# -*- Mode: cperl; coding: utf-8; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
package CPAN;
-$VERSION = '1.80';
+$VERSION = '1.80_56';
+use strict;
+use CPAN::HandleConfig;
use CPAN::Version;
+use CPAN::Debug;
+use CPAN::Tarzip;
use Carp ();
use Config ();
use Cwd ();
require Mac::BuildTools if $^O eq 'MacOS';
-END { $End++; &cleanup; }
-%CPAN::DEBUG = qw[
- CPAN 1
- Index 2
- InfoObj 4
- Author 8
- Distribution 16
- Bundle 32
- Module 64
- CacheMgr 128
- Complete 256
- FTP 512
- Shell 1024
- Eval 2048
- Config 4096
- Tarzip 8192
- Version 16384
- Queue 32768
-$CPAN::DEBUG ||= 0;
+END { $CPAN::End++; &cleanup; }
$CPAN::Signal ||= 0;
$CPAN::Frontend ||= "CPAN::Shell";
$CPAN::Defaultsite ||= "ftp://ftp.perl.org/pub/CPAN";
use strict;
- $Signal $End $Suppress_readline $Frontend
+ $Signal $Suppress_readline $Frontend
$Defaultsite $Have_warned $Defaultdocs $Defaultrecent
$Be_Silent );
$l =~ s/.*:://;
- CPAN::Config->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
+ CPAN::HandleConfig->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
if (exists $EXPORT{$l}){
} else {
sub shell {
my($self) = @_;
$Suppress_readline = ! -t STDIN unless defined $Suppress_readline;
- CPAN::Config->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
+ CPAN::HandleConfig->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
my $oprompt = shift || "cpan> ";
my $prompt = $oprompt;
my($eval) = $_;
package CPAN::Eval;
+ use strict;
use vars qw($import_done);
CPAN->import(':DEFAULT') unless $import_done++;
CPAN->debug("eval[$eval]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
package CPAN::CacheMgr;
+use strict;
@CPAN::CacheMgr::ISA = qw(CPAN::InfoObj CPAN);
use File::Find;
-package CPAN::Config;
-use vars qw(%can %keys $dot_cpan);
-%can = (
- 'commit' => "Commit changes to disk",
- 'defaults' => "Reload defaults from disk",
- 'init' => "Interactive setting of all options",
-%keys = map { $_ => undef } qw(
- build_cache build_dir
- cache_metadata cpan_home curl
- dontload_hash
- ftp ftp_proxy
- getcwd gpg gzip
- histfile histsize http_proxy
- inactivity_timeout index_expire inhibit_startup_message
- keep_source_where
- lynx
- make make_arg make_install_arg make_install_make_command makepl_arg
- ncftp ncftpget no_proxy pager
- prerequisites_policy
- scan_cache shell show_upload_date
- tar term_is_latin
- unzip urllist
- wait_list wget
package CPAN::FTP;
+use strict;
use vars qw($Ua $Thesite $Themethod);
@CPAN::FTP::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug);
package CPAN::LWP::UserAgent;
+use strict;
# we delay requiring LWP::UserAgent and setting up inheritance until we need it
package CPAN::Complete;
+use strict;
@CPAN::Complete::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug);
@CPAN::Complete::COMMANDS = sort qw(
! a b d h i m o q r u autobundle clean dump
) unless @CPAN::Complete::COMMANDS;
package CPAN::Index;
+use strict;
use vars qw($LAST_TIME $DATE_OF_02 $DATE_OF_03);
@CPAN::Index::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug);
$LAST_TIME ||= 0;
sub PROTOCOL { 2.0 }
package CPAN::InfoObj;
+use strict;
@CPAN::InfoObj::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug);
package CPAN::Author;
+use strict;
@CPAN::Author::ISA = qw(CPAN::InfoObj);
package CPAN::Distribution;
+use strict;
@CPAN::Distribution::ISA = qw(CPAN::InfoObj);
package CPAN::Bundle;
+use strict;
@CPAN::Bundle::ISA = qw(CPAN::Module);
package CPAN::Module;
+use strict;
@CPAN::Module::ISA = qw(CPAN::InfoObj);
package CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency;
+use strict;
use overload '""' => "as_string";
sub new {
package CPAN::Shell;
+use strict;
@CPAN::Shell::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug);
-package CPAN::Tarzip;
-@CPAN::Tarzip::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug);
-$BUGHUNTING = 0; # released code must have turned off
package CPAN::Queue;
+use strict;
# One use of the queue is to determine if we should or shouldn't
# announce the availability of a new CPAN module
package CPAN;
+use strict;
$META ||= CPAN->new; # In case we re-eval ourselves we need the ||
#-> sub CPAN::all_objects ;
sub all_objects {
my($mgr,$class) = @_;
- CPAN::Config->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
+ CPAN::HandleConfig->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
CPAN->debug("mgr[$mgr] class[$class]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
values %{ $META->{readwrite}{$class} }; # unsafe meta access, ok
#-> sub CPAN::exists ;
sub exists {
my($mgr,$class,$id) = @_;
- CPAN::Config->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
+ CPAN::HandleConfig->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
### Carp::croak "exists called without class argument" unless $class;
$id ||= "";
+ $id =~ s/:+/::/g if $class eq "CPAN::Module";
exists $META->{readonly}{$class}{$id} or
exists $META->{readwrite}{$class}{$id}; # unsafe meta access, ok
}) unless $Have_warned->{"Net::FTP"}++;
sleep 3;
- } elsif ($mod eq "Digest::MD5"){
+ } elsif ($mod eq "Digest::SHA"){
- CPAN: MD5 security checks disabled because Digest::MD5 not installed.
- Please consider installing the Digest::MD5 module.
+ CPAN: checksum security checks disabled because Digest::SHA not installed.
+ Please consider installing the Digest::SHA module.
sleep 2;
#-> sub CPAN::cleanup ;
sub cleanup {
- # warn "cleanup called with arg[@_] End[$End] Signal[$Signal]";
+ # warn "cleanup called with arg[@_] End[$CPAN::End] Signal[$Signal]";
local $SIG{__DIE__} = '';
my($message) = @_;
my $i = 0;
$ineval = 1, last if
$subroutine eq '(eval)';
- return if $ineval && !$End;
+ return if $ineval && !$CPAN::End;
return unless defined $META->{LOCK};
return unless -f $META->{LOCK};
package CPAN::CacheMgr;
+use strict;
#-> sub CPAN::CacheMgr::as_string ;
sub as_string {
-package CPAN::Debug;
-#-> sub CPAN::Debug::debug ;
-sub debug {
- my($self,$arg) = @_;
- my($caller,$func,$line,@rest) = caller(1); # caller(0) eg
- # Complete, caller(1)
- # eg readline
- ($caller) = caller(0);
- $caller =~ s/.*:://;
- $arg = "" unless defined $arg;
- my $rest = join "|", map { defined $_ ? $_ : "UNDEF" } @rest;
- if ($CPAN::DEBUG{$caller} & $CPAN::DEBUG){
- if ($arg and ref $arg) {
- eval { require Data::Dumper };
- if ($@) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint($arg->as_string);
- } else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(Data::Dumper::Dumper($arg));
- }
- } else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Debug($caller:$func,$line,[$rest]): $arg\n");
- }
- }
-package CPAN::Config;
-#-> sub CPAN::Config::edit ;
-# returns true on successful action
-sub edit {
- my($self,@args) = @_;
- return unless @args;
- CPAN->debug("self[$self]args[".join(" | ",@args)."]");
- my($o,$str,$func,$args,$key_exists);
- $o = shift @args;
- if($can{$o}) {
- $self->$o(@args);
- return 1;
- } else {
- CPAN->debug("o[$o]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- unless (exists $keys{$o}) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Warning: unknown configuration variable '$o'\n");
- }
- if ($o =~ /list$/) {
- $func = shift @args;
- $func ||= "";
- CPAN->debug("func[$func]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- my $changed;
- # Let's avoid eval, it's easier to comprehend without.
- if ($func eq "push") {
- push @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}}, @args;
- $changed = 1;
- } elsif ($func eq "pop") {
- pop @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}};
- $changed = 1;
- } elsif ($func eq "shift") {
- shift @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}};
- $changed = 1;
- } elsif ($func eq "unshift") {
- unshift @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}}, @args;
- $changed = 1;
- } elsif ($func eq "splice") {
- splice @{$CPAN::Config->{$o}}, @args;
- $changed = 1;
- } elsif (@args) {
- $CPAN::Config->{$o} = [@args];
- $changed = 1;
- } else {
- $self->prettyprint($o);
- }
- if ($o eq "urllist" && $changed) {
- # reset the cached values
- undef $CPAN::FTP::Thesite;
- undef $CPAN::FTP::Themethod;
- }
- return $changed;
- } else {
- $CPAN::Config->{$o} = $args[0] if defined $args[0];
- $self->prettyprint($o);
- }
- }
-sub prettyprint {
- my($self,$k) = @_;
- my $v = $CPAN::Config->{$k};
- if (ref $v) {
- my(@report) = ref $v eq "ARRAY" ?
- @$v :
- map { sprintf(" %-18s => [%s]\n",
- map { "[$_]" } $_,
- defined $v->{$_} ? $v->{$_} : "UNDEFINED"
- )} keys %$v;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(
- join(
- "",
- sprintf(
- " %-18s\n",
- $k
- ),
- map {"\t[$_]\n"} @report
- )
- );
- } elsif (defined $v) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf " %-18s [%s]\n", $k, $v);
- } else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf " %-18s [%s]\n", $k, "UNDEFINED");
- }
-#-> sub CPAN::Config::commit ;
-sub commit {
- my($self,$configpm) = @_;
- unless (defined $configpm){
- $configpm ||= $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"};
- $configpm ||= $INC{"CPAN/Config.pm"};
- $configpm || Carp::confess(q{
-CPAN::Config::commit called without an argument.
-Please specify a filename where to save the configuration or try
-"o conf init" to have an interactive course through configing.
- }
- my($mode);
- if (-f $configpm) {
- $mode = (stat $configpm)[2];
- if ($mode && ! -w _) {
- Carp::confess("$configpm is not writable");
- }
- }
- my $msg;
- $msg = <<EOF unless $configpm =~ /MyConfig/;
-# This is CPAN.pm's systemwide configuration file. This file provides
-# defaults for users, and the values can be changed in a per-user
-# configuration file. The user-config file is being looked for as
-# ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm.
- $msg ||= "\n";
- my($fh) = FileHandle->new;
- rename $configpm, "$configpm~" if -f $configpm;
- open $fh, ">$configpm" or
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Couldn't open >$configpm: $!");
- $fh->print(qq[$msg\$CPAN::Config = \{\n]);
- foreach (sort keys %$CPAN::Config) {
- $fh->print(
- " '$_' => ",
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker::neatvalue($CPAN::Config->{$_}),
- ",\n"
- );
- }
- $fh->print("};\n1;\n__END__\n");
- close $fh;
- #$mode = 0444 | ( $mode & 0111 ? 0111 : 0 );
- #chmod $mode, $configpm;
-###why was that so? $self->defaults;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("commit: wrote $configpm\n");
- 1;
-*default = \&defaults;
-#-> sub CPAN::Config::defaults ;
-sub defaults {
- my($self) = @_;
- $self->unload;
- $self->load;
- 1;
-sub init {
- my($self) = @_;
- undef $CPAN::Config->{'inhibit_startup_message'}; # lazy trick to
- # have the least
- # important
- # variable
- # undefined
- $self->load;
- 1;
-# This is a piece of repeated code that is abstracted here for
-# maintainability. RMB
-sub _configpmtest {
- my($configpmdir, $configpmtest) = @_;
- if (-w $configpmtest) {
- return $configpmtest;
- } elsif (-w $configpmdir) {
- #_#_# following code dumped core on me with 5.003_11, a.k.
- my $configpm_bak = "$configpmtest.bak";
- unlink $configpm_bak if -f $configpm_bak;
- if( -f $configpmtest ) {
- if( rename $configpmtest, $configpm_bak ) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(<<END);
-Old configuration file $configpmtest
- moved to $configpm_bak
- }
- }
- my $fh = FileHandle->new;
- if ($fh->open(">$configpmtest")) {
- $fh->print("1;\n");
- return $configpmtest;
- } else {
- # Should never happen
- Carp::confess("Cannot open >$configpmtest");
- }
- } else { return }
-#-> sub CPAN::Config::load ;
-sub load {
- my($self, %args) = @_;
- $CPAN::Be_Silent++ if $args{be_silent};
- my(@miss);
- use Carp;
- eval {require CPAN::Config;}; # We eval because of some
- # MakeMaker problems
- unless ($dot_cpan++){
- unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME},".cpan");
- eval {require CPAN::MyConfig;}; # where you can override
- # system wide settings
- shift @INC;
- }
- return unless @miss = $self->missing_config_data;
- require CPAN::FirstTime;
- my($configpm,$fh,$redo,$theycalled);
- $redo ||= "";
- $theycalled++ if @miss==1 && $miss[0] eq 'inhibit_startup_message';
- if (defined $INC{"CPAN/Config.pm"} && -w $INC{"CPAN/Config.pm"}) {
- $configpm = $INC{"CPAN/Config.pm"};
- $redo++;
- } elsif (defined $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"} && -w $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"}) {
- $configpm = $INC{"CPAN/MyConfig.pm"};
- $redo++;
- } else {
- my($path_to_cpan) = File::Basename::dirname($INC{"CPAN.pm"});
- my($configpmdir) = File::Spec->catdir($path_to_cpan,"CPAN");
- my($configpmtest) = File::Spec->catfile($configpmdir,"Config.pm");
- if (-d $configpmdir or File::Path::mkpath($configpmdir)) {
- $configpm = _configpmtest($configpmdir,$configpmtest);
- }
- unless ($configpm) {
- $configpmdir = File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME},".cpan","CPAN");
- File::Path::mkpath($configpmdir);
- $configpmtest = File::Spec->catfile($configpmdir,"MyConfig.pm");
- $configpm = _configpmtest($configpmdir,$configpmtest);
- unless ($configpm) {
- my $text = qq{WARNING: CPAN.pm is unable to } .
- qq{create a configuration file.};
- output($text, 'confess');
- }
- }
- }
- local($") = ", ";
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(<<END) if $redo && ! $theycalled;
-We have to reconfigure CPAN.pm due to following uninitialized parameters:
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{
-$configpm initialized.
- sleep 2;
- CPAN::FirstTime::init($configpm, %args);
-#-> sub CPAN::Config::missing_config_data ;
-sub missing_config_data {
- my(@miss);
- for (
- "cpan_home", "keep_source_where", "build_dir", "build_cache",
- "scan_cache", "index_expire", "gzip", "tar", "unzip", "make",
- "pager",
- "makepl_arg", "make_arg", "make_install_arg", "urllist",
- "inhibit_startup_message", "ftp_proxy", "http_proxy", "no_proxy",
- "prerequisites_policy",
- "cache_metadata",
- ) {
- push @miss, $_ unless defined $CPAN::Config->{$_};
- }
- return @miss;
-#-> sub CPAN::Config::unload ;
-sub unload {
- delete $INC{'CPAN/MyConfig.pm'};
- delete $INC{'CPAN/Config.pm'};
-#-> sub CPAN::Config::help ;
-sub help {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(q[
-Known options:
- defaults reload default config values from disk
- commit commit session changes to disk
- init go through a dialog to set all parameters
-You may edit key values in the follow fashion (the "o" is a literal
-letter o):
- o conf build_cache 15
- o conf build_dir "/foo/bar"
- o conf urllist shift
- o conf urllist unshift ftp://ftp.foo.bar/
- undef; #don't reprint CPAN::Config
-#-> sub CPAN::Config::cpl ;
-sub cpl {
- my($word,$line,$pos) = @_;
- $word ||= "";
- CPAN->debug("word[$word] line[$line] pos[$pos]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- my(@words) = split " ", substr($line,0,$pos+1);
- if (
- defined($words[2])
- and
- (
- $words[2] =~ /list$/ && @words == 3
- ||
- $words[2] =~ /list$/ && @words == 4 && length($word)
- )
- ) {
- return grep /^\Q$word\E/, qw(splice shift unshift pop push);
- } elsif (@words >= 4) {
- return ();
- }
- my %seen;
- my(@o_conf) = sort grep { !$seen{$_}++ }
- keys %CPAN::Config::can,
- keys %$CPAN::Config,
- keys %CPAN::Config::keys;
- return grep /^\Q$word\E/, @o_conf;
package CPAN::Shell;
+use strict;
#-> sub CPAN::Shell::h ;
sub h {
#-> sub CPAN::Shell::ls ;
sub ls {
my($self,@arg) = @_;
- my @accept;
- if ($arg[0] eq "*") {
- @arg = map { $_->id } $self->expand('Author','/./');
+ my(@accept,@preexpand);
+ for my $arg (@arg) {
+ if ($arg =~ /[\*\?\/]/) {
+ if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Text::Glob")) {
+ if (my($au,$pathglob) = $arg =~ m|(.*?)/(.*)|) {
+ my $rau = Text::Glob::glob_to_regex(uc $au);
+ $self->debug("au[$au]pathglob[$pathglob]rau[$rau]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ push @preexpand, map { $_->id . "/" . $pathglob }
+ $self->expand_by_method('CPAN::Author',['id'],"/$rau/");
+ } else {
+ my $rau = Text::Glob::glob_to_regex(uc $arg);
+ push @preexpand, map { $_->id } $self->expand_by_method('CPAN::Author',
+ ['id'],
+ "/$rau/");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Text::Glob not installed, cannot proceed");
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @preexpand, uc $arg;
+ }
- for (@arg) {
- unless (/^[A-Z0-9\-]+$/i) {
+ for (@preexpand) {
+ unless (/^[A-Z0-9\-]+(\/|$)/i) {
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("ls command rejects argument $_: not an author\n");
- push @accept, uc $_;
+ push @accept, $_;
my $silent = @accept>1;
my $last_alpha = "";
for my $a (@accept){
- my $author = $self->expand('Author',$a) or die "No author found for $a";
- $author->ls($silent); # silent if more than one author
+ my($author,$pathglob);
+ if ($a =~ m|(.*?)/(.*)|) {
+ my $a2 = $1;
+ $pathglob = $2;
+ $author = $self->expand_by_method('CPAN::Author',
+ ['id'],
+ $a2) or die "No author found for $a2";
+ } else {
+ $author = $self->expand_by_method('CPAN::Author',
+ ['id'],
+ $a) or die "No author found for $a";
+ }
if ($silent) {
- my $alphadot = substr $author->id, 0, 1;
+ my $alpha = substr $author->id, 0, 1;
my $ad;
- if ($alphadot eq $last_alpha) {
- $ad = ".";
+ if ($alpha eq $last_alpha) {
+ $ad = "";
} else {
- $ad = $alphadot;
- $last_alpha = $alphadot;
+ $ad = "[$alpha]";
+ $last_alpha = $alpha;
+ $author->ls($pathglob,$silent); # silent if more than one author
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(" and $INC{'CPAN/MyConfig.pm'}");
- for $k (sort keys %CPAN::Config::can) {
- $v = $CPAN::Config::can{$k};
+ for $k (sort keys %CPAN::HandleConfig::can) {
+ $v = $CPAN::HandleConfig::can{$k};
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf " %-18s [%s]\n", $k, $v);
for $k (sort keys %$CPAN::Config) {
- CPAN::Config->prettyprint($k);
+ CPAN::HandleConfig->prettyprint($k);
- } elsif (!CPAN::Config->edit(@o_what)) {
+ } elsif (!CPAN::HandleConfig->edit(@o_what)) {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Type 'o conf' to view configuration }.
qq{edit options\n\n});
$command ||= "";
$self->debug("self[$self]command[$command]arg[@arg]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
if ($command =~ /cpan/i) {
- for my $f (qw(CPAN.pm CPAN/FirstTime.pm)) {
+ my $redef = 0;
+ for my $f (qw(CPAN.pm CPAN/HandleConfig.pm CPAN/FirstTime.pm CPAN/Tarzip.pm
+ CPAN/Debug.pm CPAN/Version.pm)) {
next unless $INC{$f};
my $pwd = CPAN::anycwd();
CPAN->debug("reloading the whole '$f' from '$INC{$f}' while pwd='$pwd'")
my $fh = FileHandle->new($INC{$f});
- my $redef = 0;
local $^W = 1;
local($SIG{__WARN__}) = paintdots_onreload(\$redef);
my $eval = <$fh>;
eval $eval;
warn $@ if $@;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("\n$redef subroutines redefined\n");
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("\n$redef subroutines redefined\n");
} elsif ($command =~ /index/) {
} else {
MODULE: for $module (@expand) {
my $file = $module->cpan_file;
next MODULE unless defined $file; # ??
+ $file =~ s|^./../||;
my($latest) = $module->cpan_version;
my($inst_file) = $module->inst_file;
#-> sub CPAN::Shell::autobundle ;
sub autobundle {
my($self) = shift;
- CPAN::Config->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
+ CPAN::HandleConfig->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
my(@bundle) = $self->_u_r_common("a",@_);
my($todir) = File::Spec->catdir($CPAN::Config->{'cpan_home'},"Bundle");
#-> sub CPAN::Shell::expand ;
sub expand {
- shift;
+ my $self = shift;
my($type,@args) = @_;
- my($arg,@m);
CPAN->debug("type[$type]args[@args]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ my $class = "CPAN::$type";
+ my $methods = ['id'];
+ for my $meth (qw(name)) {
+ next if $] < 5.00303; # no "can"
+ next unless $class->can($meth);
+ push @$methods, $meth;
+ }
+ $self->expand_by_method($class,$methods,@args);
+sub expand_by_method {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($class,$methods,@args) = @_;
+ my($arg,@m);
for $arg (@args) {
if ($arg =~ m|^/(.*)/$|) {
} elsif ($arg =~ m/=/) {
$command = 1;
- my $class = "CPAN::$type";
my $obj;
CPAN->debug(sprintf "class[%s]regex[%s]command[%s]",
defined $regex ? $regex : "UNDEFINED",
- $command || "UNDEFINED",
+ defined $command ? $command : "UNDEFINED",
) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
if (defined $regex) {
for $obj (
- sort
- {$a->id cmp $b->id}
) {
unless ($obj->id){
)) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- push @m, $obj
- if $obj->id =~ /$regex/i
- or
- (
- (
- $] < 5.00303 ### provide sort of
- ### compatibility with 5.003
- ||
- $obj->can('name')
- )
- &&
- $obj->name =~ /$regex/i
- );
+ for my $method (@$methods) {
+ if ($obj->$method() =~ /$regex/i) {
+ push @m, $obj;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
} elsif ($command) {
die "equal sign in command disabled (immature interface), ".
} else {
my($xarg) = $arg;
- if ( $type eq 'Bundle' ) {
+ if ( $class eq 'CPAN::Bundle' ) {
$xarg =~ s/^(Bundle::)?(.*)/Bundle::$2/;
- } elsif ($type eq "Distribution") {
+ } elsif ($class eq "CPAN::Distribution") {
$xarg = CPAN::Distribution->normalize($arg);
+ } else {
+ $xarg =~ s/:+/::/g;
if ($CPAN::META->exists($class,$xarg)) {
$obj = $CPAN::META->instance($class,$xarg);
push @m, $obj;
+ @m = sort {$a->id cmp $b->id} @m;
+ if ( $CPAN::DEBUG ) {
+ my $wantarray = wantarray;
+ my $join_m = join ",", map {$_->id} @m;
+ $self->debug("wantarray[$wantarray]join_m[$join_m]");
+ }
return wantarray ? @m : $m[0];
for my $obj (@qcopy) {
+ delete $obj->{incommandcolor};
package CPAN::LWP::UserAgent;
+use strict;
sub config {
return if $SETUPDONE;
package CPAN::FTP;
+use strict;
#-> sub CPAN::FTP::ftp_get ;
sub ftp_get {
# Maybe mirror has compressed it?
if (-f "$l.gz") {
$self->debug("found compressed $l.gz") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip("$l.gz", $aslocal);
+ CPAN::Tarzip->new("$l.gz")->gunzip($aslocal);
if ( -f $aslocal) {
$Thesite = $i;
return $aslocal;
$res = $Ua->mirror($gzurl, "$aslocal.gz");
if ($res->is_success &&
- CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip("$aslocal.gz",$aslocal)
+ CPAN::Tarzip->new("$aslocal.gz")->gunzip($aslocal)
) {
$Thesite = $i;
return $aslocal;
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Fetching with Net::FTP
- if (CPAN::FTP->ftp_get($host,
- $dir,
- "$getfile.gz",
- $gz) &&
- CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip($gz,$aslocal)
+ if (CPAN::FTP->ftp_get($host,
+ $dir,
+ "$getfile.gz",
+ $gz) &&
+ CPAN::Tarzip->new($gz)->gunzip($aslocal)
$Thesite = $i;
return $aslocal;
# Looks good
} elsif ($asl_ungz ne $aslocal) {
# test gzip integrity
- if (CPAN::Tarzip->gtest($asl_ungz)) {
+ if (CPAN::Tarzip->new($asl_ungz)->gtest) {
# e.g. foo.tar is gzipped --> foo.tar.gz
rename $asl_ungz, $aslocal;
} else {
- CPAN::Tarzip->gzip($asl_ungz,$asl_gz);
+ CPAN::Tarzip->new($asl_gz)->gzip($asl_ungz);
$Thesite = $i;
-s $asl_gz
) {
# test gzip integrity
- if (CPAN::Tarzip->gtest($asl_gz)) {
- CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip($asl_gz,$aslocal);
+ my $ct = CPAN::Tarzip->new($asl_gz);
+ if ($ct->gtest) {
+ $ct->gunzip($aslocal);
} else {
# somebody uncompressed file for us?
rename $asl_ungz, $aslocal;
package CPAN::FTP::netrc;
+use strict;
sub new {
my($class) = @_;
package CPAN::Complete;
+use strict;
sub gnu_cpl {
my($text, $line, $start, $end) = @_;
} elsif ($words[1] eq 'index') {
return ();
} elsif ($words[1] eq 'conf') {
- return CPAN::Config::cpl(@_);
+ return CPAN::HandleConfig::cpl(@_);
} elsif ($words[1] eq 'debug') {
return sort grep /^\Q$word\E/,
sort keys %CPAN::DEBUG, 'all';
package CPAN::Index;
+use strict;
#-> sub CPAN::Index::force_reload ;
sub force_reload {
sub reload_x {
my($cl,$wanted,$localname,$force) = @_;
$force |= 2; # means we're dealing with an index here
- CPAN::Config->load; # we should guarantee loading wherever we rely
+ CPAN::HandleConfig->load; # we should guarantee loading wherever we rely
# on Config XXX
$localname ||= $wanted;
my $abs_wanted = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{'keep_source_where'},
tie *FH, 'CPAN::Tarzip', $index_target;
local($/) = "\n";
+ local($_);
push @lines, split /\012/ while <FH>;
foreach (@lines) {
my($userid,$fullname,$email) =
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Going to read $index_target\n");
my $fh = CPAN::Tarzip->TIEHANDLE($index_target);
local($/) = "\n";
+ local $_;
while ($_ = $fh->READLINE) {
my @ls = map {"$_\n"} split /\n/, $_;
my $fh = CPAN::Tarzip->TIEHANDLE($index_target);
my @eval;
local($/) = "\n";
+ local $_;
while ($_ = $fh->READLINE) {
my @ls = map {"$_\n"} split /\n/, $_;
package CPAN::InfoObj;
+use strict;
# Accessors
sub cpan_userid {
package CPAN::Author;
+use strict;
#-> sub CPAN::Author::id
sub id {
#-> sub CPAN::Author::ls ;
sub ls {
my $self = shift;
+ my $glob = shift || "";
my $silent = shift || 0;
my $id = $self->id;
- # adapted from CPAN::Distribution::verifyMD5 ;
+ # adapted from CPAN::Distribution::verifyCHECKSUM ;
my(@csf); # chksumfile
@csf = $self->id =~ /(.)(.)(.*)/;
$csf[1] = join "", @csf[0,1];
@dl = $self->dir_listing([@csf,"CHECKSUMS"], 1, 1);
+ if ($glob) {
+ my $rglob = Text::Glob::glob_to_regex($glob);
+ @dl = grep { $_->[2] =~ /$rglob/ } @dl;
+ }
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(join "", map {
sprintf("%8d %10s %s/%s\n", $_->[0], $_->[1], $id, $_->[2])
- } sort { $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } @dl) unless $silent;
+ } sort { $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } @dl);
# returns an array of arrays, the latter contain (size,mtime,filename)
if ($lc_file) {
$lc_file =~ s{\.gz(?!\n)\Z}{}; #};
- CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip("$lc_file.gz",$lc_file);
+ CPAN::Tarzip->new("$lc_file.gz")->gunzip($lc_file);
} else {
# $CPAN::Config->{show_upload_date} to false?
- # adapted from CPAN::Distribution::MD5_check_file ;
+ # adapted from CPAN::Distribution::CHECKSUM_check_file ;
$fh = FileHandle->new;
if (open $fh, $lc_file){
package CPAN::Distribution;
+use strict;
# Accessors
sub cpan_comment { shift->{RO}{CPAN_COMMENT} }
+# mark as dirty/clean
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::color_cmd_tmps ;
sub color_cmd_tmps {
my($self) = shift;
# Check integrity
- if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Digest::MD5")) {
- $self->debug("Digest::MD5 is installed, verifying");
- $self->verifyMD5;
+ if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Digest::SHA")) {
+ $self->debug("Digest::SHA is installed, verifying");
+ $self->verifyCHECKSUM;
} else {
- $self->debug("Digest::MD5 is NOT installed");
+ $self->debug("Digest::SHA is NOT installed");
return if $CPAN::Signal;
# Unpack the goods
$self->debug("local_file[$local_file]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- if ($local_file =~ /(\.tar\.(gz|Z)|\.tgz)(?!\n)\Z/i){
- $self->{was_uncompressed}++ unless CPAN::Tarzip->gtest($local_file);
- $self->untar_me($local_file);
+ my $ct = CPAN::Tarzip->new($local_file);
+ if ($local_file =~ /(\.tar\.(bz2|gz|Z)|\.tgz)(?!\n)\Z/i){
+ $self->{was_uncompressed}++ unless $ct->gtest();
+ $self->untar_me($ct);
} elsif ( $local_file =~ /\.zip(?!\n)\Z/i ) {
- $self->unzip_me($local_file);
+ $self->unzip_me($ct);
} elsif ( $local_file =~ /\.pm(\.(gz|Z))?(?!\n)\Z/) {
- $self->{was_uncompressed}++ unless CPAN::Tarzip->gtest($local_file);
+ $self->{was_uncompressed}++ unless $ct->gtest();
$self->debug("calling pm2dir for local_file[$local_file]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
} else {
return if $CPAN::Signal;
my($mpl) = File::Spec->catfile($packagedir,"Makefile.PL");
my($mpl_exists) = -f $mpl;
unless ($mpl_exists) {
$mpl_exists = grep /^Makefile\.PL$/, $mpldh->read;
- unless ($mpl_exists) {
+ my $prefer_installer = "eumm"; # eumm|mb
+ if (-f File::Spec->catfile($packagedir,"Build.PL")) {
+ if ($mpl_exists) { # they *can* choose
+ if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Module::Build")) {
+ $prefer_installer = $CPAN::Config->{prefer_installer};
+ }
+ } else {
+ $prefer_installer = "mb";
+ }
+ }
+ if (lc($prefer_installer) eq "mb") {
+ $self->{modulebuild} = "YES";
+ } elsif (! $mpl_exists) {
# CPAN::Distribution::untar_me ;
sub untar_me {
- my($self,$local_file) = @_;
+ my($self,$ct) = @_;
$self->{archived} = "tar";
- if (CPAN::Tarzip->untar($local_file)) {
+ if ($ct->untar()) {
$self->{unwrapped} = "YES";
} else {
$self->{unwrapped} = "NO";
# CPAN::Distribution::unzip_me ;
sub unzip_me {
- my($self,$local_file) = @_;
+ my($self,$ct) = @_;
$self->{archived} = "zip";
- if (CPAN::Tarzip->unzip($local_file)) {
+ if ($ct->unzip()) {
$self->{unwrapped} = "YES";
} else {
$self->{unwrapped} = "NO";
$self->{archived} = "pm";
my $to = File::Basename::basename($local_file);
if ($to =~ s/\.(gz|Z)(?!\n)\Z//) {
- if (CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip($local_file,$to)) {
+ if (CPAN::Tarzip->new($local_file)->gunzip($to)) {
$self->{unwrapped} = "YES";
} else {
$self->{unwrapped} = "NO";
-#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::verifyMD5 ;
-sub verifyMD5 {
+#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::verifyCHECKSUM ;
+sub verifyCHECKSUM {
my($self) = @_;
my @e;
- $self->{MD5_STATUS} ||= "";
- $self->{MD5_STATUS} eq "OK" and push @e, "MD5 Checksum was ok";
+ $self->{CHECKSUM_STATUS} ||= "";
+ $self->{CHECKSUM_STATUS} eq "OK" and push @e, "Checksum was ok";
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(join "", map {" $_\n"} @e) and return if @e;
if (
-s $lc_want
- $self->MD5_check_file($lc_want)
+ $self->CHECKSUM_check_file($lc_want)
) {
- return $self->{MD5_STATUS} = "OK";
+ return $self->{CHECKSUM_STATUS} = "OK";
$lc_file = CPAN::FTP->localize("authors/id/@local",
if ($lc_file) {
$lc_file =~ s/\.gz(?!\n)\Z//;
- CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip("$lc_file.gz",$lc_file);
+ CPAN::Tarzip->new("$lc_file.gz")->gunzip($lc_file);
} else {
- $self->MD5_check_file($lc_file);
+ $self->CHECKSUM_check_file($lc_file);
sub SIG_check_file {
-#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::MD5_check_file ;
-sub MD5_check_file {
+#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::CHECKSUM_check_file ;
+sub CHECKSUM_check_file {
my($self,$chk_file) = @_;
Carp::carp "Could not open $chk_file for reading";
- if (exists $cksum->{$basename}{md5}) {
+ if (exists $cksum->{$basename}{sha256}) {
$self->debug("Found checksum for $basename:" .
- "$cksum->{$basename}{md5}\n") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ "$cksum->{$basename}{sha256}\n") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
open($fh, $file);
binmode $fh;
- my $eq = $self->eq_MD5($fh,$cksum->{$basename}{'md5'});
+ my $eq = $self->eq_CHECKSUM($fh,$cksum->{$basename}{sha256});
$fh = CPAN::Tarzip->TIEHANDLE($file);
unless ($eq) {
- # had to inline it, when I tied it, the tiedness got lost on
- # the call to eq_MD5. (Jan 1998)
- my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
+ my $dg = Digest::SHA->new(256);
$ref = \$data;
while ($fh->READ($ref, 4096) > 0){
- $md5->add($data);
+ $dg->add($data);
- my $hexdigest = $md5->hexdigest;
- $eq += $hexdigest eq $cksum->{$basename}{'md5-ungz'};
+ my $hexdigest = $dg->hexdigest;
+ $eq += $hexdigest eq $cksum->{$basename}{'sha256-ungz'};
if ($eq) {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Checksum for $file ok\n");
- return $self->{MD5_STATUS} = "OK";
+ return $self->{CHECKSUM_STATUS} = "OK";
} else {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{\nChecksum mismatch for }.
qq{distribution file. }.
- my $wrap = qq{I\'d recommend removing $file. Its MD5
+ my $wrap = qq{I\'d recommend removing $file. Its
checksum is incorrect. Maybe you have configured your 'urllist' with
a bad URL. Please check this array with 'o conf urllist', and
# close $fh if fileno($fh);
} else {
- $self->{MD5_STATUS} ||= "";
- if ($self->{MD5_STATUS} eq "NIL") {
+ $self->{CHECKSUM_STATUS} ||= "";
+ if ($self->{CHECKSUM_STATUS} eq "NIL") {
-Warning: No md5 checksum for $basename in $chk_file.
+Warning: No checksum for $basename in $chk_file.
The cause for this may be that the file is very new and the checksum
has not yet been calculated, but it may also be that something is
my $answer = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt("Proceed?", "yes");
$answer =~ /^\s*y/i or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Aborted.");
- $self->{MD5_STATUS} = "NIL";
+ $self->{CHECKSUM_STATUS} = "NIL";
-#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::eq_MD5 ;
-sub eq_MD5 {
- my($self,$fh,$expectMD5) = @_;
- my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
+#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::eq_CHECKSUM ;
+sub eq_CHECKSUM {
+ my($self,$fh,$expect) = @_;
+ my $dg = Digest::SHA->new(256);
while (read($fh, $data, 4096)){
- $md5->add($data);
+ $dg->add($data);
- # $md5->addfile($fh);
- my $hexdigest = $md5->hexdigest;
+ my $hexdigest = $dg->hexdigest;
# warn "fh[$fh] hex[$hexdigest] aexp[$expectMD5]";
- $hexdigest eq $expectMD5;
+ $hexdigest eq $expect;
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::force ;
-# Both modules and distributions know if "force" is in effect by
-# autoinspection, not by inspecting a global variable. One of the
-# reason why this was chosen to work that way was the treatment of
-# dependencies. They should not autpomatically inherit the force
+# Both CPAN::Modules and CPAN::Distributions know if "force" is in
+# effect by autoinspection, not by inspecting a global variable. One
+# of the reason why this was chosen to work that way was the treatment
+# of dependencies. They should not automatically inherit the force
# status. But this has the downside that ^C and die() will return to
# the prompt but will not be able to reset the force_update
# attributes. We try to correct for it currently in the read_metadata
sub force {
my($self, $method) = @_;
for my $att (qw(
- MD5_STATUS archived build_dir localfile make install unwrapped
+ CHECKSUM_STATUS archived build_dir localfile make install unwrapped
)) {
delete $self->{$att};
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::make ;
sub make {
my($self) = @_;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf "Running make for %s\n", $self->id);
+ my $make = $self->{modulebuild} ? "Build" : "make";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf "Running %s for %s\n", $make, $self->id);
# Emergency brake if they said install Pippi and get newest perl
if ($self->isa_perl) {
if (
my $system;
if ($self->{'configure'}) {
- $system = $self->{'configure'};
+ $system = $self->{'configure'};
+ } elsif ($self->{modulebuild}) {
+ my($perl) = $self->perl or die "Couldn\'t find executable perl\n";
+ $system = "$perl Build.PL $CPAN::Config->{mbuildpl_arg}";
} else {
my($perl) = $self->perl or die "Couldn\'t find executable perl\n";
my $switch = "";
# wait;
waitpid $pid, 0;
} else { #child
- # note, this exec isn't necessary if
- # inactivity_timeout is 0. On the Mac I'd
- # suggest, we set it always to 0.
- exec $system;
+ # note, this exec isn't necessary if
+ # inactivity_timeout is 0. On the Mac I'd
+ # suggest, we set it always to 0.
+ exec $system;
} else {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Cannot fork: $!");
- if (-f "Makefile") {
+ if (-f "Makefile" || -f "Build") {
$self->{writemakefile} = "YES";
delete $self->{make_clean}; # if cleaned before, enable next
} else {
if (my @prereq = $self->unsat_prereq){
return 1 if $self->follow_prereqs(@prereq); # signal success to the queuerunner
- $system = join " ", $CPAN::Config->{'make'}, $CPAN::Config->{make_arg};
+ if ($self->{modulebuild}) {
+ $system = "./Build $CPAN::Config->{mbuild_arg}";
+ } else {
+ $system = join " ", $CPAN::Config->{'make'}, $CPAN::Config->{make_arg};
+ }
if (system($system) == 0) {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(" $system -- OK\n");
$self->{'make'} = "YES";
sub follow_prereqs {
my($self) = shift;
- my(@prereq) = @_;
+ my(@prereq) = grep {$_ ne "perl"} @_;
+ return unless @prereq;
my $id = $self->id;
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected ".
"during [$id] -----\n");
# if they have not specified a version, we accept any installed one
if (not defined $need_version or
- $need_version == 0 or
+ $need_version eq "0" or
$need_version eq "undef") {
next if defined $nmo->inst_file;
# We only want to install prereqs if either they're not installed
# or if the installed version is too old. We cannot omit this
# check, because if 'force' is in effect, nobody else will check.
- {
+ if (defined $nmo->inst_file) {
+ my(@all_requirements) = split /\s*,\s*/, $need_version;
local($^W) = 0;
- if (
- defined $nmo->inst_file &&
- ! CPAN::Version->vgt($need_version, $nmo->inst_version)
- ){
- CPAN->debug(sprintf "id[%s]inst_file[%s]inst_version[%s]need_version[%s]",
+ my $ok = 0;
+ RQ: for my $rq (@all_requirements) {
+ if ($rq =~ s|>=\s*||) {
+ } elsif ($rq =~ s|>\s*||) {
+ # 2005-12: one user
+ if (CPAN::Version->vgt($nmo->inst_version,$rq)){
+ $ok++;
+ }
+ next RQ;
+ } elsif ($rq =~ s|!=\s*||) {
+ # 2005-12: no user
+ if (CPAN::Version->vcmp($nmo->inst_version,$rq)){
+ $ok++;
+ next RQ;
+ } else {
+ last RQ;
+ }
+ } elsif ($rq =~ m|<=?\s*|) {
+ # 2005-12: no user
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Downgrading not supported (rq[$rq])");
+ $ok++;
+ next RQ;
+ }
+ if (! CPAN::Version->vgt($rq, $nmo->inst_version)){
+ $ok++;
+ }
+ CPAN->debug(sprintf "id[%s]inst_file[%s]inst_version[%s]rq[%s]ok[%d]",
- CPAN::Version->readable($need_version)
- );
- next NEED;
+ CPAN::Version->readable($rq),
+ $ok,
+ ) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
+ next NEED if $ok == @all_requirements;
if ($self->{sponsored_mods}{$need_module}++){
+#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::read_yaml ;
+sub read_yaml {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{yaml_content} if exists $self->{yaml_content};
+ my $build_dir = $self->{build_dir};
+ my $yaml = File::Spec->catfile($build_dir,"META.yml");
+ return unless -f $yaml;
+ if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("YAML")) {
+ eval { $self->{yaml_content} = YAML::LoadFile($yaml); };
+ if ($@) {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Error while parsing META.yml: $@");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{yaml_content};
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::prereq_pm ;
sub prereq_pm {
- my($self) = @_;
- return $self->{prereq_pm} if
- exists $self->{prereq_pm_detected} && $self->{prereq_pm_detected};
- return unless $self->{writemakefile}; # no need to have succeeded
- # but we must have run it
- my $build_dir = $self->{build_dir} or die "Panic: no build_dir?";
- my $makefile = File::Spec->catfile($build_dir,"Makefile");
- my(%p) = ();
- my $fh;
- if (-f $makefile
- and
- $fh = FileHandle->new("<$makefile\0")) {
- local($/) = "\n";
- # A.Speer @p -> %p, where %p is $p{Module::Name}=Required_Version
- while (<$fh>) {
- last if /MakeMaker post_initialize section/;
- my($p) = m{^[\#]
- \s+PREREQ_PM\s+=>\s+(.+)
- }x;
- next unless $p;
- # warn "Found prereq expr[$p]";
- # Regexp modified by A.Speer to remember actual version of file
- # PREREQ_PM hash key wants, then add to
- while ( $p =~ m/(?:\s)([\w\:]+)=>q\[(.*?)\],?/g ){
- # In case a prereq is mentioned twice, complain.
- if ( defined $p{$1} ) {
- warn "Warning: PREREQ_PM mentions $1 more than once, last mention wins";
- }
- $p{$1} = $2;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- $self->{prereq_pm_detected}++;
- return $self->{prereq_pm} = \%p;
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{prereq_pm} if
+ exists $self->{prereq_pm_detected} && $self->{prereq_pm_detected};
+ return unless $self->{writemakefile} # no need to have succeeded
+ # but we must have run it
+ || $self->{mudulebuild};
+ my $req;
+ if (my $yaml = $self->read_yaml) {
+ $req = $yaml->{requires};
+ undef $req unless ref $req eq "HASH" && %$req;
+ if ($req) {
+ if ($yaml->{generated_by} =~ /ExtUtils::MakeMaker version ([\d\._]+)/) {
+ my $eummv = do { local $^W = 0; $1+0; };
+ if ($eummv < 6.2501) {
+ # thanks to Slaven for digging that out: MM before
+ # that could be wrong because it could reflect a
+ # previous release
+ undef $req;
+ }
+ }
+ my $areq;
+ my $do_replace;
+ while (my($k,$v) = each %$req) {
+ if ($v =~ /\d/) {
+ $areq->{$k} = $v;
+ } elsif ($k =~ /[A-Za-z]/ &&
+ $v =~ /[A-Za-z]/ &&
+ $CPAN::META->exists("Module",$v)
+ ) {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Suspicious key-value pair in META.yml's ".
+ "requires hash: $k => $v; I'll take both ".
+ "key and value as a module name\n");
+ sleep 1;
+ $areq->{$k} = 0;
+ $areq->{$v} = 0;
+ $do_replace++;
+ }
+ }
+ $req = $areq if $do_replace;
+ }
+ if ($req) {
+ delete $req->{perl};
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($req) {
+ my $build_dir = $self->{build_dir} or die "Panic: no build_dir?";
+ my $makefile = File::Spec->catfile($build_dir,"Makefile");
+ my $fh;
+ if (-f $makefile
+ and
+ $fh = FileHandle->new("<$makefile\0")) {
+ local($/) = "\n";
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ last if /MakeMaker post_initialize section/;
+ my($p) = m{^[\#]
+ \s+PREREQ_PM\s+=>\s+(.+)
+ }x;
+ next unless $p;
+ # warn "Found prereq expr[$p]";
+ # Regexp modified by A.Speer to remember actual version of file
+ # PREREQ_PM hash key wants, then add to
+ while ( $p =~ m/(?:\s)([\w\:]+)=>q\[(.*?)\],?/g ){
+ # In case a prereq is mentioned twice, complain.
+ if ( defined $req->{$1} ) {
+ warn "Warning: PREREQ_PM mentions $1 more than once, ".
+ "last mention wins";
+ }
+ $req->{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{prereq_pm_detected}++;
+ return $self->{prereq_pm} = $req;
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::test ;
# warn "XDEBUG: checking for notest: $self->{notest} $self";
if ($self->{notest}) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Skipping test because of notest pragma\n");
- return 1;
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Skipping test because of notest pragma\n");
+ return 1;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Running make test\n");
+ my $make = $self->{modulebuild} ? "Build" : "make";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Running $make test\n");
if (my @prereq = $self->unsat_prereq){
return 1 if $self->follow_prereqs(@prereq); # signal success to the queuerunner
: ($ENV{PERLLIB} || "");
- my $system = join " ", $CPAN::Config->{'make'}, "test";
+ my $system;
+ if ($self->{modulebuild}) {
+ $system = "./Build test";
+ } else {
+ $system = join " ", $CPAN::Config->{'make'}, "test";
+ }
if (system($system) == 0) {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(" $system -- OK\n");
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::clean ;
sub clean {
my($self) = @_;
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Running make clean\n");
+ my $make = $self->{modulebuild} ? "Build" : "make";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Running $make clean\n");
+ unless (exists $self->{build_dir}) {
+ $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Distribution has no own directory, nothing to do.\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
my @e;
exists $self->{make_clean} and $self->{make_clean} eq "YES" and
push @e, "make clean already called once";
- exists $self->{build_dir} or push @e, "Has no own directory";
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(join "", map {" $_\n"} @e) and return if @e;
chdir $self->{'build_dir'} or
- my $system = join " ", $CPAN::Config->{'make'}, "clean";
+ my $system;
+ if ($self->{modulebuild}) {
+ $system = "./Build clean";
+ } else {
+ $system = join " ", $CPAN::Config->{'make'}, "clean";
+ }
if (system($system) == 0) {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint(" $system -- OK\n");
# will untar everything again. Instead we should bring the
# object's state back to where it is after untarring.
- delete $self->{force_update};
- delete $self->{install};
- delete $self->{writemakefile};
- delete $self->{make};
- delete $self->{make_test}; # no matter if yes or no, tests must be redone
+ for my $k (qw(
+ force_update
+ install
+ writemakefile
+ make
+ make_test
+ )) {
+ delete $self->{$k};
+ }
$self->{make_clean} = "YES";
} else {
delete $self->{force_update};
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Running make install\n");
+ my $make = $self->{modulebuild} ? "Build" : "make";
+ $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Running $make install\n");
my @e;
exists $self->{build_dir} or push @e, "Has no own directory";
- my($make_install_make_command) = $CPAN::Config->{'make_install_make_command'} ||
- $CPAN::Config->{'make'};
- my($system) = join(" ",
+ my $system;
+ if ($self->{modulebuild}) {
+ my($mbuild_install_build_command) = $CPAN::Config->{'mbuild_install_build_command'} ||
+ "./Build";
+ $system = join(" ",
+ $mbuild_install_build_command,
+ "install",
+ $CPAN::Config->{mbuild_install_arg},
+ );
+ } else {
+ my($make_install_make_command) = $CPAN::Config->{'make_install_make_command'} ||
+ $CPAN::Config->{'make'};
+ $system = join(" ",
+ }
my($stderr) = $^O =~ /Win/i ? "" : " 2>&1 ";
my($pipe) = FileHandle->new("$system $stderr |");
my($makeout) = "";
package CPAN::Bundle;
+use strict;
sub look {
my $self = shift;
+# mark as dirty/clean
#-> sub CPAN::Bundle::color_cmd_tmps ;
sub color_cmd_tmps {
my($self) = shift;
package CPAN::Module;
+use strict;
# Accessors
# sub CPAN::Module::userid
+# mark as dirty/clean
#-> sub CPAN::Module::color_cmd_tmps ;
sub color_cmd_tmps {
my($self) = shift;
return if exists $self->{incommandcolor}
&& $self->{incommandcolor}==$color;
+ return if $depth>=1 && $self->uptodate;
if ($depth>=100){
$have; # no stringify needed, \s* above matches always
-package CPAN::Tarzip;
-# CPAN::Tarzip::gzip
-sub gzip {
- my($class,$read,$write) = @_;
- if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib")) {
- my($buffer,$fhw);
- $fhw = FileHandle->new($read)
- or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not open $read: $!");
- my $cwd = `pwd`;
- my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($write, "wb")
- or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Cannot gzopen $write: $! (pwd is $cwd)\n");
- $gz->gzwrite($buffer)
- while read($fhw,$buffer,4096) > 0 ;
- $gz->gzclose() ;
- $fhw->close;
- return 1;
- } else {
- system("$CPAN::Config->{gzip} -c $read > $write")==0;
- }
-# CPAN::Tarzip::gunzip
-sub gunzip {
- my($class,$read,$write) = @_;
- if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib")) {
- my($buffer,$fhw);
- $fhw = FileHandle->new(">$write")
- or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not open >$write: $!");
- my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($read, "rb")
- or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Cannot gzopen $read: $!\n");
- $fhw->print($buffer)
- while $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ;
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Error reading from $read: $!\n")
- if $gz->gzerror != Compress::Zlib::Z_STREAM_END();
- $gz->gzclose() ;
- $fhw->close;
- return 1;
- } else {
- system("$CPAN::Config->{gzip} -dc $read > $write")==0;
- }
-# CPAN::Tarzip::gtest
-sub gtest {
- my($class,$read) = @_;
- # After I had reread the documentation in zlib.h, I discovered that
- # uncompressed files do not lead to an gzerror (anymore?).
- if ( $CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib") ) {
- my($buffer,$len);
- $len = 0;
- my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($read, "rb")
- or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(sprintf("Cannot gzopen %s: %s\n",
- $read,
- $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno));
- while ($gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ){
- $len += length($buffer);
- $buffer = "";
- }
- my $err = $gz->gzerror;
- my $success = ! $err || $err == Compress::Zlib::Z_STREAM_END();
- if ($len == -s $read){
- $success = 0;
- CPAN->debug("hit an uncompressed file") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- }
- $gz->gzclose();
- CPAN->debug("err[$err]success[$success]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- return $success;
- } else {
- return system("$CPAN::Config->{gzip} -dt $read")==0;
- }
- my($class,$file) = @_;
- my $ret;
- $class->debug("file[$file]");
- if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib")) {
- my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($file,"rb") or
- die "Could not gzopen $file";
- $ret = bless {GZ => $gz}, $class;
- } else {
- my $pipe = "$CPAN::Config->{gzip} --decompress --stdout $file |";
- my $fh = FileHandle->new($pipe) or die "Could not pipe[$pipe]: $!";
- binmode $fh;
- $ret = bless {FH => $fh}, $class;
- }
- $ret;
- my($self) = @_;
- if (exists $self->{GZ}) {
- my $gz = $self->{GZ};
- my($line,$bytesread);
- $bytesread = $gz->gzreadline($line);
- return undef if $bytesread <= 0;
- return $line;
- } else {
- my $fh = $self->{FH};
- return scalar <$fh>;
- }
-# CPAN::Tarzip::READ
-sub READ {
- my($self,$ref,$length,$offset) = @_;
- die "read with offset not implemented" if defined $offset;
- if (exists $self->{GZ}) {
- my $gz = $self->{GZ};
- my $byteread = $gz->gzread($$ref,$length);# 30eaf79e8b446ef52464b5422da328a8
- return $byteread;
- } else {
- my $fh = $self->{FH};
- return read($fh,$$ref,$length);
- }
-# CPAN::Tarzip::DESTROY
-sub DESTROY {
- my($self) = @_;
- if (exists $self->{GZ}) {
- my $gz = $self->{GZ};
- $gz->gzclose() if defined $gz; # hard to say if it is allowed
- # to be undef ever. AK, 2000-09
- } else {
- my $fh = $self->{FH};
- $fh->close if defined $fh;
- }
- undef $self;
-# CPAN::Tarzip::untar
-sub untar {
- my($class,$file) = @_;
- my($prefer) = 0;
- if (0) { # makes changing order easier
- } elsif ($BUGHUNTING){
- $prefer=2;
- } elsif (MM->maybe_command($CPAN::Config->{gzip})
- &&
- MM->maybe_command($CPAN::Config->{'tar'})) {
- # should be default until Archive::Tar is fixed
- $prefer = 1;
- } elsif (
- $CPAN::META->has_inst("Archive::Tar")
- &&
- $CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib") ) {
- $prefer = 2;
- } else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(qq{
-CPAN.pm needs either both external programs tar and gzip installed or
-both the modules Archive::Tar and Compress::Zlib. Neither prerequisite
-is available. Can\'t continue.
- }
- if ($prefer==1) { # 1 => external gzip+tar
- my($system);
- my $is_compressed = $class->gtest($file);
- if ($is_compressed) {
- $system = "$CPAN::Config->{gzip} --decompress --stdout " .
- "< $file | $CPAN::Config->{tar} xvf -";
- } else {
- $system = "$CPAN::Config->{tar} xvf $file";
- }
- if (system($system) != 0) {
- # people find the most curious tar binaries that cannot handle
- # pipes
- if ($is_compressed) {
- (my $ungzf = $file) =~ s/\.gz(?!\n)\Z//;
- if (CPAN::Tarzip->gunzip($file, $ungzf)) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Uncompressed $file successfully\n});
- } else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(qq{Couldn\'t uncompress $file\n});
- }
- $file = $ungzf;
- }
- $system = "$CPAN::Config->{tar} xvf $file";
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Using Tar:$system:\n});
- if (system($system)==0) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Untarred $file successfully\n});
- } else {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(qq{Couldn\'t untar $file\n});
- }
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- } elsif ($prefer==2) { # 2 => modules
- my $tar = Archive::Tar->new($file,1);
- my $af; # archive file
- my @af;
- if ($BUGHUNTING) {
- # RCS 1.337 had this code, it turned out unacceptable slow but
- # it revealed a bug in Archive::Tar. Code is only here to hunt
- # the bug again. It should never be enabled in published code.
- # GDGraph3d-0.53 was an interesting case according to Larry
- # Virden.
- warn(">>>Bughunting code enabled<<< " x 20);
- for $af ($tar->list_files) {
- if ($af =~ m!^(/|\.\./)!) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("ALERT: Archive contains ".
- "illegal member [$af]");
- }
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("$af\n");
- $tar->extract($af); # slow but effective for finding the bug
- return if $CPAN::Signal;
- }
- } else {
- for $af ($tar->list_files) {
- if ($af =~ m!^(/|\.\./)!) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("ALERT: Archive contains ".
- "illegal member [$af]");
- }
- $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("$af\n");
- push @af, $af;
- return if $CPAN::Signal;
- }
- $tar->extract(@af);
- }
- Mac::BuildTools::convert_files([$tar->list_files], 1)
- if ($^O eq 'MacOS');
- return 1;
- }
-sub unzip {
- my($class,$file) = @_;
- if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Archive::Zip")) {
- # blueprint of the code from Archive::Zip::Tree::extractTree();
- my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
- my $status;
- $status = $zip->read($file);
- die "Read of file[$file] failed\n" if $status != Archive::Zip::AZ_OK();
- $CPAN::META->debug("Successfully read file[$file]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- my @members = $zip->members();
- for my $member ( @members ) {
- my $af = $member->fileName();
- if ($af =~ m!^(/|\.\./)!) {
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("ALERT: Archive contains ".
- "illegal member [$af]");
- }
- my $status = $member->extractToFileNamed( $af );
- $CPAN::META->debug("af[$af]status[$status]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- die "Extracting of file[$af] from zipfile[$file] failed\n" if
- $status != Archive::Zip::AZ_OK();
- return if $CPAN::Signal;
- }
- return 1;
- } else {
- my $unzip = $CPAN::Config->{unzip} or
- $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Cannot unzip, no unzip program available");
- my @system = ($unzip, $file);
- return system(@system) == 0;
- }
package CPAN;
+use strict;
file name (recognized by embedded slashes), it is processed. If it is
a module, CPAN determines the distribution file in which this module
is included and processes that, following any dependencies named in
-the module's Makefile.PL (this behavior is controlled by
+the module's META.yml or Makefile.PL (this behavior is controlled by
Any C<make> or C<test> are run unconditionally. An
=item ls author
-C<ls> lists all distribution files in and below an author's CPAN
-directory. Only those files that contain modules are listed and if
-there is more than one for any given module, only the most recent one
-is listed.
+=item ls globbing_expresion
+The first form lists all distribution files in and below an author's
+CPAN directory as they are stored in the CHECKUMS files distrbute on
+The second form allows to limit or expand the output with shell
+globbing as in the following examples:
+ ls JV/make*
+ ls GSAR/*make*
+ ls */*make*
+The last example is very slow and outputs extra progress indicators
+that break the alignment of the result.
=item Signals
pressing C<^C> twice.
CPAN.pm ignores a SIGPIPE. If the user sets inactivity_timeout, a
-SIGALRM is used during the run of the C<perl Makefile.PL> subprocess.
+SIGALRM is used during the run of the C<perl Makefile.PL> or C<perl
+Build.PL> subprocess.
perl -MCPAN -e 'CPAN::Shell->install(CPAN::Shell->r)'
# install my favorite programs if necessary:
- for $mod (qw(Net::FTP Digest::MD5 Data::Dumper)){
+ for $mod (qw(Net::FTP Digest::SHA Data::Dumper)){
my $obj = CPAN::Shell->expand('Module',$mod);
First runs the C<get> method to make sure the distribution is
downloaded and unpacked. Changes to the directory where the
distribution has been unpacked and runs the external commands C<perl
-Makefile.PL> and C<make> there.
+Makefile.PL> or C<perl Build.PL> and C<make> there.
=item CPAN::Distribution::prereq_pm()
Returns the hash reference that has been announced by a distribution
-as the PREREQ_PM hash in the Makefile.PL. Note: works only after an
-attempt has been made to C<make> the distribution. Returns undef
+as the C<requires> element of the META.yml or the C<PREREQ_PM> hash in
+the C<Makefile.PL>. Note: works only after an attempt has been made to
+C<make> the distribution. Returns undef otherwise.
=item CPAN::Distribution::readme()
=item *
come as compressed or gzipped tarfiles or as zip files and contain a
-Makefile.PL (well, we try to handle a bit more, but without much
+C<Makefile.PL> or C<Build.PL> (well, we try to handle a bit more, but
+without much enthusiasm).
gzip location of external program gzip
histfile file to maintain history between sessions
histsize maximum number of lines to keep in histfile
- inactivity_timeout breaks interactive Makefile.PLs after this
- many seconds inactivity. Set to 0 to never break.
+ inactivity_timeout breaks interactive Makefile.PLs or Build.PLs
+ after this many seconds inactivity. Set to 0 to
+ never break.
if true, does not print the startup message
keep_source_where directory in which to keep the source (if we do)
example 'sudo make'
make_install_arg same as make_arg for 'make install'
makepl_arg arguments passed to 'perl Makefile.PL'
+ mbuild_arg arguments passed to './Build'
+ mbuild_install_arg arguments passed to './Build install'
+ mbuild_install_build_command
+ command to use instead of './Build' when we are
+ in the install stage, for example 'sudo ./Build'
+ mbuildpl_arg arguments passed to 'perl Build.PL'
pager location of external program more (or any pager)
+ prefer_installer legal values are MB and EUMM: if a module
+ comes with both a Makefile.PL and a Build.PL, use
+ the former (EUMM) or the latter (MB)
what to do if you are missing module prerequisites
('follow' automatically, 'ask' me, or 'ignore')
=head1 BUGS
-We should give coverage for B<all> of the CPAN and not just the PAUSE
-part, right? In this discussion CPAN and PAUSE have become equal --
-but they are not. PAUSE is authors/, modules/ and scripts/. CPAN is
-PAUSE plus the clpa/, doc/, misc/, ports/, and src/.
-Future development should be directed towards a better integration of
-the other parts.
If a Makefile.PL requires special customization of libraries, prompts
the user for special input, etc. then you may find CPAN is not able to
-build the distribution. In that case, you should attempt the
-traditional method of building a Perl module package from a shell.
+build the distribution. In that case it is recommended to attempt the
+traditional method of building a Perl module package from a shell, for
+example by using the 'look' command to open a subshell in the
+distribution's own directory.
=head1 AUTHOR
-Andreas Koenig E<lt>andreas.koenig@anima.deE<gt>
+Andreas Koenig C<< <andk@cpan.org> >>
=head1 SEE ALSO
-perl(1), CPAN::Nox(3)
+cpan(1), CPAN::Nox(3pm), CPAN::Version(3pm)
-# $Id: cpan,v 1.1 2003/02/08 17:06:51 k Exp $
+# $Id: cpan,v 1.5 2005/12/24 00:59:08 comdog Exp $
use strict;
=head1 NAME
- # with arguments, installs specified modules
+ # with arguments and no switches, installs specified modules
cpan module_name [ module_name ... ]
# with switches, installs modules with extra behavior
- cpan [-cimt] module_name [ module_name ... ]
+ cpan [-cfimt] module_name [ module_name ... ]
# without arguments, starts CPAN shell
# without arguments, but some switches
- cpan [-ahrv]
+ cpan [-ahrvACDLO]
=head2 Meta Options
-These options are mutually exclusive, and the script processes
-them in this order: [ahvr]. Once the script finds one, it ignores
-the others, and then exits after it finishes the task. The script
-ignores any other command line options.
+These options are mutually exclusive, and the script processes them in
+this order: [hvCAar]. Once the script finds one, it ignores the others,
+and then exits after it finishes the task. The script ignores any other
+command line options.
=over 4
=item -a
-Creates the CPAN.pm autobundle with CPAN::Shell->autobundle.
+Creates the CPAN.pm autobundle with CPAN::Shell->autobundle.
+=item -A module [ module ... ]
+Shows the primary maintainers for the specified modules
+=item -C module [ module ... ]
+Show the C<Changes> files for the specified modules
+=item -D module [ module ... ]
+Show the module details. This prints one line for each out-of-date module
+(meaning, modules locally installed but have newer versions on CPAN).
+Each line has three columns: module name, local version, and CPAN
+=item -L author [ author ... ]
+List the modules by the specified authors.
=item -h
Prints a help message.
+=item -O
+Show the out-of-date modules.
=item -r
Recompiles dynamically loaded modules with CPAN::Shell->recompile.
=head2 Module options
-These options are mutually exclusive, and the script processes
-them in alphabetical order.
+These options are mutually exclusive, and the script processes them in
+alphabetical order. It only processes the first one it finds.
=over 4
Runs a `make clean` in the specified module's directories.
+=item f
+Forces the specified action, when it normally would have failed.
=item i
Installed the specified modules.
# print a help message
cpan -h
# print the version numbers
cpan -v
# create an autobundle
cpan -a
# recompile modules
- cpan -r
- # install modules
+ cpan -r
+ # install modules ( sole -i is optional )
cpan -i Netscape::Booksmarks Business::ISBN
+ # force install modules ( must use -i )
+ cpan -fi CGI::Minimal URI
=head1 TO DO
-* add options for other CPAN::Shell functions
-autobundle, clean, make, recompile, test
=head1 BUGS
Most behaviour, including environment variables and configuration,
comes directly from CPAN.pm.
+This source is part of a SourceForge project which always has the
+latest sources in CVS, as well as all of the previous releases.
+ http://sourceforge.net/projects/brian-d-foy/
+If, for some reason, I disappear from the world, one of the other
+members of the project can shepherd this module appropriately.
+=head1 CREDITS
+Japheth Cleaver added the bits to allow a forced install (-f).
+Jim Brandt suggest and provided the initial implementation for the
+up-to-date and Changes features.
=head1 AUTHOR
-brian d foy <bdfoy@cpan.org>
+brian d foy, C<< <bdfoy@cpan.org> >>
+Copyright (c) 2001-2005, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.
+You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.
use CPAN ();
use Getopt::Std;
-my $VERSION = sprintf "%.2f", substr(q$Rev: 245 $,4)/100;
+my $VERSION =
+ sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 296 $ =~ m/ (\d+) \. (\d+) /xg;
-my $Default = 'default';
+if( 0 == @ARGV ) { CPAN::shell(); exit 0 }
-my $META_OPTIONS = 'ahvr';
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# set up the order of options that we layer over CPAN::Shell
+my @META_OPTIONS = qw( h v C A D O L a r );
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# map switches to method names in CPAN::Shell
+my $Default = 'default';
$Default => 'install',
'c' => 'clean',
+ 'f' => 'force',
'i' => 'install',
'm' => 'make',
't' => 'test',
+my @CPAN_OPTIONS = grep { $_ ne $Default } sort keys %CPAN_METHODS;
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# map switches to the subroutines in this script, along with other information.
+# use this stuff instead of hard-coded indices and values
+my %Method_table = (
+# key => [ sub ref, takes args?, exit value, description ]
+ h => [ \&_print_help, 0, 0, 'Printing help' ],
+ v => [ \&_print_version, 0, 0, 'Printing version' ],
+ C => [ \&_show_Changes, 1, 0, 'Showing Changes file' ],
+ A => [ \&_show_Author, 1, 0, 'Showing Author' ],
+ D => [ \&_show_Details, 1, 0, 'Showing Details' ],
+ O => [ \&_show_out_of_date, 0, 0, 'Showing Out of date' ],
+ L => [ \&_show_author_mods, 1, 0, 'Showing author mods' ],
+ a => [ \&_create_autobundle, 0, 0, 'Creating autobundle' ],
+ r => [ \&_recompile, 0, 0, 'Recompiling' ],
+ c => [ \&_default, 1, 0, 'Running `make clean`' ],
+ f => [ \&_default, 1, 0, 'Installing with force' ],
+ i => [ \&_default, 1, 0, 'Running `make install`' ],
+ 'm' => [ \&_default, 1, 0, 'Running `make`' ],
+ t => [ \&_default, 1, 0, 'Running `make test`' ],
-my @cpan_options = grep { $_ ne $Default } sort keys %CPAN_METHODS;
+ );
+my %Method_table_index = (
+ code => 0,
+ takes_args => 1,
+ exit_value => 2,
+ description => 3,
+ );
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# finally, do some argument processing
+my @option_order = ( @META_OPTIONS, @CPAN_OPTIONS );
-my $arg_count = @ARGV;
my %options;
+ join( '', @option_order ), \%options );
+my $option_count = grep { $options{$_} } @option_order;
+$option_count -= $options{'f'}; # don't count force
- join( '', @cpan_options, $META_OPTIONS ), \%options );
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# try each of the possible switches until we find one to handle
+# print an error message if there are too many switches
+# print an error message if there are arguments when there shouldn't be any
+foreach my $option ( @option_order )
+ {
+ next unless $options{$option};
+ die unless
+ ref $Method_table{$option}[ $Method_table_index{code} ] eq ref sub {};
-if( $options{h} )
+ print "$Method_table{$option}[ $Method_table_index{description} ] " .
+ "-- ignoring other opitions\n" if $option_count > 1;
+ print "$Method_table{$option}[ $Method_table_index{description} ] " .
+ "-- ignoring other arguments\n"
+ if( @ARGV && ! $Method_table{$option}[ $Method_table_index{takes_args} ] );
+ $Method_table{$option}[ $Method_table_index{code} ]->( \@ARGV );
+ last;
+ }
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+sub _default
- print STDERR "Printing help message -- ignoring other arguments\n"
- if $arg_count > 1;
+ my $args = shift;
+ my $switch = '';
- print STDERR "Use perldoc to read the documentation\n";
- exit 0;
+ # choose the option that we're going to use
+ # we'll deal with 'f' (force) later, so skip it
+ foreach my $option ( @CPAN_OPTIONS )
+ {
+ next if $option eq 'f';
+ next unless $options{$option};
+ $switch = $option;
+ last;
+ }
+ # 1. with no switches, but arguments, use the default switch (install)
+ # 2. with no switches and no args, start the shell
+ # 3. With a switch but no args, die! These switches need arguments.
+ if( not $switch and @$args ) { $switch = $Default; }
+ elsif( not $switch and not @$args ) { CPAN::shell(); exit 0; }
+ elsif( $switch and not @$args )
+ { die "Nothing to $CPAN_METHODS{$switch}!\n"; }
+ # Get and cheeck the method from CPAN::Shell
+ my $method = $CPAN_METHODS{$switch};
+ die "CPAN.pm cannot $method!\n" unless CPAN::Shell->can( $method );
+ # call the CPAN::Shell method, with force if specified
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args )
+ {
+ if( $options{f} ) { CPAN::Shell->force( $method, $arg ) }
+ else { CPAN::Shell->$method( $arg ) }
+ }
-elsif( $options{v} )
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+sub _print_help
- print STDERR "Printing version message -- ignoring other arguments\n"
+ print STDERR "Use perldoc to read the documentation\n";
+ exec "perldoc $0";
+ }
- if $arg_count > 1;
- print STDERR "cpan script version $VERSION\n" .
- "CPAN.pm version $CPAN_VERSION\n";
- exit 0;
+sub _print_version
+ {
+ print STDERR "$0 script version $VERSION, CPAN.pm version " .
+ CPAN->VERSION . "\n";
-elsif( $options{a} )
+sub _create_autobundle
- print "Creating autobundle in ", $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},
+ print "Creating autobundle in ", $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},
- print STDERR "Creating autobundle -- ignoring other arguments\n"
- if $arg_count > 1;
- exit 0;
-elsif( $options{r} )
+sub _recompiling
- print STDERR "Creating autobundle -- ignoring other arguments\n"
- if $arg_count > 1;
+ print "Recompiling dynamically-loaded extensions\n";
+sub _show_Changes
- my $switch = '';
+ my $args = shift;
- foreach my $option ( @cpan_options )
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args )
- next unless $options{$option};
- $switch = $option;
- last;
+ print "Checking $arg\n";
+ my $module = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $arg );
+ next unless $module->inst_file;
+ #next if $module->uptodate;
+ ( my $id = $module->id() ) =~ s/::/\-/;
+ my $url = "http://search.cpan.org/~" . lc( $module->userid ) . "/" .
+ $id . "-" . $module->cpan_version() . "/";
+ #print "URL: $url\n";
+ _get_changes_file($url);
+ }
- if( not $switch and @ARGV ) { $switch = $Default; }
- elsif( not $switch and not @ARGV ) { CPAN::shell(); exit 0; }
- elsif( $switch and not @ARGV )
- { die "Nothing to $CPAN_METHODS{$switch}!\n"; }
+sub _get_changes_file
+ {
+ die "Reading Changes files requires LWP::Simple and URI\n"
+ unless eval { require LWP::Simple; require URI; };
+ my $url = shift;
- my $method = $CPAN_METHODS{$switch};
- die "CPAN.pm cannot $method!\n" unless CPAN::Shell->can( $method );
+ my $content = LWP::Simple::get( $url );
+ print "Got $url ...\n" if defined $content;
+ #print $content;
+ my( $change_link ) = $content =~ m|<a href="(.*?)">Changes</a>|gi;
- foreach my $arg ( @ARGV )
+ my $changes_url = URI->new_abs( $change_link, $url );
+ #print "change link is: $changes_url\n";
+ my $changes = LWP::Simple::get( $changes_url );
+ #print "change text is: " . $change_link->text() . "\n";
+ print $changes;
+ }
+sub _show_Author
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args )
+ {
+ my $module = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $arg );
+ my $author = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Author", $module->userid );
+ next unless $module->userid;
+ printf "%-25s %-8s %-25s %s\n",
+ $arg, $module->userid, $author->email, $author->fullname;
+ }
+ }
+sub _show_Details
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ foreach my $arg ( @$args )
+ {
+ my $module = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", $arg );
+ my $author = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Author", $module->userid );
+ next unless $module->userid;
+ print "$arg\n", "-" x 73, "\n\t";
+ print join "\n\t",
+ $module->description ? $module->description : "(no description)",
+ $module->cpan_file,
+ $module->inst_file,
+ 'Installed: ' . $module->inst_version,
+ 'CPAN: ' . $module->cpan_version . ' ' .
+ ($module->uptodate ? "" : "Not ") . "up to date",
+ $author->fullname . " (" . $module->userid . ")",
+ $author->email;
+ print "\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub _show_out_of_date
+ {
+ my @modules = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", "/./" );
+ printf "%-40s %6s %6s\n", "Module Name", "Local", "CPAN";
+ print "-" x 73, "\n";
+ foreach my $module ( @modules )
- CPAN::Shell->$method( $arg );
+ next unless $module->inst_file;
+ next if $module->uptodate;
+ printf "%-40s %.4f %.4f\n",
+ $module->id,
+ $module->inst_version ? $module->inst_version : '',
+ $module->cpan_version;
+ }
+sub _show_author_mods
+ {
+ my $args = shift;
+ my %hash = map { lc $_, 1 } @$args;
+ my @modules = CPAN::Shell->expand( "Module", "/./" );
+ foreach my $module ( @modules )
+ {
+ next unless exists $hash{ lc $module->userid };
+ print $module->id, "\n";
+ }