => $self->engine,
+ });
+ if ( $self->engine->storage->{autobless} ) {
+ my $classname = $self->get_classname;
+ if ( defined $classname ) {
+ bless $obj, $classname;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->engine->cache->{$self->offset} = $obj;
+ }
+ # We're not exporting, so just return.
+ unless ( $args->{export} ) {
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ # We shouldn't export if this is still referred to.
+ if ( $self->get_refcount > 1 ) {
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ return $obj->export;
+sub free {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # We're not ready to be removed yet.
+ if ( $self->decrement_refcount > 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # Rebless the object into DBM::Deep::Null.
+ eval { %{ $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset } } = (); };
+ eval { @{ $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset } } = (); };
+ bless $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset }, 'DBM::Deep::Null';
+ delete $self->engine->cache->{ $self->offset };
+ my $blist_loc = $self->get_blist_loc;
+ $self->engine->_load_sector( $blist_loc )->free if $blist_loc;
+ my $class_loc = $self->get_class_offset;
+ $self->engine->_load_sector( $class_loc )->free if $class_loc;
+ $self->SUPER::free();
+sub increment_refcount {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $refcount = $self->get_refcount;
+ $refcount++;
+ $self->write_refcount( $refcount );
+ return $refcount;
+sub decrement_refcount {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $refcount = $self->get_refcount;
+ $refcount--;
+ $self->write_refcount( $refcount );
+ return $refcount;
+sub get_refcount {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ return unpack(
+ $StP{$e->byte_size},
+ $e->storage->read_at(
+ $self->offset + $self->base_size + 2 * $e->byte_size, $e->byte_size,
+ ),
+ );
+sub write_refcount {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($num) = @_;
+ my $e = $self->engine;
+ $e->storage->print_at(
+ $self->offset + $self->base_size + 2 * $e->byte_size,
+ pack( $StP{$e->byte_size}, $num ),
+ );
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Scalar;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use base qw( DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Data );
+sub free {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $chain_loc = $self->chain_loc;
+ $self->SUPER::free();
+ if ( $chain_loc ) {
+ $self->engine->_load_sector( $chain_loc )->free;
+ }
+ return;
+sub type { $_[0]{engine}->SIG_DATA }
+sub _init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $engine = $self->engine;
+ unless ( $self->offset ) {
+ my $data_section = $self->size - $self->base_size - $engine->byte_size - 1;
+ $self->{offset} = $engine->_request_data_sector( $self->size );
+ my $data = delete $self->{data};
+ my $dlen = length $data;
+ my $continue = 1;
+ my $curr_offset = $self->offset;
+ while ( $continue ) {
+ my $next_offset = 0;
+ my ($leftover, $this_len, $chunk);
+ if ( $dlen > $data_section ) {
+ $leftover = 0;
+ $this_len = $data_section;
+ $chunk = substr( $data, 0, $this_len );
+ $dlen -= $data_section;
+ $next_offset = $engine->_request_data_sector( $self->size );
+ $data = substr( $data, $this_len );
+ }
+ else {
+ $leftover = $data_section - $dlen;
+ $this_len = $dlen;
+ $chunk = $data;
+ $continue = 0;
+ }
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $curr_offset, $self->type ); # Sector type
+ # Skip staleness
+ $engine->storage->print_at( $curr_offset + $self->base_size,
+ pack( $StP{$engine->byte_size}, $next_offset ), # Chain loc
+ pack( $StP{1}, $this_len ), # Data length
+ $chunk, # Data to be stored in this sector
+ chr(0) x $leftover, # Zero-fill the rest
+ );
+ $curr_offset = $next_offset;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+sub data_length {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $buffer = $self->engine->storage->read_at(
+ $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->engine->byte_size, 1
+ );
+ return unpack( $StP{1}, $buffer );
+sub chain_loc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unpack(
+ $StP{$self->engine->byte_size},
+ $self->engine->storage->read_at(
+ $self->offset + $self->base_size,
+ $self->engine->byte_size,
+ ),
+ );
+sub data {
+ my $self = shift;
+# my ($args) = @_;
+# $args ||= {};
+ my $data;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ my $chain_loc = $self->chain_loc;
+ $data .= $self->engine->storage->read_at(
+ $self->offset + $self->base_size + $self->engine->byte_size + 1, $self->data_length,
+ );
+ last unless $chain_loc;
+ $self = $self->engine->_load_sector( $chain_loc );
+ }
+ return $data;
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Iterator;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 PURPOSE
+This is an internal-use-only object for L<DBM::Deep/>. It is the iterator
+for FIRSTKEY() and NEXTKEY().
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+This object
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new(\%params)
+The constructor takes a hashref of params. The hashref is assumed to have the
+following elements:
+=over 4
+=item * engine (of type L<DBM::Deep::Engine/>
+=item * base_offset (the base_offset of the invoking DBM::Deep object)
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my ($args) = @_;
+ my $self = bless {
+ breadcrumbs => [],
+ engine => $args->{engine},
+ base_offset => $args->{base_offset},
+ }, $class;
+ Scalar::Util::weaken( $self->{engine} );
+ return $self;
+=head2 reset()
+This method takes no arguments.
+It will reset the iterator so that it will start from the beginning again.
+This method returns nothing.
+sub reset { $_[0]{breadcrumbs} = [] }
+=head2 get_sector_iterator( $loc )
+This takes a location. It will load the sector for $loc, then instantiate the right
+iteartor type for it.
+This returns the sector iterator.
+sub get_sector_iterator {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($loc) = @_;
+ my $sector = $self->{engine}->_load_sector( $loc )
+ or return;
+ if ( $sector->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index' ) ) {
+ return DBM::Deep::Iterator::Index->new({
+ iterator => $self,
+ sector => $sector,
+ });
+ }
+ elsif ( $sector->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList' ) ) {
+ return DBM::Deep::Iterator::BucketList->new({
+ iterator => $self,
+ sector => $sector,
+ });
+ }
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_sector_iterator(): Why did $loc make a $sector?" );
+=head2 get_next_key( $obj )
+sub get_next_key {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($obj) = @_;
+ my $crumbs = $self->{breadcrumbs};
+ my $e = $self->{engine};
+ unless ( @$crumbs ) {
+ # This will be a Reference sector
+ my $sector = $e->_load_sector( $self->{base_offset} )
+ # If no sector is found, thist must have been deleted from under us.
+ or return;
+ if ( $sector->staleness != $obj->_staleness ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $loc = $sector->get_blist_loc
+ or return;
+ push @$crumbs, $self->get_sector_iterator( $loc );
+ }
+ # We're at the end.
+ unless ( @$crumbs ) {
+ $self->reset;
+ return;
+ }
+ my $iterator = $crumbs->[-1];
+ # This level is done.
+ if ( $iterator->at_end ) {
+ pop @$crumbs;
+ }
+ if ( $iterator->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Iterator::Index' ) ) {
+ # If we don't have any more, it will be caught at the
+ # prior check.
+ if ( my $next = $iterator->get_next_iterator ) {
+ push @$crumbs, $next;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ( $iterator->isa( 'DBM::Deep::Iterator::BucketList' ) ) {
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error(
+ "Should have a bucketlist iterator here - instead have $iterator"
+ );
+ }
+ # At this point, we have a BucketList iterator
+ my $key = $iterator->get_next_key;
+ if ( defined $key ) {
+ return $key;
+ }
+ #XXX else { $iterator->set_to_end() } ?
+ # We hit the end of the bucketlist iterator, so redo
+ }
+ DBM::Deep->_throw_error( "get_next_key(): How did we get here?" );
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Iterator::BucketList;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 PURPOSE
+This is an internal-use-only object for L<DBM::Deep/>. It acts as the mediator
+between the L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/> object and a L<DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList/>
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+This object, despite the implied class hiearchy, does B<NOT> inherit from
+L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/>. Instead, it delegates to it, essentially acting as a
+facade over it. L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/get_next_key> will instantiate one of
+these objects as needed to handle an BucketList sector.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new(\%params)
+The constructor takes a hashref of params and blesses it into the invoking class. The
+hashref is assumed to have the following elements:
+=over 4
+=item * iterator (of type L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/>
+=item * sector (of type L<DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::BucketList/>
+sub new {
+ my $self = bless $_[1] => $_[0];
+ $self->{curr_index} = 0;
+ return $self;
+=head2 at_end()
+This takes no arguments.
+This returns true/false indicating whether this sector has any more elements that can be
+iterated over.
+sub at_end {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{curr_index} >= $self->{iterator}{engine}->max_buckets;
+=head2 get_next_iterator()
+This takes no arguments.
+This returns the next key pointed to by this bucketlist. This value is suitable for
+returning by FIRSTKEY or NEXTKEY().
+If the bucketlist is exhausted, it returns nothing.
+sub get_next_key {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return if $self->at_end;
+ my $idx = $self->{curr_index}++;
+ my $data_loc = $self->{sector}->get_data_location_for({
+ allow_head => 1,
+ idx => $idx,
+ }) or return;
+ #XXX Do we want to add corruption checks here?
+ return $self->{sector}->get_key_for( $idx )->data;
--- /dev/null
+package DBM::Deep::Iterator::Index;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 PURPOSE
+This is an internal-use-only object for L<DBM::Deep/>. It acts as the mediator
+between the L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/> object and a L<DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index/>
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+This object, despite the implied class hiearchy, does B<NOT> inherit from
+L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/>. Instead, it delegates to it, essentially acting as a
+facade over it. L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/get_next_key> will instantiate one of
+these objects as needed to handle an Index sector.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new(\%params)
+The constructor takes a hashref of params and blesses it into the invoking class. The
+hashref is assumed to have the following elements:
+=over 4
+=item * iterator (of type L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/>
+=item * sector (of type L<DBM::Deep::Engine::Sector::Index/>
+sub new {
+ my $self = bless $_[1] => $_[0];
+ $self->{curr_index} = 0;
+ return $self;
+=head2 at_end()
+This takes no arguments.
+This returns true/false indicating whether this sector has any more elements that can be
+iterated over.
+sub at_end {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{curr_index} >= $self->{iterator}{engine}->hash_chars;
+=head2 get_next_iterator()
+This takes no arguments.
+This returns an iterator (built by L<DBM::Deep::Iterator/get_sector_iterator>) based
+on the sector pointed to by the next occupied location in this index.
+If the sector is exhausted, it returns nothing.
+sub get_next_iterator {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $loc;
+ while ( !$loc ) {
+ return if $self->at_end;
+ $loc = $self->{sector}->get_entry( $self->{curr_index}++ );
+ }
+ return $self->{iterator}->get_sector_iterator( $loc );
--- /dev/null
+# This was copied from MARCEL's Class::Null. However, I couldn't use it because
+# I need an undef value, not an implementation of the Null Class pattern.
+package DBM::Deep::Null;
+use 5.006_000;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 PURPOSE
+This is an internal-use-only object for L<DBM::Deep/>. It acts as a NULL object
+in the same vein as MARCEL's L<Class::Null/>. I couldn't use L<Class::Null/>
+because DBM::Deep needed an object that always evaluated as undef, not an
+implementation of the Null Class pattern.
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+It is used to represent null sectors in DBM::Deep.
+use overload
+ 'bool' => sub { undef },
+ '""' => sub { undef },
+ '0+' => sub { undef },
+ fallback => 1,
+ nomethod => 'AUTOLOAD';
+sub AUTOLOAD { return; }
# brought up by Alex Gallichotte
use strict;
-#use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Test::More tests => 4;
use t::common qw( new_fh );
use_ok( 'DBM::Deep' );
my ($fh, $filename) = new_fh();
-my $db = DBM::Deep->new( file => $filename, fh => $fh, );
+my $db = DBM::Deep->new( file => $filename, fh => $fh );
eval { $db->{randkey()} = randkey() for 1 .. 10; }; ok(!$@, "No eval failures");
eval {
- $db->begin_work;
+# $db->begin_work;
$db->{randkey()} = randkey() for 1 .. 10;
- $db->commit;
+# $db->commit;
-ok(!$@, 'No eval failures');
+ok(!$@, "No eval failures from the transaction");
eval { $db->{randkey()} = randkey() for 1 .. 10; }; ok(!$@, "No eval failures");