p4raw-id: //depot/perl@4398
my $name = $_;
- if ($name eq 'CVS' && -d $name) {
+ # Ignore RCS and CVS directories.
+ if (($name eq 'CVS' or $name eq 'RCS') and -d $name) {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
- # ignore patch backups and the .exists files.
- return if $name =~ m{\.orig$|~$|^\.exists};
+ # ignore patch backups, RCS files, emacs backup & temp files and the
+ # .exists files.
+ return if $name =~ m{\.orig$|~$|^#.+#$|,v$|^\.exists};
$name = "$dir/$name" if $dir ne '';
@EXPORT = qw(expand unexpand $tabstop);
use vars qw($VERSION $tabstop $debug);
-$VERSION = 96.121201;
+$VERSION = 98.112801;
use strict;
sub expand
- my @l = @_;
+ my (@l) = @_;
for $_ (@l) {
1 while s/(^|\n)([^\t\n]*)(\t+)/
$1. $2 . (" " x
sub unexpand
- my @l = @_;
+ my (@l) = @_;
my @e;
my $x;
my $line;