# PRANG - failing for quite some time (since before 2.0400)
-# won't build, for actual reasons:
-App-CPAN2Pkg # Tk doesn't compile
-App-Fotagger # Imager doesn't compile
+# not in cpan index
Black-Board # not found on cpan because of mxd
-CM-Permutation # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
-Dackup # depends on running ssh
-Date-Biorhythm # Date::Business prompts in Makefile.PL
-Data-Collector # depends on running ssh
-POE-Component-OpenSSH # depends on running ssh
-Perl-Dist-Strawberry-BuildPerl-5123 # windows only
-Perl-Dist-WiX # windows only
-Perl-Dist-WiX-BuildPerl-5123 # windows only
-Test-SFTP # Term::ReadPassword prompts in tests
-VirtualBox-Manage # not found on cpan because of mxd
-helm # depends on running ssh
-# won't build, for unknown reasons
-App-HistHub # ???
-App-Twitch # ???
-CPAN-Patches # ???
-CPAN-Patches-Plugin-Debian # ???
-Debian-Apt-PM # ???
-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BuildSelf # ???
-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuildTiny # ???
-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-DistManifest # ???
-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Portability # ???
-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Synopsis # ???
-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-UnusedVars # ???
-Lingua-TreeTagger # ???
-POE-Component-CPAN-Mirror-Multiplexer # ???
-POE-Component-Client-CouchDB # ???
-POE-Component-Github # ???
-POE-Component-Metabase-Relay-Server # ???
-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-PreFork # ???
-Tapper-Testplan # ??? (hangs)
-Test-Daily # ???
-WWW-Alltop # ???
-WWW-Hashdb # ??? (hangs, pegging cpu)
-WebService-Async # ??? (hangs, pegging cpu)
-WebService-LOC-CongRec # ???
-Zucchini # ??? (hangs)
-# not in cpan index for some reason
Hopkins # not found on cpan (?)
PostScript-Barcode # not found on cpan (?)
+VirtualBox-Manage # not found on cpan because of mxd
+# no tests
# failing for a reason
-AI-ExpertSystem-Advanced # no tests
-API-Assembla # no tests
Algorithm-KernelKMeans # mx-types-common changes broke it
Alien-ActiveMQ # can't install activemq
AnyEvent-Inotify-Simple # ??? (maybe issue with test::sweet)
AnyEvent-JSONRPC # tests require recommended deps
AnyEvent-Retry # mx-types-common changes broke it
AnyEvent-ZeroMQ # requires zeromq installation
+App-CPAN2Pkg # Tk doesn't compile
App-Dataninja # bad M::I install in inc/
App-ForExample # getopt::chain is broken
+App-Fotagger # Imager doesn't compile
App-Magpie # deps on URPM which doesn't exist
App-PgCryobit # requires postgres installation
App-TemplateServer # broken use of types
App-TemplateServer-Provider-TD # dep on app-templateserver
App-TimeTracker # git::repository is broken
App-USBKeyCopyCon # gtk tests are graphical
-App-mkfeyorm # no tests
Archive-RPM # requires cpio
Bio-MAGETAB # datetime-format-datemanip is broken
-Bot-Applebot # no tests
Bot-Backbone # broken deps
Business-UPS-Tracking # broken
-CHI-Driver-Redis # requires redis server
-CPAN-Mini-Webserver # undeclared dep on lingua-stopwords
Cache-Profile # broken
-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-Facebook-OAuth2 # no tests
-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-Fey-ORM # no tests
Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP-AD-Class # pod coverage fail
-Catalyst-Controller-MovableType # no tests
Catalyst-Controller-Resources # broken
Catalyst-Engine-Stomp # requires alien::activemq
-Catalyst-Model-MenuGrinder # no tests
Catalyst-Model-Search-ElasticSearch # requires elasticsearch
Catalyst-Model-Sedna # deps on Alien-Sedna which doesn't exist
Catalyst-Plugin-Continuation # undeclared dep
CatalystX-Usul # proc::processtable doesn't load
Cave-Wrapper # requires cave to be installed
Cheater # parse::randgen is broken
+CHI-Driver-Redis # requires redis server
Class-OWL # uses CMOP::Class without loading cmop
+CM-Permutation # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
Cogwheel # uses ancient moose apis
Constructible # GD::SVG is a broken dist
Coro-Amazon-SimpleDB # amazon::simpledb::client doesn't exist
-DBICx-Modeler-Generator # broken (weirdly)
-DBIx-PgLink # requires postgres installation
-DBIx-SchemaChecksum # broken
+CPAN-Mini-Webserver # undeclared dep on lingua-stopwords
+CPAN-Patches-Plugin-Debian # configure time failures
+Dackup # depends on running ssh
Data-Apache-mod_status # invalid characters in type name
+Data-Collector # depends on running ssh
Data-PackageName # broken
Data-Pipeline # uses ancient moose apis
+Date-Biorhythm # Date::Business prompts in Makefile.PL
DayDayUp # MojoX-Fixup-XHTML doesn't exist
+DBICx-Modeler-Generator # broken (weirdly)
+DBIx-PgLink # requires postgres installation
+DBIx-SchemaChecksum # broken
+Debian-Apt-PM # configure time failures
Devel-Events # broken (role conflict)
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ProgCriticTests # broken
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-SVK # requires svn bindings
DustyDB # uses old moose apis
ELF-Extract-Sections # uses stash entries with ::
ETLp # uses stash entries with ::
-FFmpeg-Thumbnail # undeclared dep
Fedora-App-MaintainerTools # requires rpm to be installed
Fedora-App-ReviewTool # requires koji to be installed
+FFmpeg-Thumbnail # undeclared dep
File-DataClass # XML::DTD is a broken dist
Finance-Bank-SentinelBenefits-Csv401kConverter # uses stash entries with ::
Forest-Tree-Viewer-Gtk2 # gtk tests are graphical
Form-Factory # uses old moose apis
Frost # broken
-GOBO # coerce with no coercion
Games-Pandemic # tk doesn't build
Games-RailRoad # tk doesn't build
Games-Risk # tk doesn't build
Games-Tetris-Complete # requires threads
Getopt-Chain # p::d::builder changed dists
+GOBO # coerce with no coercion
Google-Spreadsheet-Agent # pod::coverage fail
-HTML-TreeBuilderX-ASP_NET # broken
+helm # depends on running ssh
Hobocamp # configure_requires needs EU::CChecker
Horris # App::Horris isn't on cpan
+HTML-TreeBuilderX-ASP_NET # broken
IM-Engine-Plugin-Dispatcher # p::d::declarative changed dists
JavaScript-Framework-jQuery # coerce with no coercion
Jungle # broken
Kamaitachi # pod::coverage fail
KiokuDB-Backend-Files # broken
+Lingua-TreeTagger # requires treetagger to be installed
Locale-MO-File # broken
Log-Dispatch-Gtk2-Notify # gtk tests are graphical
-MSWord-ToHTML # requires abiword to be installed
Mail-Summary-Tools # DT::Format::DateManip is broken
MediaWiki-USERINFO # broken
+mobirc # http::engine broken
MooseX-Attribute-Prototype # uses old moose apis
MooseX-DBIC-Scaffold # needs unreleased sql-translator
-MooseX-DOM # "no Moose" unimports confess
MooseX-Documenter # broken
+MooseX-DOM # "no Moose" unimports confess
MooseX-Error-Exception-Class # metaclass compat breakage
MooseX-Meta-Attribute-Index # old moose apis
MooseX-Meta-Attribute-Lvalue # old moose apis
MooseX-Struct # ancient moose apis
MooseX-TrackDirty-Attributes # old moose apis
+MSWord-ToHTML # requires abiword to be installed
+namespace-alias # won't compile
Net-Douban # broken
-Net-Dropbox # no tests
Net-FluidDB # broken
Net-Fluidinfo # broken
+NetHack-Item # NH::Monster::Spoiler is broken
+NetHack-Monster-Spoiler # broken (MX::CA issues)
Net-HTTP-Factual # broken
Net-Journyx # broken
Net-Parliament # broken
Net-Plurk # broken
-Net-Recurly # no tests
Net-StackExchange # broken
-NetHack-Item # NH::Monster::Spoiler is broken
-NetHack-Monster-Spoiler # broken (MX::CA issues)
Nginx-Control # requires nginx to be installed
ODG-Record # Test::Benchmark broken
+Paludis-UseCleaner # needs cave::wrapper
+Parse-FixedRecord # broken
+Perlanet # HTML::Tidy requires tidyp
+Perlbal-Control # proc::processtable doesn't load
+Perl-Dist-Strawberry-BuildPerl-5123 # windows only
+Perl-Dist-WiX-BuildPerl-5123 # windows only
+Perl-Dist-WiX # windows only
+Pg-BulkCopy # hardcodes /usr/bin/perl
+POE-Component-CPAN-Mirror-Multiplexer # broken
POE-Component-DirWatch-Object # broken
+POE-Component-OpenSSH # depends on running ssh
POE-Component-ResourcePool # broken
-POE-Component-Server-MySQL # no tests
POE-Component-Server-PSGI # broken deps
+POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-PreFork # broken deps
POEx-ProxySession # broken deps
POEx-PubSub # broken deps
POEx-WorkerPool # broken deps
-Paludis-UseCleaner # needs cave::wrapper
-Parse-FixedRecord # broken
-Perlanet # HTML::Tidy requires tidyp
-Perlbal-Control # proc::processtable doesn't load
-Pg-BulkCopy # hardcodes /usr/bin/perl
Queue-Leaky # broken
-Random-Quantum # no tests
RDF-Server # "no Moose" unimports confess
-RPC-Any # broken
Reaction # signatures is broken
Reflexive-Role-Collective # broken (reflex::role changes?)
Reflexive-Role-DataMover # broken (reflex::role changes?)
Reflexive-Role-TCPServer # broken (reflex::role changes?)
-SRS-EPP-Proxy # depends on xml::epp
-STD # no tests
+RPC-Any # broken
Scene-Graph # has '+attr' in roles
-SchemaEvolution # no tests
Server-Control # proc::processtable doesn't load
SilkiX-Converter-Kwiki # file::mimeinfo expects (?-xism:
SimpleDB-Class # requires memcached
+SRS-EPP-Proxy # depends on xml::epp
String-Blender # broken
TAEB # broken
Tail-Tool # Getopt::Alt doesn't exist
Tapper-Installer # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
-Tapper-MCP # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Tapper-MCP-MessageReceiver # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
+Tapper-MCP # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Tapper-Reports-API # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
+Tapper-Testplan # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Telephone-Mnemonic-US # rpm-build-perl is broken
Test-A8N # broken
+Test-Daily # configure errors
+Test-SFTP # Term::ReadPassword prompts in tests
Thorium # requires Hobocamp
Tk-Role-Dialog # tk won't compile
TryCatch-Error # broken
Verby # requires poe::component::resourcepool
-WWW-FMyLife # broken
+Weaving-Tablet # tk doesn't compile
+WebService-Yes24 # broken
+WiX3 # broken
WWW-Fandango # bad dist
+WWW-FMyLife # broken
+WWW-Hashdb # test hangs, pegging cpu
WWW-Metalgate # Cache is broken
WWW-Scramble # pod::coverage fail
WWW-StaticBlog # time::sofar is broken
WWW-Yahoo-Lyrics-JP # broken
-Weaving-Tablet # tk doesn't compile
-WebService-Buxfer # no tests
-WebService-CloudFlare-Host # no tests
-WebService-Yes24 # broken
-WiX3 # broken
XIRCD # undeclared deps
XML-EPP # coerce without coercion
Yukki # git::repository is broken
-mobirc # http::engine broken
-namespace-alias # won't compile
+Zucchini # File::Rsync prompts in Makefile.PL
# dep resolution failures or something (these pass when run manually)
+App-HistHub # JSON::Any can't see JSON::XS?