--- /dev/null
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Differences;
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+use SQL::Translator;
+$Carp::Internal{'MooseX::Method::Signatures::Meta::Method'} = 1;
+### Set $ENV{SQLTTEST_RT_DEBUG} = 1 for more output
+# What tests to run - parser/producer name, and optional args
+my $plan = [
+# {
+# engine => 'XML',
+# req => 'XML::LibXML',
+# },
+ {
+ engine => 'YAML',
+ },
+# {
+# engine => 'SQLite',
+# producer_args => {},
+# parser_args => {},
+# },
+# {
+# engine => 'MySQL',
+# producer_args => {},
+# parser_args => {},
+# },
+# {
+# engine => 'MySQL',
+# name => 'MySQL 5.0',
+# producer_args => { mysql_version => 5 },
+# parser_args => { mysql_parser_version => 5 },
+# },
+# {
+# engine => 'MySQL',
+# name => 'MySQL 5.1',
+# producer_args => { mysql_version => '5.1' },
+# parser_args => { mysql_parser_version => '5.1' },
+# },
+# {
+# engine => 'PostgreSQL',
+# producer_args => {},
+# parser_args => {},
+# },
+# {
+# engine => 'SQLServer',
+# producer_args => {},
+# parser_args => {},
+# },
+# {
+# engine => 'Oracle',
+# producer_args => {},
+# parser_args => {},
+# todo => 'Needs volunteers',
+# },
+# {
+# engine => 'Sybase',
+# producer_args => {},
+# parser_args => {},
+# todo => 'Needs volunteers',
+# },
+# {
+# engine => 'DB2',
+# producer_args => {},
+# parser_args => {},
+# todo => 'Needs volunteers',
+# },
+# There is no Access producer
+# {
+# engine => 'Access',
+# producer_args => {},
+# parser_args => {},
+# },
+# This data file has the right mix of table/view/procedure/trigger
+# definitions, and lists enough quirks to trip up most combos
+my $base_file = "$Bin/data/roundtrip_autogen.yaml";
+open (my $base_fh, '<', $base_file) or die "$base_file: $!";
+my $base_t = SQL::Translator->new;
+#$base_t->$_ (1) for qw/add_drop_table no_comments/;
+my $base_schema = $base_t->translate (
+ parser => 'YAML',
+ data => do { local $/; <$base_fh>; },
+) or die $base_t->error;
+#assume there is at least one table
+my $string_re = {
+ XML => qr/<tables>\s*<table/,
+ YAML => qr/\A---\n.+tables\:/s,
+ SQL => qr/^\s*CREATE TABLE/m,
+for my $args (@$plan) {
+ SKIP: {
+ $args->{name} ||= $args->{engine};
+ my @req = ref $args->{req} ? @{$args->{req}} : $args->{req}||();
+ my @missing;
+ for (@req) {
+ eval "require $_";
+ push @missing, $_ if ($@);
+ }
+ if (@missing) {
+ skip sprintf ('Need %s for %s roundtrip test',
+ join (', ', @missing),
+ $args->{name},
+ );
+ }
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = $args->{todo} if $args->{todo};
+ lives_ok (
+# sub { check_roundtrip ($args, $base_schema) },
+ sub { check_roundtrip ($args, $base_t, $base_schema) },
+# sub { check_roundtrip ($args, $base_schema) },
+ "Round trip for $args->{name} did not throw an exception",
+ );
+ }
+ }
+sub check_roundtrip {
+# my ($args, $base_schema) = @_;
+# my $base_t = $base_schema->translator;
+ my ($args, $base_t, $base_schema) = @_;
+# create some output from the submitted schema
+ my $base_out = $base_t->translate (
+ data => $base_schema,
+ producer => $args->{engine},
+# producer_args => $args->{producer_args},
+ );
+ like (
+ $base_out,
+ $string_re->{$args->{engine}} || $string_re->{SQL},
+ "Received some meaningful output from the first $args->{name} production",
+ ) or do {
+ diag ( _gen_diag ($base_t->error) );
+ return;
+ };
+# parse the sql back
+ my $parser_t = SQL::Translator->new({ parser => 'YAML' });
+ #$parser_t->$_ (1) for qw/add_drop_table no_comments/;
+ my $mid_schema = $parser_t->translate (
+ data => $base_out,
+ parser => $args->{engine},
+# parser_args => $args->{parser_args},
+ );
+ isa_ok ($mid_schema, 'SQL::Translator::Object::Schema', "First $args->{name} parser pass produced a schema:")
+ or do {
+ diag (_gen_diag ( $parser_t->error, $base_out ) );
+ return;
+ };
+# schemas should be comparable at least as far as table/field numbers go
+ is_deeply (
+ _get_table_info ($mid_schema->get_tables),
+ _get_table_info ($base_schema->get_tables),
+ "Schema tables generally match afer $args->{name} parser trip",
+ ) or return;
+# and produce sql once again
+# Producing a schema with a Translator different from the one the schema was generated
+# from does not work. This is arguably a bug, 61translator_agnostic.t works with that
+# my $producer_t = SQL::Translator->new;
+# $producer_t->$_ (1) for qw/add_drop_table no_comments/;
+# my $rt_sql = $producer_t->translate (
+# data => $mid_schema,
+# producer => $args->{engine},
+# producer_args => $args->{producer_args},
+# );
+ my $rt_out = $parser_t->translate (
+ data => $mid_schema,
+ producer => $args->{engine},
+# producer_args => $args->{producer_args},
+ );
+ like (
+ $rt_out,
+ $string_re->{$args->{engine}} || $string_re->{SQL},
+ "Received some meaningful output from the second $args->{name} production",
+ ) or do {
+ diag ( _gen_diag ( $parser_t->error ) );
+ return;
+ };
+# the two sql strings should be identical
+ my $msg = "$args->{name} SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match";
+ $ENV{SQLTTEST_RT_DEBUG} #stringify below because IO::Scalar does not behave nice
+ ? eq_or_diff ("$rt_out", "$base_out", $msg)
+ : ok ("$rt_out" eq "$base_out", $msg)
+ ;
+sub _get_table_info {
+ my @tables = @_;
+ my @info;
+ for my $t (@tables) { warn $t->name . "\t" . (join ', ', map { $_->name } $t->get_fields) . "\n";
+ push @info, {
+ name => $t->name,
+ fields => [
+ map { $_->name } ($t->get_fields),
+ ],
+ };
+ }
+ return \@info;
+# takes an error string and an optional output block
+# returns the string conctenated with a line-numbered block for
+# easier reading
+sub _gen_diag {
+ my ($err, $out) = @_;
+ return 'Unknown error' unless $err;
+ if ($out and $ENV{SQLTTEST_RT_DEBUG}) {
+ my @lines;
+ for (split /\n/, $out) {
+ push @lines, sprintf ('%03d: %s',
+ scalar @lines + 1,
+ $_,
+ );
+ }
+ return "$err\n\n" . join ("\n", @lines);
+ }
+ return $err;