+=head1 NAME
+Distar - Additions to ExtUtils::MakeMaker for dist authors
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ (do 'maint/Makefile.PL.include' or die $@) unless -f 'META.yml';
+ WriteMakefile(...);
+ BEGIN { -e 'Distar' or system("git clone git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/p5sagit/Distar.git") }
+ use lib 'Distar/lib';
+ use Distar 0.001;
+ author 'A. U. Thor <author@cpan.org>';
+ manifest_include t => 'test-helper.pl';
+ manifest_include corpus => '.txt';
+make commmands:
+ $ perl Makefile.PL
+ $ make bump # bump version
+ $ make bump V=2.000000 # bump to specific version
+ $ make bumpminor # bump minor version component
+ $ make bumpmajor # bump major version component
+ $ make nextrelease # add version heading to Changes file
+ $ make releasetest # build dist and test (with xt/ and RELEASE_TESTING=1)
+ $ make preflight # check that repo and file state is release ready
+ $ make release # check releasetest and preflight, then build and
+ # upload to CPAN, tag release, push tag and branch
+L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> works well enough as development tool for
+builting and testing, but using it to release is annoying and error prone.
+Distar adds just enough to L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> for it to be a usable dist
+author tool. This includes extra commands for releasing and safety checks, and
+automatic generation of some files. It doesn't require any non-core modules and
+is compatible with old versions of perl.
+=head2 author( $author )
+Set the author to include in generated META files. Can be a single entry, or
+an arrayref.
+=head2 manifest_include( $dir, $pattern )
+Add a pattern to include files in the MANIFEST file, and thus in the generated
+dist files.
+The pattern can be either a regex, or a path suffix. It will be applied to the
+full path past the directory specified.
+The default files that are always included are: F<.pm> and F<.pod> files in
+F<lib>, F<.t> files in F<t> and F<xt>, F<.pm> files in F<t/lib> and F<xt/lib>,
+F<Changes>, F<MANIFEST>, F<README>, F<LICENSE>, F<META.yml>, and F<.PL> files in
+the dist root, and all files in F<maint>.
+=over 4
+The F<MANIFEST.SKIP> will be automatically generated to exclude any files not
+explicitly allowed via C<manifest_include> or the included defaults. It will be
+created (or updated) at C<perl Makefile.PL> time.
+=item F<README>
+The F<README> file will be generated at dist generation time, inside the built
+dist. It will be generated using C<pod2text> on the main module.
+If a F<README> file exists in the repo, it will be used directly instead of
+generating the file.
+=head2 test
+test will be adjusted to include F<xt/> tests by default. This will only apply
+for authors, not users installing from CPAN.
+=head2 release
+Releases the dist. Before releasing, checks will be done on the dist using the
+C<preflight> and C<releasetest> commands.
+Releasing will generate a dist tarball and upload it to CPAN using cpan-upload.
+It will also create a git tag for the release, and push the tag and branch.
+=head2 preflight
+Performs a number of checks on the files and repository, ensuring it is in a
+sane state to do a release. The checks are:
+=over 4
+=item * All version numbers match
+=item * The F<MANIFEST> file is up to date
+=item * The branch is correct
+=item * There is no existing tag for the version
+=item * There are no unmerged upstream changes
+=item * There are no outstanding local changes
+=item * There is an appropriate staged Changes heading
+=item * cpan-upload is available
+=head2 releasetest
+Test the dist preparing for a release. This generates a dist dir and runs the
+tests from inside it. This ensures all appropriate files are included inside
+the dist. C<RELEASE_TESTING> will be set in the environment.
+=head2 nextrelease
+Adds an appropriate changelog heading for the release, and prompts to stage the
+=head2 bump
+Bumps the version number. This will try to preserve the length and format of
+the version number. The least significant digit will be incremented.
+Optionally accepts a C<V> option to set the version to a specific value.
+The version changes will automatically be committed. Unstaged modifications to
+the files will be left untouched.
+=head2 bumpminor
+Like bump, but increments the minor segment of the version. This will treat
+numeric versions as x.yyyzzz format, incrementing the yyy segment.
+=head2 bumpmajor
+Like bumpminor, but bumping the major segment.
+=head2 refresh
+Updates Distar and re-runs C<perl Makefile.PL>
+=head1 SUPPORT
+IRC: #web-simple on irc.perl.org
+Git repository: L<git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/p5sagit/Distar>
+Git browser: L<http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=p5sagit/Distar.git;a=summary>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <mst@shadowcat.co.uk>
+haarg - Graham Knop (cpan:HAARG) <haarg@cpan.org>
+ether = Karen Etheridge (cpan:ETHER) <ether@cpan.org>
+frew - Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt (cpan:FREW) <frioux@gmail.com>
+Mithaldu - Christian Walde (cpan:MITHALDU) <walde.christian@googlemail.com>
+Copyright (c) 2011-2015 the Distar L</AUTHOR> and L</CONTRIBUTORS>
+as listed above.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms
+as perl itself. See L<http://dev.perl.org/licenses/>.