fixed buggy ConfigLoader config files, added config coercion method to, added config coercion code to
my $final_configs = [];
my $originally_loaded = {};
+ my %files = map { $_ => 1 } @$files_ref;
for my $loader ( $class->plugins ) {
+ last unless keys %files;
+# warn "loader: $loader\n";
my %ext = map { $_ => 1 } $loader->extensions;
- for my $filename (@$files_ref) {
+ for my $filename (keys %files) {
if (defined $use_ext) {
+# warn "using file extension to decide which loader to use for file $filename\n";
+ my $matched_ext = 0;
+ EXT:
for my $e (keys %ext) {
- my ($fileext) = $filename =~ m{ \. $e \z }xms;
- next FILE unless exists $ext{$fileext};
+# warn "trying ext $e\n";
+ next EXT unless $filename =~ m{ \. $e \z }xms;
+# warn "filename $filename matched extension $e\n";
+ next FILE unless exists $ext{$e};
+ $matched_ext = 1;
+ next FILE unless $matched_ext;
my $config;
next if $EVAL_ERROR;
next if !$config;
+ delete $files{$filename};
+# warn "loader $loader loaded file $filename\n";
$filter_cb->( $config ) if defined $filter_cb;
push @$final_configs, { $filename => $config };
my $file = shift;\r
# work around bug (?) in Config::General\r
- return if $class->_test_perl($file);\r
+# return if $class->_test_perl($file);\r
require Config::General;\r
my $configfile = Config::General->new( $file );\r
require Config::Tiny;\r
my $config = Config::Tiny->read( $file );\r
- my $main = delete $config->{ _ };\r
- \r
- $config->{ $_ } = $main->{ $_ } for keys %$main;\r
- return $config;\r
+ my $main = delete $config->{ _ };\r
+ my $out;\r
+ $out->{$_} = $main->{$_} for keys %$main;\r
+ for my $k (keys %$config) {\r
+ my @keys = split /\s+/, $k;\r
+ my $ref = $config->{$k};\r
+ if (@keys > 1) {\r
+ my ($a, $b) = @keys[0,1];\r
+ $out->{$a}->{$b} = $ref;\r
+ } else {\r
+ $out->{$k} = $ref;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return $out;\r
=head1 AUTHOR\r
=item * Brian Cassidy E<lt>bricas@cpan.orgE<gt>\r
+=item * Joel Bernstein E<lt>rataxis@cpan.orgE<gt>\r
\ No newline at end of file
sub load {\r
my $class = shift;\r
my $file = shift;\r
return eval { require $file };\r
\ No newline at end of file
require XML::Simple;\r
- my $config = XMLin( $file, ForceArray => [ qw( component model view controller ) ] );\r
+ my $config = XMLin( \r
+ $file, \r
+ ForceArray => [ qw( component model view controller ) ],\r
+ );\r
- return $config;\r
+ return $class->_coerce($config);\r
+sub _coerce {\r
+ # coerce the XML-parsed config into the correct format\r
+ my $class = shift;\r
+ my $config = shift;\r
+ my $out;\r
+ for my $k (keys %$config) {\r
+ my $ref = $config->{$k};\r
+ my $name = ref $ref ? delete $ref->{name} : undef;\r
+ if (defined $name) {\r
+ $out->{$k}->{$name} = $ref; \r
+ } else {\r
+ $out->{$k} = $ref;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ $out;\r
=head1 AUTHOR\r
=item * Brian Cassidy E<lt>bricas@cpan.orgE<gt>\r
+=item * Joel Bernstein E<lt>rataxis@cpan.orgE<gt>\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+package MockApp;\r
+use Test::More tests => 54;\r
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype);\r
+use Config::Any;\r
+my @files = map { "t/conf/$_" } \r
+ qw(conf.conf conf.ini conf.json conf.xml conf.yml);\r
+for my $f (@files) {\r
+ ok(my $c_arr = Config::Any->load_files({files=>[$f], use_ext=>1}), "load_files with use_ext works");\r
+ ok(my $c = $c_arr->[0], "load_files returns an arrayref");\r
+ ok(ref $c, "load_files arrayref contains a ref");\r
+ my $ref = blessed $c ? reftype $c : ref $c;\r
+ is(substr($ref,0,4), "HASH", "hashref");\r
+ my ($name, $cfg) = each %$c;\r
+ is($name, $f, "filename matches");\r
+ my $cfgref = blessed $cfg ? reftype $cfg : ref $cfg;\r
+ is(substr($cfgref,0,4), "HASH", "hashref cfg");\r
+ is( $cfg->{name}, 'TestApp', "appname parses" );\r
+ is( $cfg->{Component}{ "Controller::Foo" }->{ foo }, 'bar', \r
+ "component->cntrlr->foo = bar" );\r
+ is( $cfg->{Model}{ "Model::Baz" }->{ qux }, 'xyzzy', \r
+ "model->model::baz->qux = xyzzy" );\r
+++ /dev/null
-if (!require Test::Perl::Critic) {
- Test::More::plan(
- skip_all => "Test::Perl::Critic required for testing PBP compliance"
- );