test { $a{7}->()->() + $a{11}->()->() == 18 };
-# bugid #23265 - this used to coredump during destruction of PL_maincv
-# and its children
-require './test.pl';
-my $got = runperl(
- prog => q[
- print
- sub {$_[0]->(@_)} -> (
- sub {
- $_[1]
- ? $_[0]->($_[0], $_[1] - 1) . sub {"x"}->()
- : "y"
- },
- 2
- )
- , "\n"
- ;
- ],
- stderr => 1
-test { $got eq "yxx\n" };
+require './test.pl'; # for runperl()
+ # bugid #23265 - this used to coredump during destruction of PL_maincv
+ # and its children
+ my $progfile = "b23265.pl";
+ open(T, ">$progfile") or die "$0: $!\n";
+ print T << '__EOF__';
+ print
+ sub {$_[0]->(@_)} -> (
+ sub {
+ $_[1]
+ ? $_[0]->($_[0], $_[1] - 1) . sub {"x"}->()
+ : "y"
+ },
+ 2
+ )
+ , "\n"
+ ;
+ close T;
+ my $got = runperl(progfile => $progfile);
+ test { chomp $got; $got eq "yxx" };
+ END { 1 while unlink $progfile }