# $RCSfile: pack.t,v $$Revision: 4.1 $$Date: 92/08/07 18:28:11 $
-print "1..58\n";
+print "1..60\n";
$format = "c2 x5 C C x s d i l a6";
# Need the expression in here to force ary[5] to be numeric. This avoids
print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
-# 57..58: uuencode/decode
+# 57..60: uuencode/decode
$in = join "", map { chr } 0..255;
print "not " unless unpack('u', $uu) eq $in;
print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+$in = "\x1f\x8b\x08\x08\x58\xdc\xc4\x35\x02\x03\x4a\x41\x50\x55\x00\xf3\x2a\x2d\x2e\x51\x48\xcc\xcb\x2f\xc9\x48\x2d\x52\x08\x48\x2d\xca\x51\x28\x2d\x4d\xce\x4f\x49\x2d\xe2\x02\x00\x64\x66\x60\x5c\x1a\x00\x00\x00";
+$uu = <<'EOUU';
+print "not " unless unpack('u', $uu) eq $in;
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# 60 identical to 59 except that backquotes have been changed to spaces
+$uu = <<'EOUU';
+M'XL("%C<Q#4" TI!4%4 \RHM+E%(S,LOR4@M4@A(+<I1*"U-SD])+>(" &1F
+print "not " unless unpack('u', $uu) eq $in;
+print "ok ", $test++, "\n";
+# Note that first uuencoding known 'text' data and then checking the
+# binary values of the uuencoded version would not be portable between
+# character sets. Uuencoding is meant for encoding binary data, not
+# text data.