use SCSite::PageSet;
use Web::Simple;
- package SCSite::Link; use Moo; has $_ => (is => 'ro') for qw(title to);
-has _topbar => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [
- map SCSite::Link->new(title => $_->[0], to => $_->[1] ),
- map [ /^(.*?)\s+(\S+)$/ ],
- split("\n", <<'ENDBAR')
-Home /
-About /about
-News /news
-Catalyst /catalyst
-Servers /servers
-Professional Services /services
-Blogs /blog
- ] }
has pages => (is => 'lazy');
+has filters => (is => 'lazy');
has _layout_zoom => (is => 'lazy');
sub default_config {
sub _build_pages {
my ($self) = @_;
- SCSite::PageSet->new(base_dir => $self->config->{pages_dir})
+ SCSite::PageSet->new(base_dir => io->dir($self->config->{pages_dir}))
+sub _build_filters {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ require SCSite::SubListFilter;
+ +{ SubList => SCSite::SubListFilter->new }
sub dispatch_request {
- ->select('.topbar_entries')->repeat_content([
- map { my $e = $_; sub {
- $_->select('.entry')->replace_content($e->title)
- ->then->set_attribute(href => $e->to)
- } } @{$self->_topbar}
- ])
+ ->select('.SubList')->collect({
+ filter => $self->filters->{SubList}->callback_for($page),
+ passthrough => 1,
+ })
--- /dev/null
+package SCSite::Filter;
+use Moo::Role;
+requires '_filter_stream';
+sub callback_for {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ sub {
+ my ($stream) = @_;
+ my $config = $self->_parse_config($stream->peek);
+ $self->_filter_stream($stream, $config, @args)
+ }
+sub _parse_config {
+ my ($self, $evt) = @_;
+ my %config = ( # adapted from CSS::Tiny, extracts -scs- prefix.
+ map /^\s*-scs-([\w._-]+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/,
+ grep { /\S/ } split /\;/, ($evt->{attrs}{style}||'')
+ );
+ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/ for values %config;
+ \%config;
--- /dev/null
+package SCSite::LatestPageSet;
+use Moo;
+has _parent => (is => 'ro', required => 1, init_arg => 'parent');
+has _max_entries => (is => 'ro', required => 1, init_arg => 'max_entries');
+sub flatten {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @sorted = sort {
+ $a->created cmp $b->created
+ } $self->_parent->flatten;
+ $self->_max_entries ? @sorted[0..$self->_max_entries-1] : @sorted;
+sub map {
+ my ($self, $mapper) = @_;
+ [ map $mapper->($_), $self->flatten ]
--- /dev/null
+package SCSite::Page;
+use IO::All;
+use Moo;
+has $_ => (is => 'ro') for qw(title description keywords body created);
+has "_$_" => (is => 'ro', init_arg => $_) for qw(page_set path);
+sub children {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $ps = $self->_page_set;
+ (ref $ps)->new(
+ base_dir => io->dir($ps->base_dir)->catdir($self->_path),
+ max_depth => 1
+ );
package SCSite::PageSet;
-{ package SCSite::Page; use Moo;
- has $_ => (is => 'ro') for qw(title description keywords body);
use IO::All;
use Text::MultiMarkdown 'markdown';
use HTML::Zoom;
+use Sub::Quote;
+use Syntax::Keyword::Gather;
+use SCSite::Page;
use Moo;
has base_dir => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
+has max_depth => (is => 'ro', default => quote_sub q{ 0 });
sub get {
my ($self, $spec) = @_;
my @poss = io->dir($self->base_dir)->${\sub {
my $io = shift;
defined($dir) ? $io->catdir($dir) : $io
- }}->filter(sub { $_->filename =~ /\Q${file}\E\.(html|md)/ and $type = $1 })
+ }}->filter(sub {
+ $_->filename =~ /^\Q${file}\E${\$self->_types_re}$/ and $type = $1
+ })
die "multiple files found for ${\$spec->{path}}:\n".join "\n", @poss
if @poss > 1;
- $self->${\"_inflate_${type}"}($poss[0]->all);
+ return undef unless @poss;
+ $self->${\"_inflate_${type}"}($spec->{path}, $poss[0]->all);
+sub map {
+ my ($self, $mapper) = @_;
+ [ map $mapper->($_), $self->flatten ]
+sub flatten {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my %seen;
+ map {
+ my ($path, $type) = $_->name =~ /^(.*)${\$self->_types_re}$/;
+ $self->${\"_inflate_${type}"}(
+ File::Spec->abs2rel($path, $self->base_dir->name), $_->all
+ );
+ } io->dir($self->base_dir)
+ ->filter(sub { $_->filename =~ /${\$self->_types_re}$/ })
+ ->all_files($self->max_depth)
+sub latest {
+ my ($self, $max) = @_;
+ require SCSite::LatestPageSet;
+ SCSite::LatestPageSet->new(
+ parent => $self,
+ max_entries => $max,
+ );
sub _new_page {
- SCSite::Page->new($_[1])
+ SCSite::Page->new({ path => $_[1], page_set => $_[0], %{$_[2]} })
+sub _types_re { qw/\.(html|md)/ }
sub _inflate_html {
- my ($self, $html) = @_;
- $self->_new_page($self->_extract_from_html($html));
+ my ($self, $path, $html) = @_;
+ $self->_new_page($path, $self->_extract_from_html($html));
sub _extract_from_html {
->select('title')->collect_content({ into => \my @title })
->select('meta[name=description]')->collect({ into => \my @description })
->select('meta[name=keywords]')->collect({ into => \my @keywords })
+ ->select('meta[name=created]')->collect({ into => \my @created })
->select('body')->collect_content({ into => \my @body })
- title => $title[0]->{raw},
- description => $description[0]->{attrs}{content},
- keywords => $keywords[0]->{attrs}{content},
- body => HTML::Zoom->from_events(\@body)->to_html,
+ title => $title[0]->{raw}||'',
+ description => $description[0]->{attrs}{content}||'',
+ keywords => $keywords[0]->{attrs}{content}||'',
+ created => $created[0]->{attrs}{content}||'',
+ body => HTML::Zoom->from_events(\@body)->to_html||'',
sub _inflate_md {
- my ($self, $md) = @_;
- $self->_new_page($self->_extract_from_md($md));
+ my ($self, $path, $md) = @_;
+ $self->_new_page($path, $self->_extract_from_md($md));
sub _extract_from_md {
--- /dev/null
+package SCSite::SubListFilter;
+use Moo;
+with 'SCSite::Filter';
+sub _filter_stream {
+ my ($self, $stream, $config, $page) = @_;
+ my $max = $config->{max_entries}||undef; # explicit undef (not 0)
+ $stream->select('.SubList')
+ ->repeat_content($page->children->latest($max)->map(sub {
+ my $o = shift;
+ sub {
+ $_->select('.entry.title')->replace_content($o->title)
+ ->select('.entry.description')->replace_content($o->description)
+ ->select('.entry.created')->replace_content($o->created)
+ }
+ }));
<div class="title">page title</div>
<ul class="topbar_entries">
- <li><a class="entry"></a></li>
+ <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/catalyst">Catalyst</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/servers">Servers</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/services">Professional Services</a></li>
+ <li><a href="/blog">Blogs</a></li>
- <div>
+ <div class="Sidebar">
<div class="sidebar_segment">
<h4 class="sidebar_title"></h4>
<ul class="sidebar_entries">
$s = { %$s };
my $body = delete $s->{body};
like($body, qr/^\s+<p>Some markdown here.<\/p>\s+$/sm, 'Body correct');
+ delete @{$s}{grep /^_/, keys %$s};
+ created => '',
title => '--TITLE--',
description => '--DESCRIPTION--',
keywords => '--KW1-- --KW2--'
--- /dev/null
+ <head>
+ <title>404</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>Oops.</body>
--- /dev/null
+ <head>
+ <title>withkids</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>withkids test</h1>
+ <div class="SubList">
+ <div class="entry">
+ <div class="entry title" />
+ <div class="entry description" />
+ <div class="entry created" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+Title: withkids-one
+description: withkids-one-desc
+created: 2011-02-06
--- /dev/null
+Title: withkids-two
+description: withkids-two-description
+created: 2011-02-07