is_same_sql_bind is_same_sql is_same_bind
eq_sql_bind eq_sql eq_bind
my ($sql, @bind) = SQL::Abstract->new->select(%args);
is_same_sql_bind($given_sql, \@given_bind,
Therefore the tests will pass as long as the semantics
is preserved, even if the surface syntax has changed.
-B<Disclaimer> : this is only a half-cooked semantic equivalence;
-parsing is simple-minded, and comparison of SQL abstract syntax trees
-ignores commutativity or associativity of AND/OR operators, Morgan
-laws, etc.
+B<Disclaimer> : the semantic equivalence handling is pretty limited.
+A lot of effort goes into distinguishing significant from
+non-significant parenthesis, including AND/OR operator associativity.
+Currently this module does not support commutativity and more
+intelligent transformations like Morgan laws, etc.
+For a good overview of what this test framework is capable of refer
+to C<t/10test.t>