use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 58;
+use Test::More tests => 85;
use Test::Exception;
is($foo->thing->baz, 'Foo::Baz::BAZ', '... got the right value');
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# AUTOLOAD & handles
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ package Foo::Autoloaded;
+ use Moose;
+ sub AUTOLOAD {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = our $AUTOLOAD;
+ $name =~ s/.*://; # strip fully-qualified portion
+ if (@_) {
+ return $self->{$name} = shift;
+ } else {
+ return $self->{$name};
+ }
+ }
+ package Bar::Autoloaded;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'foo' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ default => sub { Foo::Autoloaded->new },
+ handles => { 'foo_bar' => 'bar' }
+ );
+ package Baz::Autoloaded;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'foo' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ default => sub { Foo::Autoloaded->new },
+ handles => ['bar']
+ );
+ package Goorch::Autoloaded;
+ use Moose;
+ ::dies_ok {
+ has 'foo' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ default => sub { Foo::Autoloaded->new },
+ handles => qr/bar/
+ );
+ } '... you cannot delegate to AUTOLOADED class with regexp';
+# check HASH based delegation w/ AUTOLOAD
+ my $bar = Bar::Autoloaded->new;
+ isa_ok($bar, 'Bar::Autoloaded');
+ ok($bar->foo, '... we have something in bar->foo');
+ isa_ok($bar->foo, 'Foo::Autoloaded');
+ # change the value ...
+ $bar->foo->bar(30);
+ # and make sure the delegation picks it up
+ is($bar->foo->bar, 30, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value');
+ is($bar->foo_bar, 30, '... bar->foo_bar delegated correctly');
+ # change the value through the delegation ...
+ $bar->foo_bar(50);
+ # and make sure everyone sees it
+ is($bar->foo->bar, 50, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value');
+ is($bar->foo_bar, 50, '... bar->foo_bar delegated correctly');
+ # change the object we are delegating too
+ my $foo = Foo::Autoloaded->new;
+ isa_ok($foo, 'Foo::Autoloaded');
+ $foo->bar(25);
+ is($foo->bar, 25, '... got the right foo->bar');
+ lives_ok {
+ $bar->foo($foo);
+ } '... assigned the new Foo to Bar->foo';
+ is($bar->foo, $foo, '... assigned bar->foo with the new Foo');
+ is($bar->foo->bar, 25, '... bar->foo->bar returned the right result');
+ is($bar->foo_bar, 25, '... and bar->foo_bar delegated correctly again');
+# check ARRAY based delegation w/ AUTOLOAD
+ my $baz = Baz::Autoloaded->new;
+ isa_ok($baz, 'Baz::Autoloaded');
+ ok($baz->foo, '... we have something in baz->foo');
+ isa_ok($baz->foo, 'Foo::Autoloaded');
+ # change the value ...
+ $baz->foo->bar(30);
+ # and make sure the delegation picks it up
+ is($baz->foo->bar, 30, '... baz->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value');
+ is($baz->bar, 30, '... baz->foo_bar delegated correctly');
+ # change the value through the delegation ...
+ $baz->bar(50);
+ # and make sure everyone sees it
+ is($baz->foo->bar, 50, '... baz->foo->bar returned the right (changed) value');
+ is($baz->bar, 50, '... baz->foo_bar delegated correctly');
+ # change the object we are delegating too
+ my $foo = Foo::Autoloaded->new;
+ isa_ok($foo, 'Foo::Autoloaded');
+ $foo->bar(25);
+ is($foo->bar, 25, '... got the right foo->bar');
+ lives_ok {
+ $baz->foo($foo);
+ } '... assigned the new Foo to Baz->foo';
+ is($baz->foo, $foo, '... assigned baz->foo with the new Foo');
+ is($baz->foo->bar, 25, '... baz->foo->bar returned the right result');
+ is($baz->bar, 25, '... and baz->foo_bar delegated correctly again');