-use Test::More tests => 24;
+sub testit {
+ my ($db_orig, $audit) = @_;
+ my $export = $db_orig->export;
+ my ($fh2, $file2) = new_fh();
+ my $db = DBM::Deep->new({
+ file => $file2,
+ });
+ for ( @$audit ) {
+ eval "$_";
+ }
+ my $export2 = $db->export;
+ cmp_deeply( $export2, $export, "And recovery works" );
+use Test::More tests => 12;
+use Test::Deep;
use t::common qw( new_fh );
use_ok( 'DBM::Deep' );
$db->{foo} = 'bar';
-like( $audit[1], qr{^\$db->{foo} = 'bar';}, "Basic assignment correct" );
+testit( $db, \@audit );
$db->{foo} = 'baz';
-like( $audit[2], qr{^\$db->{foo} = 'baz';}, "Basic update correct" );
+testit( $db, \@audit );
$db->{bar} = { a => 1 };
-like( $audit[3], qr{\$db->\{bar\} = \{\};}, "Hash assignment correct" );
-like( $audit[4], qr{\$db->\{bar\}\{a\} = '1';}, "... child 1 good" );
+testit( $db, \@audit );
$db->{baz} = [ 1 .. 2 ];
-like( $audit[5], qr{\$db->{baz} = \[\];}, "Array assignment correct" );
-like( $audit[6], qr{\$db->{baz}\[0\] = '1';}, "... child 1 good" );
-like( $audit[7], qr{\$db->{baz}\[1\] = '2';}, "... child 2 good" );
+testit( $db, \@audit );
my $v = $db->{baz};
$v->[5] = [ 3 .. 5 ];
- like( $audit[8], qr{\$db->{baz}\[5\] = \[\];}, "Child array assignment correct" );
- like( $audit[9], qr{\$db->{baz}\[5\]\[0\] = '3';}, "... child 1 good" );
- like( $audit[10], qr{\$db->{baz}\[5]\[1] = '4';}, "... child 2 good" );
- like( $audit[11], qr{\$db->{baz}\[5]\[2] = '5';}, "... child 3 good" );
+ testit( $db, \@audit );
undef $db;
$db->{new} = 9;
-like( $audit[12], qr{\$db->{new} = '9';}, "Writing after closing the file works" );
-my $export = $db->export;
-undef $db;
- my ($fh2, $file2) = new_fh();
- my $db = DBM::Deep->new({
- file => $file2,
- });
- for ( @audit ) {
- eval "$_";
- }
- my $export2 = $db->export;
- is_deeply( $export2, $export, "And recovery works" );
- $db = DBM::Deep->new({
- file => $filename,
- audit_file => $audit_file,
- });
- delete $db->{baz};
- like( $audit[13], qr{delete \$db->{baz};}, "Deleting works" );
- $export = $db->export;
- my ($fh2, $file2) = new_fh();
- my $db = DBM::Deep->new({
- file => $file2,
- });
+testit( $db, \@audit );
- for ( @audit ) {
- eval "$_";
- }
- my $export2 = $db->export;
- is_deeply( $export2, $export, "And recovery works" );
-SKIP: {
- skip 'Not done yet', 1;
- $db = DBM::Deep->new({
- file => $filename,
- audit_file => $audit_file,
- });
- $db->{bar}->clear;
- like( $audit[14], qr{\$db->{bar} = \{\};}, "Clearing works" );
- $export = $db->export;
- my ($fh2, $file2) = new_fh();
- my $db = DBM::Deep->new({
- file => $file2,
- });
- for ( @audit ) {
- eval "$_";
- }
+delete $db->{baz};
+testit( $db, \@audit );
- my $export2 = $db->export;
- is_deeply( $export2, $export, "And recovery works" );
-SKIP: {
- skip "Not working", 3;
- $db = DBM::Deep->new({
- file => $filename,
- audit_file => $audit_file,
- });
- $db->{blessed} = bless { a => 5, b => 3 }, 'Floober';
- like( $audit[15], qr{\$db->{blessed} = bless {}, 'Floober';},
- "Assignment of a blessed reference works" );
- like( $audit[16], qr{\$db->{blessed}{a} = '5';}, "... child 1" );
- like( $audit[17], qr{\$db->{blessed}{b} = '3';}, "... child 2" );
- $export = $db->export;
- my ($fh2, $file2) = new_fh();
- my $db = DBM::Deep->new({
- file => $file2,
- });
- for ( @audit ) {
- eval "$_";
- }
+testit( $db, \@audit );
- my $export2 = $db->export;
- is_deeply( $export2, $export, "And recovery works" );
+$db->{blessed} = bless { a => 5, b => 3 }, 'Floober';
+testit( $db, \@audit );