use strict;
use warnings;
-use Exporter 'import';
-use Text::Tradition;
-use Text::Tradition::Stemma;
-use vars qw/ @EXPORT_OK /;
-@EXPORT_OK = qw/ run_analysis /;
+use base 'Catalyst::Model::Adaptor';
-my $tradition; # Global for convenience, ew.
-# Returns
-sub run_analysis {
- my( $file, $stemmadot ) = @_;
- # What we will return
- my $svg;
- my $variants = [];
- # Read in the file and stemma
- my @lines;
- open( INFILE, "$file" ) or die "Could not read $file";
- binmode INFILE, ':utf8';
- @lines = <INFILE>;
- close INFILE;
- $tradition = Text::Tradition->new(
- 'Self' => join( '', @lines ),
- 'linear' => 1,
- );
- my $stemma = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new(
- 'collation' => $tradition->collation,
- 'dot' => $stemmadot,
- );
- # We will return the stemma picture
- $svg = $stemma->as_svg;
- # We have the collation, so get the alignment table with witnesses in rows.
- # Also return the reading objects in the table, rather than just the words.
- my $all_wits_table = $tradition->collation->make_alignment_table( 'refs' );
- # For each column in the alignment table, we want to see if the existing
- # groupings of witnesses match our stemma hypothesis. We also want, at the
- # end, to produce an HTML table with all the variants.
- my $html_columns = 0;
- my $html_data = [];
- my $total = 0; # Keep track of the total number of variant locations
- # Strip the list of sigla and save it for correlation to the readings.
- my $col_wits = shift @$all_wits_table;
- # We will return a data structure, an array for each row that looks like:
- # { id = X, genealogical = Y, readings = [ text = X, group = Y], empty = N }
- foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$all_wits_table ) {
- # For each column in the table, group the readings by witness.
- my $rdg_wits = {};
- my $col_rdgs = shift @$all_wits_table;
- my $rank;
- foreach my $j ( 0 .. $#{$col_rdgs} ) {
- my $rdg = $col_rdgs->[$j];
- $rank = $rdg->rank if $rdg && !$rank; # Make a note of our rank
- my $rdg_text = '(omitted)'; # Initialize in case of empty reading
- if( $rdg ) {
- $rdg_text = $rdg->is_lacuna ? undef : $rdg->text; # Don't count lacunae
- }
- if( defined $rdg_text ) {
- # Initialize the witness array if we haven't got one yet
- $rdg_wits->{$rdg_text} = [] unless $rdg_wits->{$rdg_text};
- # Add the relevant witness, subject to a.c. logic
- add_variant_wit( $rdg_wits->{$rdg_text}, $col_wits->[$j] );
- }
- }
- # See if this column has any potentially genealogical variants.
- # If not, skip to the next.
- $total++ unless scalar keys %$rdg_wits == 1;
- my( $groups, $readings ) = useful_variant( $rdg_wits );
- next unless $groups && $readings;
- # Initialize the data structure for the row that we will return
- my $variant_row = {'id' => $rank, 'readings' => [] };
- # Keep track of our widest row
- $html_columns = scalar @$groups if scalar @$groups > $html_columns;
- # We can already look up witnesses for a reading; we also want to look
- # up readings for a given witness.
- my $group_readings = {};
- foreach my $x ( 0 .. $#$groups ) {
- $group_readings->{wit_stringify( $groups->[$x] )} = $readings->[$x];
- }
- # For all the groups with more than one member, collect the list of all
- # contiguous vertices needed to connect them.
- # TODO: deal with a.c. reading logic
- my $sc = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups, $stemma->apsp );
- $variant_row->{'genealogical'} = keys %$sc ? 1 : undef;
- foreach my $grp ( sort keys %$group_readings ) {
- my $rdg = $group_readings->{$grp};
- push( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}}, { 'text' => $rdg, 'group' => $grp } );
- }
- # Now run the same analysis given the calculated distance tree(s).
-# foreach my $tree ( 0 .. $#{$stemma->distance_trees} ) {
-# my $dc = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups,
-# $stemma->distance_apsps->[$tree] );
-# foreach my $rdg ( keys %$dc ) {
-# my $var = $dc->{$rdg};
-# }
-# }
- # Record that we used this variant in an analysis
- push( @$variants, $variant_row );
- }
- # Go through our variant rows and add the number of empty columns we need.
- foreach my $row ( @$variants ) {
- my $empty = $html_columns - scalar @{$row->{'readings'}};
- $row->{'empty'} = $empty;
- }
- return( $svg, $variants );
+ class => 'Text::Tradition::Analysis',
+ args => { 'file' => TreeOfTexts->path_to( 't', 'data', 'florilegium.xml' ),
+ 'stemmadot' => TreeOfTexts->path_to( 't', 'data', '' ) },
+ );
-sub analyze_variant_location {
- my( $group_readings, $groups, $apsp ) = @_;
- my %contig;
- my $conflict = {};
- foreach my $g ( sort { scalar @$b <=> scalar @$a } @$groups ) {
- my @members = @$g;
- my $gst = wit_stringify( $g );
- map { $contig{$_} = $gst } @members; # The witnesses need themselves to be
- # in their collection.
- next unless @members > 1;
- my $curr = pop @members;
- foreach my $m ( @members ) {
- foreach my $v ( $apsp->path_vertices( $curr, $m ) ) {
- $contig{$v} = $gst unless exists $contig{$v};
- next if $contig{$v} eq $gst;
- # print STDERR "Conflict at $v between group $gst and group "
- # . $contig{$v} . "\n";
- # Record what is conflicting.
- $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} = $group_readings->{$contig{$v}};
- }
- }
- }
- return $conflict;
-# Add the variant, subject to a.c. representation logic.
-# This assumes that we will see the 'main' version before the a.c. version.
-sub add_variant_wit {
- my( $arr, $wit ) = @_;
- my $acstr = $tradition->collation->ac_label;
- my $skip;
- if( $wit =~ /^(.*)\Q$acstr\E$/ ) {
- my $real = $1;
- $skip = grep { $_ =~ /^\Q$real\E$/ } @$arr;
- }
- push( @$arr, $wit ) unless $skip;
-# Return an answer if the variant is useful, i.e. if there are at least 2 variants
-# with at least 2 witnesses each.
-sub useful_variant {
- my( $readings ) = @_;
- my $total = keys %$readings;
- foreach my $var ( keys %$readings ) {
- $total-- if @{$readings->{$var}} == 1;
- }
- return( undef, undef ) if $total <= 1;
- my( $groups, $text );
- foreach my $var ( keys %$readings ) {
- push( @$groups, $readings->{$var} );
- push( @$text, $var );
- }
- return( $groups, $text );
-# Take an array of witness groupings and produce a string like
-# ['A','B'] / ['C','D','E'] / ['F']
-sub wit_stringify {
- my $groups = shift;
- my @gst;
- # If we were passed an array of witnesses instead of an array of
- # groupings, then "group" the witnesses first.
- unless( ref( $groups->[0] ) ) {
- my $mkgrp = [ $groups ];
- $groups = $mkgrp;
- }
- foreach my $g ( @$groups ) {
- push( @gst, '[' . join( ',', map { "'$_'" } @$g ) . ']' );
- }
- return join( ' / ', @gst );
\ No newline at end of file