--- /dev/null
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::SQL::Translator;
+use Test::Differences;
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+ maybe_plan(1, 'SQL::Translator::Parser::XML',
+ 'SQL::Translator::Producer::XML');
+# It's very hard to read and modify YAML by hand. Thus we
+# use an XML file for definitions, and generate a YAML from
+# it in Makefile.PL, so we do not saddle the user with XML
+# dependencies for testing. This test makes sure they do
+# not drift apart.
+use SQL::Translator;
+my $base_xml_fn = "$Bin/data/roundtrip.xml";
+my $autogen_yaml_fn = "$Bin/data/roundtrip_autogen.yaml";
+my $orig_xml = _parse_to_xml ($base_xml_fn, 'XML');
+my $new_xml = _parse_to_xml ($autogen_yaml_fn, 'YAML');
+eq_or_diff ("$new_xml", "$orig_xml", 'YAML test schema matches original XML schema');
+sub _parse_to_xml {
+ my ($fn, $type) = @_;
+ my $tr = SQL::Translator->new;
+ $tr->no_comments (1); # this will drop the XML header
+ my $xml = $tr->translate (
+ parser => $type,
+ file => $fn,
+ producer => 'XML',
+ ) or die $tr->error;
+ return $xml;