if($mode eq 'subtype'){
my $parent = exists($args{as}) ? delete($args{as}) : delete($args{name});
- $parent = blessed($parent) ? $parent : find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($parent);
+ $parent = find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($parent);
$constraint = $parent->create_child_type(%args);
my $package_defined_in = caller;
- while (my($from, $code) = splice @_, 0, 2) {
+ while (my($from, $action) = splice @_, 0, 2) {
$from =~ s/\s+//g;
confess "A coercion action already exists for '$from'"
warn "# REGISTER COERCE $name, from $type\n" if _DEBUG;
push @{ $COERCE_KEYS{$name} }, $type;
- $COERCE{$name}->{$from} = $code;
+ $COERCE{$name}->{$from} = $action;
Carp::croak("wrong arguments count") unless @_ == 4;
local $_;
- for my $type ($types, ($types->{type_constraints} ? @{$types->{type_constraints}} : ()) ) {
+ for my $type ($types->{type_constraints} ? @{$types->{type_constraints}} : $types ) {
for my $coerce_type (@{ $COERCE_KEYS{$type}}) {
warn sprintf "# COERCE: from %s to %s for %s (%s)\n",
- $coerce_type, $type, defined($value) ? $value : 'undef',
+ $coerce_type, $type, defined($value) ? "'$value'" : 'undef',
$coerce_type->check($value) ? "try" : "skip";
# try to coerce
$_ = $value;
- $_ = $COERCE{$type}->{$coerce_type}->($_); # coerce
+ my $coerced = $COERCE{$type}->{$coerce_type}->($value); # coerce
warn sprintf "# COERCE: got %s, which is%s %s\n",
- defined($_) ? $_ : 'undef', $types->check($_) ? '' : ' not', $types;
+ defined($coerced) ? $coerced : 'undef', $types->check($coerced) ? '' : ' not', $types;
- return $_ if $types->check($_); # check for $types, not $constraint
+ # check with $types, not $constraint
+ return $coerced if $types->check($coerced);
- return $value;
+ return $value; # returns original $value
sub enum {
$TYPE{$name} ||= do{
warn "# CREATE a Union type for ", Mouse::Util::english_list(@types),"\n" if _DEBUG;
+ my @checks = map{ $_->{_compiled_type_constraint} } @types;
my $check = sub{
- foreach my $type(@types){
- return 1 if $type->check($_[0]);
+ foreach my $c(@checks){
+ return 1 if $c->($_[0]);
return 0;
sub find_type_constraint {
my($spec) = @_;
- return $spec if blessed($spec);
+ return $spec if blessed($spec) && $spec->isa('Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint');
$spec =~ s/\s+//g;
return $TYPE{$spec};
sub find_or_parse_type_constraint {
my($spec) = @_;
- return $spec if blessed($spec);
+ return $spec if blessed($spec) && $spec->isa('Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint');
$spec =~ s/\s+//g;
return $TYPE{$spec} || do{