# ...
-sub illegal_options_for_inheritance { }
+# method-generating options shouldn't be overridden
+sub illegal_options_for_inheritance {
+ qw(is reader writer accessor clearer predicate)
# This method *must* be able to handle
sub clone_and_inherit_options {
my ($self, %options) = @_;
- my %copy = %options;
# we may want to extends a Class::MOP::Attribute
# in which case we need to be able to use the
? $self->illegal_options_for_inheritance
: ();
- my @found_illegal_options = grep { exists $options{$_} ? $_ : undef } @illegal_options;
+ my @found_illegal_options = grep { exists $options{$_} && exists $self->{$_} ? $_ : undef } @illegal_options;
(scalar @found_illegal_options == 0)
|| $self->throw_error("Illegal inherited options => (" . (join ', ' => @found_illegal_options) . ")", data => \%options);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ );
+ has bar => (
+ clearer => 'clear_bar',
+ );
- package Bar::Meta::Attribute;
+ package Foo::Sub;
use Moose;
- extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
+ extends 'Foo';
- has 'my_illegal_option' => (
- isa => 'CodeRef',
- is => 'rw',
- );
+ ::throws_ok { has '+foo' => (is => 'rw') } qr/illegal/, "can't override is";
+ ::throws_ok { has '+foo' => (reader => 'bar') } qr/illegal/, "can't override reader";
+ ::lives_ok { has '+foo' => (clearer => 'baz') } "can override unspecified things";
+ ::throws_ok { has '+bar' => (clearer => 'quux') } qr/illegal/, "can't override clearer";
+ ::lives_ok { has '+bar' => (predicate => 'has_bar') } "can override unspecified things";
+ package Bar::Meta::Attribute;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ has my_illegal_option => (is => 'ro');
around illegal_options_for_inheritance => sub {
- return (shift->(@_), qw/my_illegal_option/);
+ return (shift->(@_), 'my_illegal_option');
package Bar;
use Moose;
- has 'bar' => (
- metaclass => 'Bar::Meta::Attribute',
- my_illegal_option => sub { 'Bar' },
- is => 'bare',
+ ::lives_ok {
+ has bar => (
+ traits => ['Bar::Meta::Attribute'],
+ my_illegal_option => 'FOO',
+ is => 'bare',
+ );
+ } "can use illegal options";
+ has baz => (
+ traits => ['Bar::Meta::Attribute'],
+ is => 'bare',
+ package Bar::Sub;
+ use Moose;
+ extends 'Bar';
+ ::throws_ok { has '+bar' => (my_illegal_option => 'BAR') }
+ qr/illegal/,
+ "can't override illegal attribute";
+ ::lives_ok { has '+baz' => (my_illegal_option => 'BAR') }
+ "can add illegal option if superclass doesn't set it";
my $bar_attr = Bar->meta->get_attribute('bar');
-my ($illegal_option) = grep {
- $_ eq 'my_illegal_option'
-} $bar_attr->illegal_options_for_inheritance;
-is($illegal_option, 'my_illegal_option',
- '... added my_illegal_option as illegal option for inheritance' );
+ok((grep { $_ eq 'my_illegal_option' } $bar_attr->illegal_options_for_inheritance) > 0, '... added my_illegal_option as illegal option for inheritance');