local $TODO = 'patch Moose Native::Trait';
dies_ok( sub { my $bad_table = $schema->get_table }, 'Error on no arg to get_table' );
is($schema->get_table('baz'), undef, 'Nonexistant table returns undef');
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = 'patch Moose Native::Trait';
dies_ok( sub { my $bad_view = $schema->get_view }, 'Error on no arg to get_view' );
- is($schema->get_view('baz'), undef, 'Nonexistant view returns undef');
+ is($schema->get_view('baz'), undef, 'Nonexistant view returns undef');
my $good_table = $schema->get_table('foo');
isa_ok( $good_table, 'SQL::Translator::Object::Table', 'Table "foo"' );
#like( $c->error, qr/non-existent field/i,
# q[...because there's no "pet_id" field in "pet"]);
- my $pet_id = $t2->add_field({ name => 'pet_id' });
+ my $pet_id = $t2->add_column({ name => 'pet_id' });
is( $pet_id->name, 'pet_id', 'Added field "pet_id"' );
## is( $c->is_valid, 1, 'Constraint now valid' );
on_table => 'foo',
action => 'update modified=timestamp();',
}) or die $s2->error;
- $t2->add_database_event('insert');
- $t2->add_database_event('update');
isa_ok( $t2, 'SQL::Translator::Object::Trigger', 'Trigger' );
isa_ok( $t2->schema, 'SQL::Translator::Object::Schema', 'Schema' );
is( $t2->schema->name, 'TrigTest2', qq[Schema name is "'TrigTest2'"] );