requires 'Exporter' => '5.63';
requires 'Try::Tiny' => 0;
requires 'String::ToIdentifier::EN' => '0.05';
+requires 'String::CamelCase' => '0.02';
if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && ! $args->{skip_author_deps}) {
eval { require Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod }
L</force_ascii> is set; this is only significant for names with non-C<\w>
characters such as C<.>.
+CamelCase identifiers with words in all caps, e.g. C<VLANValidID> are supported
+correctly in this mode.
For relationships, belongs_to accessors are made from column names by stripping
-postfixes other than C<_id> as well, just C<id>, C<_?ref>, C<_?cd>, C<_?code>
-and C<_num>.
+postfixes other than C<_id> as well, for example just C<Id>, C<_?ref>, C<_?cd>,
+C<_?code> and C<_?num>, case insensitively.
=item preserve
=head2 preserve_case
-Usually column names are lowercased, to make them easier to work with in
-L<DBIx::Class>. This option lets you turn this behavior off, if the driver
-supports it.
+Normally database names are lowercased and split by underscore, use this option
+if you have CamelCase database names.
Drivers for case sensitive databases like Sybase ASE or MSSQL with a
case-sensitive collation will turn this option on unconditionally.
-Currently the drivers for SQLite, mysql, MSSQL and Firebird/InterBase support
-setting this option.
+B<NOTE:> L</naming> = C<v8> is highly recommended with this option as the
+semantics of this mode are much improved for CamelCase database names.
+L</naming> = C<v7> or greater is required with this option.
=head2 qualify_objects
sub _default_column_accessor_name {
my ( $self, $column_name ) = @_;
- my $accessor_name = $self->_to_identifier('column_accessors', $column_name, '_');
+ my $preserve = ($self->naming->{column_accessors}||'') eq 'preserve';
+ my $v = $self->_get_naming_v('column_accessors');
+ my $accessor_name = $preserve ?
+ $self->_to_identifier('column_accessors', $column_name) # assume CamelCase
+ :
+ $self->_to_identifier('column_accessors', $column_name, '_');
$accessor_name =~ s/\W+/_/g; # only if naming < v8, otherwise to_identifier
# takes care of it
- if ((($self->naming->{column_accessors}||'') =~ /(\d+)/ && $1 < 7) || (not $self->preserve_case)) {
+ if ($preserve) {
+ return $accessor_name;
+ }
+ elsif ($v < 7 || (not $self->preserve_case)) {
# older naming just lc'd the col accessor and that's all.
return lc $accessor_name;
- elsif (($self->naming->{column_accessors}||'') eq 'preserve') {
- return $accessor_name;
- }
- return join '_', map lc, split_name $column_name;
+ return join '_', map lc, split_name $column_name, $v;
sub _make_column_accessor_name {
sub _to_identifier {
- my ($self, $naming_key, $name, $sep_char) = @_;
+ my ($self, $naming_key, $name, $sep_char, $force) = @_;
my $v = $self->_get_naming_v($naming_key);
: \&String::ToIdentifier::EN::Unicode::to_identifier;
- return $v >= 8 ? $to_identifier->($name, $sep_char) : $name;
+ return $v >= 8 || $force ? $to_identifier->($name, $sep_char) : $name;
# Make a moniker from a table
my $part = $name_parts[$i];
if ($i != $name_idx || $v >= 8) {
- $part = $self->_to_identifier('monikers', $part, '_');
+ $part = $self->_to_identifier('monikers', $part, '_', 1);
if ($i == $name_idx && $v == 5) {
$part = Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_S($part);
- my @part_parts = map lc, $v > 6 ? split_name $part : split /[\W_]+/, $part;
+ my @part_parts = map lc, $v > 6 ?
+ # use v8 semantics for all moniker parts except name
+ ($i == $name_idx ? split_name $part, $v : split_name $part)
+ : split /[\W_]+/, $part;
if ($i == $name_idx && $v >= 6) {
my $as_phrase = join ' ', @part_parts;
$name = $self->_sanitize_name($name);
- my @words = split_name $name;
+ my @words = split_name $name, $self->loader->_get_naming_v('relationships');
return join '_', map lc, @words;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper ();
use Test::More;
+use String::CamelCase 'wordsplit';
use namespace::clean;
use Exporter 'import';
+use Data::Dumper ();
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/split_name dumper dumper_squashed eval_package_without_redefine_warnings class_path no_warnings warnings_exist warnings_exist_silent slurp_file/;
-use constant BY_CASE_TRANSITION =>
+use constant BY_CASE_TRANSITION_V7 =>
use constant BY_NON_ALPHANUM =>
my $LF = "\x0a";
my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a";
-sub split_name($) {
- my $name = shift;
+sub split_name($;$) {
+ my ($name, $v) = @_;
+ my $is_camel_case = $name =~ /[[:upper:]]/ && $name =~ /[[:lower:]]/;
+ if ((not $v) || $v >= 8) {
+ return map split(BY_NON_ALPHANUM, $_), wordsplit($name);
+ }
- split $name =~ /[[:upper:]]/ && $name =~ /[[:lower:]]/ ? BY_CASE_TRANSITION : BY_NON_ALPHANUM, $name;
+ return split $is_camel_case ? BY_CASE_TRANSITION_V7 : BY_NON_ALPHANUM, $name;
sub dumper($) {
use strict;
use warnings;
-no warnings 'once';
use Test::More tests => 8;
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 'make_schema_at';
use lib 't/lib';
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 18;
+use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Utils 'split_name';
+is_deeply [split_name('foo_bar_baz')], [qw/foo bar baz/],
+ 'by underscore';
+is_deeply [split_name('foo__bar__baz')], [qw/foo bar baz/],
+ 'by double underscore';
+is_deeply [split_name('Foo_Bar_Baz')], [qw/Foo Bar Baz/],
+ 'by underscore with full capitalization';
+is_deeply [split_name('foo_Bar_Baz')], [qw/foo Bar Baz/],
+ 'by underscore with lcfirst capitalization';
+is_deeply [split_name('fooBarBaz')], [qw/foo Bar Baz/],
+ 'lcfirst camelCase identifier';
+is_deeply [split_name('FooBarBaz')], [qw/Foo Bar Baz/],
+ 'ucfirst camelCase identifier';
+is_deeply [split_name('VLANValidID')], [qw/VLAN Valid ID/],
+ 'CAMELCase identifier (word with all caps)';
+is_deeply [split_name('VlanVALIDId')], [qw/Vlan VALID Id/],
+ 'CamelCASE identifier (second word with all caps)';
+is_deeply [split_name('')], [qw/foo bar baz/],
+ 'by non-alphanum chars';
+# naming=v7
+is_deeply [split_name('foo_bar_baz', 7)], [qw/foo bar baz/],
+ 'by underscore for v=7';
+is_deeply [split_name('foo__bar__baz', 7)], [qw/foo bar baz/],
+ 'by double underscore for v=7';
+is_deeply [split_name('Foo_Bar_Baz', 7)], [qw/Foo Bar Baz/],
+ 'by underscore with full capitalization for v=7';
+is_deeply [split_name('foo_Bar_Baz', 7)], [qw/foo Bar Baz/],
+ 'by underscore with lcfirst capitalization for v=7';
+is_deeply [split_name('fooBarBaz', 7)], [qw/foo Bar Baz/],
+ 'lcfirst camelCase identifier for v=7';
+is_deeply [split_name('FooBarBaz', 7)], [qw/Foo Bar Baz/],
+ 'ucfirst camelCase identifier for v=7';
+is_deeply [split_name('VLANValidID', 7)], [qw/VLANValid ID/],
+ 'CAMELCase identifier (word with all caps) for v=7';
+is_deeply [split_name('VlanVALIDId', 7)], [qw/Vlan VALIDId/],
+ 'CamelCASE identifier (second word with all caps) for v=7';
+is_deeply [split_name('', 7)], [qw/foo bar baz/],
+ 'by non-alphanum chars for v=7';