Revision history for SQL::Abstract
+revision 1.59_04 2009-03-10
+ - fixed the problem with values() not behaving the same as the rest of the code (RT#43483)
+ - fixed interjecting arrayrefref into a where clause
+ - added value-only insert test with a literal SQL snippet
+ - cleanup and enhancement of t/03values.t
+ - better handling of borked SQL in tests
+ - deal properly with parentheses in is_same_sql_bind()
+ - fixed test subs (is_same_*) in SQL::Abstract::Test to return the correct test value
+ - do not version MANIFEST
revision 1.49_04 2009-03-03
- add support for a [\%column_meta => value] bind value format
-our $VERSION = '1.49_04';
+our $VERSION = '1.49_05';
$VERSION = eval $VERSION; # numify for warning-free dev releases