use inc::Module::Install 0.91;
+require Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod;
+use 5.008001;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
name 'DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader';
all_from 'lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/';
requires 'File::Slurp' => '9999.13';
requires 'List::MoreUtils' => 0;
requires 'namespace::clean' => 0;
-requires 'Data::Dumper::Concise' => '1.200';
+requires 'Data::Dumper::Concise' => '2.002';
requires 'Scope::Guard' => 0;
requires 'List::MoreUtils' => 0;
requires 'Exporter' => '5.63';
requires 'Try::Tiny' => 0;
-install_script 'script/dbicdump';
+if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
+ warn "\n*** AUTHOR MODE: some optional dependencies converted to hard dependencies.\n\n";
+ require DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies;
-# Rebuild README for maintainers
-if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) {
- system("pod2text lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/ > README");
+ test_requires map %$_, values %{ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies->req_group_list };
+ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies->_gen_pod;
-realclean_files 'README';
+install_script 'script/dbicdump';
+readme_from 'lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/';
+realclean_files qw[README MANIFEST lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/Loader/Optional/Dependencies.pod];
resources 'IRC' => 'irc://';
resources 'license' => '';
+# vim:et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0:
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies;
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+# Stolen from DBIx::Class
+# This module is to be loaded by Makefile.PM on a pristine system
+# POD is generated automatically by calling _gen_pod from the
+# Makefile.PL in $AUTHOR mode
+my $reqs = {
+ dist => {
+ #'Module::Install::Pod::Inherit' => '0.01',
+ },
+ use_moose => {
+ req => {
+ 'Moose' => 0,
+ 'MooseX::NonMoose' => 0,
+ 'namespace::autoclean' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'use_moose',
+ desc => 'Modules required for the use_moose option',
+ },
+ },
+sub req_list_for {
+ my ($class, $group) = @_;
+ croak "req_list_for() expects a requirement group name"
+ unless $group;
+ my $deps = $reqs->{$group}{req}
+ or croak "Requirement group '$group' does not exist";
+ return { %$deps };
+our %req_availability_cache;
+sub req_ok_for {
+ my ($class, $group) = @_;
+ croak "req_ok_for() expects a requirement group name"
+ unless $group;
+ $class->_check_deps ($group) unless $req_availability_cache{$group};
+ return $req_availability_cache{$group}{status};
+sub req_missing_for {
+ my ($class, $group) = @_;
+ croak "req_missing_for() expects a requirement group name"
+ unless $group;
+ $class->_check_deps ($group) unless $req_availability_cache{$group};
+ return $req_availability_cache{$group}{missing};
+sub req_errorlist_for {
+ my ($class, $group) = @_;
+ croak "req_errorlist_for() expects a requirement group name"
+ unless $group;
+ $class->_check_deps ($group) unless $req_availability_cache{$group};
+ return $req_availability_cache{$group}{errorlist};
+sub _check_deps {
+ my ($class, $group) = @_;
+ my $deps = $class->req_list_for ($group);
+ my %errors;
+ for my $mod (keys %$deps) {
+ if (my $ver = $deps->{$mod}) {
+ eval "use $mod $ver ()";
+ }
+ else {
+ eval "require $mod";
+ }
+ $errors{$mod} = $@ if $@;
+ }
+ if (keys %errors) {
+ my $missing = join (', ', map { $deps->{$_} ? "$_ >= $deps->{$_}" : $_ } (sort keys %errors) );
+ $missing .= " (see $class for details)" if $reqs->{$group}{pod};
+ $req_availability_cache{$group} = {
+ status => 0,
+ errorlist => { %errors },
+ missing => $missing,
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ $req_availability_cache{$group} = {
+ status => 1,
+ errorlist => {},
+ missing => '',
+ };
+ }
+sub req_group_list {
+ return { map { $_ => { %{ $reqs->{$_}{req} || {} } } } (keys %$reqs) };
+# This is to be called by the author only (automatically in Makefile.PL)
+sub _gen_pod {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $modfn = __PACKAGE__ . '.pm';
+ $modfn =~ s/\:\:/\//g;
+ my $podfn = __FILE__;
+ $podfn =~ s/\.pm$/\.pod/;
+ my $distver =
+ eval { require DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader; DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader->VERSION; }
+ ||
+ do {
+ warn
+"\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n" .
+'Unable to load the DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader module to determine current ' .
+'version, possibly due to missing dependencies. Author-mode autodocumentation ' .
+"halted\n\n" . $@ .
+ ;
+ '*UNKNOWN*'; # rv
+ }
+ ;
+ my @chunks = (
+ <<"EOC",
+##################### A U T O G E N E R A T E D ########################
+# The contents of this POD file are auto-generated. Any changes you make
+# will be lost. If you need to change the generated text edit _gen_pod()
+# at the end of $modfn
+ '=head1 NAME',
+ "$class - Optional module dependency specifications (for module authors)",
+ '=head1 SYNOPSIS',
+ <<EOS,
+Somewhere in your build-file (e.g. L<Module::Install>'s Makefile.PL):
+ ...
+ configure_requires 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader' => '$distver';
+ require $class;
+ my \$use_moose_deps = $class->req_list_for ('use_moose');
+ for (keys %\$use_moose_deps) {
+ requires \$_ => \$use_moose_deps->{\$_};
+ }
+ ...
+Note that there are some caveats regarding C<configure_requires()>, more info
+can be found at L<Module::Install/configure_requires>
+ '=head1 DESCRIPTION',
+ <<'EOD',
+Some of the features of L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> have external
+module dependencies on their own. In order not to burden the average user
+with modules he will never use, these optional dependencies are not included
+in the base Makefile.PL. Instead an exception with a descriptive message is
+thrown when a specific feature is missing one or several modules required for
+its operation. This module is the central holding place for the current list
+of such dependencies.
+ <<'EOD',
+Dependencies are organized in C<groups> and each group can list one or more
+required modules, with an optional minimum version (or 0 for any version).
+ );
+ for my $group (sort keys %$reqs) {
+ my $p = $reqs->{$group}{pod}
+ or next;
+ my $modlist = $reqs->{$group}{req}
+ or next;
+ next unless keys %$modlist;
+ push @chunks, (
+ "=head2 $p->{title}",
+ "$p->{desc}",
+ '=over',
+ ( map { "=item * $_" . ($modlist->{$_} ? " >= $modlist->{$_}" : '') } (sort keys %$modlist) ),
+ '=back',
+ "Requirement group: B<$group>",
+ );
+ }
+ push @chunks, (
+ '=head1 METHODS',
+ '=head2 req_group_list',
+ '=over',
+ '=item Arguments: $none',
+ '=item Returns: \%list_of_requirement_groups',
+ '=back',
+ <<EOD,
+This method should be used by DBIx::Class packagers, to get a hashref of all
+dependencies keyed by dependency group. Each key (group name) can be supplied
+to one of the group-specific methods below.
+ '=head2 req_list_for',
+ '=over',
+ '=item Arguments: $group_name',
+ '=item Returns: \%list_of_module_version_pairs',
+ '=back',
+ <<EOD,
+This method should be used by DBIx::Class extension authors, to determine the
+version of modules a specific feature requires in the B<current> version of
+L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader>. See the L</SYNOPSIS> for a real-world
+ '=head2 req_ok_for',
+ '=over',
+ '=item Arguments: $group_name',
+ '=item Returns: 1|0',
+ '=back',
+ 'Returns true or false depending on whether all modules required by C<$group_name> are present on the system and loadable',
+ '=head2 req_missing_for',
+ '=over',
+ '=item Arguments: $group_name',
+ '=item Returns: $error_message_string',
+ '=back',
+ <<EOD,
+Returns a single line string suitable for inclusion in larger error messages.
+This method would normally be used by L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader>
+maintainers, to indicate to the user that he needs to install specific modules
+before he will be able to use a specific feature.
+For example if some of the requirements for C<use_moose> are not available,
+the returned string could look like:
+ Moose >= 0 (see use_moose for details)
+The author is expected to prepend the necessary text to this message before
+returning the actual error seen by the user.
+ '=head2 req_errorlist_for',
+ '=over',
+ '=item Arguments: $group_name',
+ '=item Returns: \%list_of_loaderrors_per_module',
+ '=back',
+ <<'EOD',
+Returns a hashref containing the actual errors that occured while attempting
+to load each module in the requirement group.
+ '=head1 AUTHOR',
+ 'See L<DBIx::Class/CONTRIBUTORS>.',
+ '=head1 LICENSE',
+ 'You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself',
+ );
+ open (my $fh, '>', $podfn) or croak "Unable to write to $podfn: $!";
+ print $fh join ("\n\n", @chunks);
+ close ($fh);