C<use Function::Parameters qw(:strict)> is equivalent to
C<< use Function::Parameters { fun => 'function_strict', method => 'method_strict' } >>.
+=head2 Introspection
+You can ask a function at runtime what parameters it has. This functionality is
+available through the function C<Function::Parameters::info> (which is not
+exported, so you have to call it by its full name). It takes a reference to a
+function, and returns either C<undef> (if it knows nothing about the function)
+or a L<Function::Parameters::Info> object describing the parameter list.
+See L<Function::Parameters::Info> for examples.
=head2 Wrapping C<Function::Parameters>
If you want to write a wrapper around C<Function::Parameters>, you only have to
# ... turns into ...
sub bar :method { my $self = shift; my ($x, $y, @z) = @_; sub bar; ... }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lukas Mai, C<< <l.mai at web.de> >>
eval "$gen\n1" or die $@;
+sub args_min {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $r = 0;
+ $r++ if defined $self->invocant;
+ $r += $self->positional_required;
+ $r += $self->named_required * 2;
+ $r
+sub args_max {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 0 + 'Inf' if defined $self->slurpy || $self->named_required || $self->named_optional;
+ my $r = 0;
+ $r++ if defined $self->invocant;
+ $r += $self->positional_required;
+ $r += $self->positional_optional;
+ $r
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+Function::Parameters::Info - Information about parameter lists
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Function::Parameters;
+ fun foo($x, $y, :$hello, :$world = undef) {}
+ my $info = Function::Parameters::info \&foo;
+ my $p0 = $info->invocant; # undef
+ my @p1 = $info->positional_required; # ('$x', '$y')
+ my @p2 = $info->positional_optional; # ()
+ my @p3 = $info->named_required; # ('$hello')
+ my @p4 = $info->named_optional; # ('$world')
+ my $p5 = $info->slurpy; # undef
+ my $min = $info->args_min; # 4
+ my $max = $info->args_max; # inf
+ my $invocant = Function::Parameters::info(method () { 42 })->invocant; # '$self'
+ my $slurpy = Function::Parameters::info(fun {})->slurpy; # '@_'
+L<C<Function::Parameters::info>|Function::Parameters/Introspection> returns
+objects of this class to describe parameter lists of functions. The following
+methods are available:
+=head2 C<< $info->invocant >>
+Returns the name of the variable into which the first argument is
+L<C<shift>|perlfunc/shift>ed into automatically, or C<undef> if no such thing
+exists. This will usually return C<'$self'> for methods.
+=head2 C<< $info->positional_required >>
+Returns a list of the names of the required positional parameters (or a count
+in scalar context).
+=head2 C<< $info->positional_optional >>
+Returns a list of the names of the optional positional parameters (or a count
+in scalar context).
+=head2 C<< $info->named_required >>
+Returns a list of the names of the required named parameters (or a count
+in scalar context).
+=head2 C<< $info->named_optional >>
+Returns a list of the names of the optional named parameters (or a count
+in scalar context).
+=head2 C<< $info->slurpy >>
+Returns the name of the final array or hash that gobbles up all remaining
+arguments, or C<undef> if no such thing exists.
+As a special case, functions defined without an explicit parameter list (i.e.
+without C<( )>) will return C<'@_'> here because they accept any number of
+=head2 C<< $info->args_min >>
+Returns the minimum number of arguments this function requires. This is
+computed as follows: Invocant and required positional parameters count 1 each.
+Optional parameters don't count. Required named parameters count 2 each (key +
+value). Slurpy parameters don't count either because they accept empty lists.
+=head2 C<< $info->args_max >>
+Returns the maximum number of arguments this function accepts. This is computed
+as follows: If there is any named or slurpy parameter, the result is C<Inf>.
+Otherwise the result is the sum of all invocant and positional parameters.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Lukas Mai, C<< <l.mai at web.de> >>
+Copyright 2012 Lukas Mai.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
+See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use strict;
-use Test::More tests => 104;
+use Test::More tests => 122;
use Function::Parameters;
+sub Inf () { 0 + 'Inf' }
fun foo($pr1, $pr2, $po1 = 1, $po2 = 2, :$no1 = 3, :$no2 = 4, %r) {}
is_deeply [$info->named_optional], [qw($no1 $no2)];
is scalar $info->named_optional, 2;
is $info->slurpy, '%r';
+ is $info->args_min, 2;
+ is $info->args_max, Inf;
is_deeply [$info->named_optional], [];
is scalar $info->named_optional, 0;
is $info->slurpy, undef;
+ is $info->args_min, 5;
+ is $info->args_max, Inf;
sub bar {}
is_deeply [$info->named_optional], [qw($no1)];
is scalar $info->named_optional, 1;
is $info->slurpy, '@rem';
+ is $info->args_min, 1;
+ is $info->args_max, Inf;
is_deeply [$info->named_optional], [];
is scalar $info->named_optional, 0;
is $info->slurpy, undef;
+ is $info->args_min, 1;
+ is $info->args_max, 1;
is_deeply [$info->named_optional], [];
is scalar $info->named_optional, 0;
is $info->slurpy, '@_';
+ is $info->args_min, 0;
+ is $info->args_max, Inf;
is_deeply [$info->named_optional], [];
is scalar $info->named_optional, 0;
is $info->slurpy, '@_';
+ is $info->args_min, 1;
+ is $info->args_max, Inf;
is_deeply [$info->named_optional], [];
is scalar $info->named_optional, 0;
is $info->slurpy, undef;
+ is $info->args_min, 6;
+ is $info->args_max, Inf;
is $f->(), $i;