The test code bailed out if BUILDARGS failed, but didn't show the error, which
makes debugging much harder.
$person = eval { Person->new( [ qw( Lisa Smith ) ] ) };
- ok( !$@, 'Person->new() can accept an array reference as an argument' )
- or BAIL_OUT(
- 'You must implement Person->BUILDARGS in order to continue these tests'
+ if ( my $e = $@ ) {
+ diag(
+ "Calling Person->new() with an array reference threw an error:\n$e"
+ );
+ 'You must implement Person->BUILDARGS correctly in order to continue these tests'
+ }
+ else {
+ ok( 1, 'Person->new() can accept an array reference as an argument' );
+ }
is( $person->first_name, 'Lisa', 'set first_name from two-arg arrayref' );
is( $person->last_name, 'Smith', 'set last_name from two-arg arrayref' );