use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
## On create/insert, add new entry to AuditLog
# sub new
$self->next::method($upd, @rest);
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Journal - auditing for tables managed by DBIx::Class
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package My::Schema;
+ use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/+DBIx::Class::Schema::Journal/);
+ __PACKAGE__->journal_connection(['dbi:SQLite:t/var/Audit.db']);
+ __PACKAGE__->journal_user(['My::Schema::User', {'foreign.userid' => 'self.user_id'}]);
+ ########
+ $schema->changeset_user($user->id);
+ my $new_artist = $schema->txn_do( sub {
+ return = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({ name => 'Fred' });
+ });
+The purpose of this L<DBIx::Class> component module is to create an
+audit-trail for all changes made to the data in your database (via a
+DBIx::Class schema). It creates changesets and assigns each
+create/update/delete operation an id. The creation and deletion date
+of each row is stored, as well as the previous contents of any row
+that gets changed.
+All queries which want auditing should be called using
+L<DBIx::Class::Schema/txn_do>, which is used to create changesets for
+each transaction.
+To track who did which changes, the user_id (an integer) of the
+current user can be set, a session_id can also be set, both are
+To access the auditing schema to look at the auditdata or revert a
+change, use C<< $schema->_journal_schema >>.
+=head2 TABLES
+The journal schema contains a number of tables.
+=item ChangeSet
+Each changeset row has an auto-incremented ID, optional user_id and
+session_id, and a set_date which defaults to the current datetime.
+A ChangeSet has_many Changes.
+=item Change
+Each change/operation done in the transaction is recorded as a row in
+the Change table. It contains an auto-incrementing ID, the
+changeset_id and an order column for the ordering of each change in
+the changeset.
+=item AuditLog
+For every table in the original database that is to be audited, an
+AuditLog table is created. Each auditlog row has an id which will
+contain the primary key of the table it is associated with. (NB:
+currently only supports integer-based single column PKs). The
+create_id and delete_id fields contain the IDs of the Changes that
+created or deleted this row.
+=item AuditHistory
+For every table in the original database to be audited, an
+AuditHistory table is created. Each row has a change_id field
+containing the ID of the Change row. The other fields correspond to
+all the fields from the original table. Each time a column value in
+the original table is changed, the entire row contents before the
+change are added as a new row in this table.
+=head2 METHODS
+=item journal_connection
+=item Arguments: \@connect_info
+Set the connection information for the database to save your audit
+information to. Leaving this blank assumes you want to store the audit
+data into your current database.
+=item journal_sources
+=item Arguments: \@source_names
+Set a list of source names you would like to audit, if unset, all
+sources are used.
+NOTE: Currently only sources with a single-column PK are supported, so
+use this method if you have sources with multi-column PKs.
+=item journal_storage_type
+=item Arguments: $storage_type
+Enter the special storage type of your journal schema if needed. See
+L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI> for more information on storage types.
+=item journal_user
+=item Arguments: \@relation_args
+The user_id column in the L</ChangeSet> will be linked to your user id
+with a belongs_to relation, if this is set with the appropriate
+=item changeset_user
+=item Arguments: $user_id
+Set the user_id for the following changeset(s). This must be an integer.
+=item changeset_session
+=item Arguments: $user_id
+Set the session_id for the following changeset(s). This must be an integer.
+=item txn_do
+=iitem Arguments: $code_ref
+Overloaded L<DBIx::Class::Schema/txn_do>, this must be used to start a
+new changeset to cover a group of changes. Each subsequent change to
+an audited table will use the changeset_id created in the most recent
+txn_do call.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<DBIx::Class> - You'll need it to use this.
+=head1 NOTES
+Only single-column integer primary key'd tables are supported for auditing so far.
+Updates made via L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/update> are not yet supported.
+No API for viewing or restoring changes yet.
+Patches for the above welcome ;)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jess Robinson <>
+Matt S. Trout <> (ideas and prodding)
+=head1 LICENCE
+You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('journal_sources'); ## [ source names ]
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('journal_user'); ## [ class, field for user id ]
+__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('_journal_schema'); ## schema object for journal
our $VERSION = '0.01';
-sub throw_exception
+use strict;
+use warnings;
-sub exception_action
- my $self = shift;
-# print STDERR Carp::longmess;
+# sub throw_exception
+# {
+# }
+# sub exception_action
+# {
+# my $self = shift;
+# # print STDERR Carp::longmess;
- $self->next::method(@_);
+# $self->next::method(@_);
+# }
# sub load_classes
# {
my $cs = $self->_journal_schema->resultset('ChangeSet');
- my %changesetdata = ( $self->_journal_schema->current_user() ? ( 'user_id', $self->_journal_schema->current_user()) : () ),
- ( $self->_journal_schema->current_session() ? ( session_id => $self->_journal_schema->current_session() ) : () );
+ my %changesetdata;
+ if( defined $self->_journal_schema->current_user() )
+ {
+ $changesetdata{user_id} = $self->_journal_schema->current_user();
+ }
+ if( defined $self->_journal_schema->current_session() )
+ {
+ $changesetdata{session_id} = $self->_journal_schema->current_session();
+ }
+# (
+# $self->_journal_schema->current_user()
+# ? ( user_id => $self->_journal_schema->current_user())
+# : (),
+# $self->_journal_schema->current_session()
+# ? ( session_id => $self->_journal_schema->current_session() )
+# : ()
+# );
%changesetdata = ( ID => undef );
+sub changeset_user
+ my ($self, $userid) = @_;
+ return $self->_journal_schema->current_user() if(@_ == 1);
+ $self->_journal_schema->current_user($userid);
+sub changeset_session
+ my ($self, $sessionid) = @_;
+ return $self->_journal_schema->current_session() if(@_ == 1);
+ $self->_journal_schema->current_session($sessionid);
eval "use DBD::SQLite";
plan $@
? ( skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite for testing' )
- : ( tests => 9 );
+ : ( tests => 12 );
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(no_populate => 1);
my $alentry = $search->find({ ID => $new_cd->get_column($new_cd->primary_columns) });
ok(defined($alentry->deleted), 'Deleted set in audit_log');
+$schema->txn_do( sub {
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->create({
+ title => 'Something 2',
+ artist => $artist,
+ year => 1999,
+ });
+} );
+ok($search->count > 1, 'Created an second entry in the CD audit history');
+my $cset = $schema->_journal_schema->resultset('ChangeSet')->find(5);
+is($cset->user_id, 1, 'Set user id for 5th changeset');
+$schema->txn_do( sub {
+ $schema->resultset('CD')->create({
+ title => 'Something 3',
+ artist => $artist,
+ year => 1999,
+ });
+} );
+my $cset2 = $schema->_journal_schema->resultset('ChangeSet')->find(6);
+is($cset2->session_id, 1, 'Set session id for 6th changeset');