package Foo;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Exception;
- throws_ok {
+ ::throws_ok{
- } qr/\b deprecated \b/xmsi, 'complained';
+ } qr/\b deprecated \b/xmsi,
+ 'Class::MOP::in_global_destruction is deprecated';
package Bar;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Exception;
use Class::MOP::Deprecated -compatible => 0.93;
- throws_ok {
+ ::throws_ok{
- } qr/\b deprecated \b/xmsi, 'complained';
+ } qr/\b deprecated \b/xmsi,
+ 'Class::MOP::in_global_destruction is deprecated with 0.93 compatibility';
package Baz;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Exception;
use Class::MOP::Deprecated -compatible => 0.92;
- lives_ok {
+ ::lives_ok{
- } 'safe';
+ }
+ 'Class::MOP::in_global_destruction is not deprecated with 0.92 compatibility';
package Baz::Inner;
- use Test::More;
- use Test::Exception;
- lives_ok {
+ ::lives_ok{
- } 'safe in an inner class';
+ } 'safe in an inner class';
my $map = Quux->meta->get_method_map;
my @method_objects = grep { blessed($_) } values %{$map};
- ::is( scalar @method_objects, 3,
- 'get_method_map still returns all values as method object' );
- ::is_deeply( [ sort keys %{$map} ],
- [ qw( bar foo meta ) ],
- 'get_method_map returns expected methods' );
+ ::is(
+ scalar @method_objects, 3,
+ 'get_method_map still returns all values as method object'
+ );
+ ::is_deeply(
+ [ sort keys %{$map} ],
+ [qw( bar foo meta )],
+ 'get_method_map returns expected methods'
+ );