=item v7
This mode is identical to C<v6> mode, except that monikerization of CamelCase
-table names is also done correctly.
+table names is also done better (but best in v8.)
-CamelCase column names in case-preserving mode will also be handled correctly
-for relationship name inflection. See L</preserve_case>.
+CamelCase column names in case-preserving mode will also be handled better
+for relationship name inflection (but best in v8.) See L</preserve_case>.
In this mode, CamelCase L</column_accessors> are normalized based on case
transition instead of just being lowercased, so C<FooId> becomes C<foo_id>.
-If you don't have any CamelCase table or column names, you can upgrade without
-breaking any of your code.
=item v8
foreach my $src_class (sort keys %$rel_stmts) {
# sort by rel name
- my @src_stmts = map $_->[1],
- sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] }
- map [ $_->{args}[0], $_ ], @{ $rel_stmts->{$src_class} };
+ my @src_stmts = map $_->[2],
+ sort {
+ $a->[0] <=> $b->[0]
+ ||
+ $a->[1] cmp $b->[1]
+ } map [
+ ($_->{method} eq 'many_to_many' ? 1 : 0),
+ $_->{args}[0],
+ $_,
+ ], @{ $rel_stmts->{$src_class} };
foreach my $stmt (@src_stmts) {
$self->_dbic_stmt($src_class,$stmt->{method}, @{$stmt->{args}});
$self->_pod_cut( $class );
- } elsif ( $method =~ /^(belongs_to|has_many|might_have)$/ ) {
+ } elsif ( $method =~ /^(?:belongs_to|has_many|might_have)\z/ ) {
$self->_pod( $class, "=head1 RELATIONS" ) unless $self->{_relations_started} { $class } ;
my ( $accessor, $rel_class ) = @_;
$self->_pod( $class, "=head2 $accessor" );
$self->_pod( $class, "Related object: L<$rel_class>" );
$self->_pod_cut( $class );
$self->{_relations_started} { $class } = 1;
+ } elsif ( $method eq 'many_to_many' ) {
+ $self->_pod( $class, "=head1 RELATIONS" ) unless $self->{_relations_started} { $class } ;
+ my ( $accessor, $rel1, $rel2 ) = @_;
+ $self->_pod( $class, "=head2 $accessor" );
+ $self->_pod( $class, 'Type: many_to_many' );
+ $self->_pod( $class, "Composing rels: L</$rel1> -> $rel2" );
+ $self->_pod_cut( $class );
+ $self->{_relations_started} { $class } = 1;
elsif ($method eq 'add_unique_constraint') {
$self->_pod($class, '=head1 UNIQUE CONSTRAINTS')
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Utils qw/split_name slurp_file array_eq/;
use Try::Tiny;
+use List::Util 'first';
use List::MoreUtils qw/apply uniq any/;
use namespace::clean;
use Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase ();
# get our base set of attrs from _relationship_attrs, if present
my $attrs = $self->_relationship_attrs('belongs_to') || {};
- # If the referring column is nullable, make 'belongs_to' an
+ # If any referring column is nullable, make 'belongs_to' an
# outer join, unless explicitly set by relationship_attrs
- my $nullable = grep { $self->schema->source($local_moniker)->column_info($_)->{is_nullable} } @$local_cols;
+ my $nullable = first { $self->schema->source($local_moniker)->column_info($_)->{is_nullable} } @$local_cols;
$attrs->{join_type} = 'LEFT' if $nullable && !defined $attrs->{join_type};
return $attrs;
+ $self->_generate_m2ms($all_code);
# disambiguate rels with the same name
foreach my $class (keys %$all_code) {
my $dups = $self->_duplicates($all_code->{$class});
- $self->_disambiguate($all_code->{$class}, $dups) if $dups;
+ $self->_disambiguate($all_code, $class, $dups) if $dups;
return $all_code;
+# Find classes with only 2 FKs which are the PK and make many_to_many bridges for them.
+sub _generate_m2ms {
+ my ($self, $all_code) = @_;
+ while (my ($class, $rels) = each %$all_code) {
+ next unless (grep $_->{method} eq 'belongs_to', @$rels) == 2;
+ my $class1_local_moniker = $rels->[0]{extra}{remote_moniker};
+ my $class1_remote_moniker = $rels->[1]{extra}{remote_moniker};
+ my $class2_local_moniker = $rels->[1]{extra}{remote_moniker};
+ my $class2_remote_moniker = $rels->[0]{extra}{remote_moniker};
+ my $class1 = $rels->[0]{args}[1];
+ my $class2 = $rels->[1]{args}[1];
+ my $class1_to_link_table_rel = first {
+ $_->{method} eq 'has_many' && $_->{args}[1] eq $class
+ } @{ $all_code->{$class1} };
+ my $class1_to_link_table_rel_name = $class1_to_link_table_rel->{args}[0];
+ my $class2_to_link_table_rel = first {
+ $_->{method} eq 'has_many' && $_->{args}[1] eq $class
+ } @{ $all_code->{$class2} };
+ my $class2_to_link_table_rel_name = $class2_to_link_table_rel->{args}[0];
+ my $class1_link_rel = $rels->[1]{args}[0];
+ my $class2_link_rel = $rels->[0]{args}[0];
+ my @class1_from_cols = apply { s/^self\.//i } values %{
+ $class1_to_link_table_rel->{args}[2]
+ };
+ my @class1_link_cols = apply { s/^self\.//i } values %{ $rels->[1]{args}[2] };
+ my @class1_to_cols = apply { s/^foreign\.//i } keys %{ $rels->[1]{args}[2] };
+ my @class2_from_cols = apply { s/^self\.//i } values %{
+ $class2_to_link_table_rel->{args}[2]
+ };
+ my @class2_link_cols = apply { s/^self\.//i } values %{ $rels->[0]{args}[2] };
+ my @class2_to_cols = apply { s/^foreign\.//i } keys %{ $rels->[0]{args}[2] };
+ my @link_table_cols =
+ @{[ $self->schema->source($rels->[0]{extra}{local_moniker})->columns ]};
+ my @link_table_primary_cols =
+ @{[ $self->schema->source($rels->[0]{extra}{local_moniker})->primary_columns ]};
+ next unless @class1_link_cols + @class2_link_cols == @link_table_cols
+ && @link_table_cols == @link_table_primary_cols;
+ my ($class1_to_class2_relname) = $self->_rel_name_map(
+ ($self->_inflect_plural($class1_link_rel))[0],
+ 'many_to_many',
+ $class1,
+ $class1_local_moniker,
+ \@class1_from_cols,
+ $class2,
+ $class1_remote_moniker,
+ \@class1_to_cols,
+ );
+ $class1_to_class2_relname = $self->_resolve_relname_collision(
+ $class1_local_moniker,
+ \@class1_from_cols,
+ $class1_to_class2_relname,
+ );
+ my ($class2_to_class1_relname) = $self->_rel_name_map(
+ ($self->_inflect_plural($class2_link_rel))[0],
+ 'many_to_many',
+ $class1,
+ $class2_local_moniker,
+ \@class2_from_cols,
+ $class2,
+ $class2_remote_moniker,
+ \@class2_to_cols,
+ );
+ $class2_to_class1_relname = $self->_resolve_relname_collision(
+ $class2_local_moniker,
+ \@class2_from_cols,
+ $class2_to_class1_relname,
+ );
+ push @{$all_code->{$class1}}, {
+ method => 'many_to_many',
+ args => [
+ $class1_to_class2_relname,
+ $class1_to_link_table_rel_name,
+ $class1_link_rel,
+ ],
+ extra => {
+ local_class => $class1,
+ link_class => $class,
+ local_moniker => $class1_local_moniker,
+ remote_moniker => $class1_remote_moniker,
+ },
+ };
+ push @{$all_code->{$class2}}, {
+ method => 'many_to_many',
+ args => [
+ $class2_to_class1_relname,
+ $class2_to_link_table_rel_name,
+ $class2_link_rel,
+ ],
+ extra => {
+ local_class => $class2,
+ link_class => $class,
+ local_moniker => $class2_local_moniker,
+ remote_moniker => $class2_remote_moniker,
+ },
+ };
+ }
sub _duplicates {
my ($self, $rels) = @_;
sub _disambiguate {
- my ($self, $all_rels, $dups) = @_;
+ my ($self, $all_code, $in_class, $dups) = @_;
DUP: foreach my $dup (keys %$dups) {
my @rels = @{ $dups->{$dup} };
foreach my $rel (@rels) {
- next if $rel->{method} eq 'belongs_to';
+ next if $rel->{method} =~ /^(?:belongs_to|many_to_many)\z/;
my @to_cols = apply { s/^foreign\.//i }
keys %{ $rel->{args}[2] };
if ((not @adjectives)
&& (grep { $_->{method} eq 'might_have'
- && $_->{args}[1] eq $to_class } @$all_rels) == 1) {
+ && $_->{args}[1] eq $to_class } @{ $all_code->{$in_class} }) == 1) {
@adjectives = 'active';
# Check again for duplicates, since the heuristics above may not have resolved them all.
- if ($dups = $self->_duplicates($all_rels)) {
+ if ($dups = $self->_duplicates($all_code->{$in_class})) {
foreach my $dup (keys %$dups) {
# sort by method
my @rels = map $_->[1], sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } map [
- ($_->{method} eq 'belongs_to' ? 3 : $_->{method} eq 'has_many' ? 2 : 1), $_
+ {
+ belongs_to => 3,
+ has_many => 2,
+ might_have => 1,
+ many_to_many => 0,
+ }->{$_->{method}}, $_
], @{ $dups->{$dup} };
my $rel_num = 2;
foreach my $rel (@rels[1 .. $#rels]) {
- my $inflect_type = $rel->{method} eq 'has_many' ?
+ my $inflect_type = $rel->{method} =~ /^(?:many_to_many|has_many)\z/ ?
= @{ $rel->{extra} }
{qw/local_class local_moniker remote_moniker/};
- my @from_cols = apply { s/^self\.//i }
- values %{ $rel->{args}[2] };
- my @to_cols = apply { s/^foreign\.//i }
- keys %{ $rel->{args}[2] };
- my $to_class = $rel->{args}[1];
+ my (@from_cols, @to_cols, $to_class);
+ if ($rel->{method} eq 'many_to_many') {
+ @from_cols = apply { s/^self\.//i } values %{
+ (first { $_->{args}[0] eq $rel->{args}[1] } @{ $all_code->{$local_class} })
+ ->{args}[2]
+ };
+ @to_cols = apply { s/^foreign\.//i } keys %{
+ (first { $_->{args}[0] eq $rel->{args}[2] }
+ @{ $all_code->{ $rel->{extra}{link_class} } })
+ ->{args}[2]
+ };
+ $to_class = $self->schema->source($remote_moniker)->result_class;
+ }
+ else {
+ @from_cols = apply { s/^self\.//i } values %{ $rel->{args}[2] };
+ @to_cols = apply { s/^foreign\.//i } keys %{ $rel->{args}[2] };
+ $to_class = $rel->{args}[1];
+ }
my ($relname_new, $inflect_mapped) =
warn <<"EOF" unless $mapped;
Could not find a proper name for relationship '$relname_new' in source
'$local_moniker' for columns '@{[ join ',', @from_cols ]}'. Supply a value in
-'$inflect_type' or 'rel_name_map' for '$relname_new_uninflected' to name this
+'$inflect_type' for '$relname_new_uninflected' or 'rel_name_map' for
+'$relname_new' to name this relationship.
$relname_new = $self->_resolve_relname_collision($local_moniker, \@from_cols, $relname_new);
# If the local columns have a UNIQUE constraint, this is a one-to-one rel
if (array_eq([ $local_source->primary_columns ], $local_cols) ||
- grep { array_eq($_->[1], $local_cols) } @$uniqs) {
+ first { array_eq($_->[1], $local_cols) } @$uniqs) {
$remote_method = 'might_have';
($local_relname) = $self->_inflect_singular($local_relname_uninflected);
$num_rescans++ if $self->{vendor} eq 'Firebird';
plan tests => @connect_info *
- (214 + $num_rescans * $col_accessor_map_tests + $extra_count + ($self->{data_type_tests}{test_count} || 0));
+ (220 + $num_rescans * $col_accessor_map_tests + $extra_count + ($self->{data_type_tests}{test_count} || 0));
foreach my $info_idx (0..$#connect_info) {
my $info = $connect_info[$info_idx];
additional_classes => 'TestAdditional',
additional_base_classes => 'TestAdditionalBase',
left_base_classes => [ qw/TestLeftBase/ ],
- components => [ qw/TestComponent +TestComponentFQN/ ],
+ components => [ qw/TestComponent +TestComponentFQN IntrospectableM2M/ ],
inflect_plural => { loader_test4_fkid => 'loader_test4zes' },
inflect_singular => { fkid => 'fkid_singular' },
moniker_map => \&_monikerize,
'is_nullable=1 detection';
- skip $self->{skip_rels}, 131 if $self->{skip_rels};
+ skip $self->{skip_rels}, 137 if $self->{skip_rels};
my $moniker3 = $monikers->{loader_test3};
my $class3 = $classes->{loader_test3};
ok($class22->column_info('parent')->{is_foreign_key}, 'Foreign key detected');
ok($class22->column_info('child')->{is_foreign_key}, 'Foreign key detected');
+ # test many_to_many detection 18 -> 20 -> 19 and 19 -> 20 -> 18
+ my $m2m;
+ ok($m2m = (try { $class18->_m2m_metadata->{children} }), 'many_to_many created');
+ is $m2m->{relation}, 'loader_test20s', 'm2m near rel';
+ is $m2m->{foreign_relation}, 'child', 'm2m far rel';
+ ok($m2m = (try { $class19->_m2m_metadata->{parents} }), 'many_to_many created');
+ is $m2m->{relation}, 'loader_test20s', 'm2m near rel';
+ is $m2m->{foreign_relation}, 'parent', 'm2m far rel';
# test double multi-col fk 26 -> 25
my $obj26 = try { $rsobj26->find(33) } || $rsobj26->search({ id => 33 })->first;