my %args = ( $informat => $input,
'linear' => $linear );
$args{'base'} = $inbase if $inbase;
- my $tradition = Text::Tradition->new( %args );
+my $tradition = Text::Tradition->new( %args );
# Parse the stemma hypothesis
my $stemma = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new(
print "Found $used_vars useful variants in this analysis\n";
+# Save the stemma picture
+open( STEMMA, ">stemma_graph.svg" ) or die "Could not open stemma graph to write";
+binmode STEMMA, ":utf8";
+print STEMMA $stemma->as_svg;
+close STEMMA;
sub analyze_variant_location {
my( $group_readings, $groups, $apsp ) = @_;
package Text::Tradition::Stemma;
use Bio::Phylo::IO;
+use Encode qw( decode_utf8 );
use File::chdir;
use File::Temp;
use Graph;
+use Graph::Convert;
use Graph::Reader::Dot;
-use IPC::Run qw/ run /;
+use IPC::Run qw/ run binary /;
use Moose;
use Text::Balanced qw/ extract_bracketed /;
my( $self, $args ) = @_;
# If we have been handed a dotfile, initialize it into a graph.
if( exists $args->{'dot'} ) {
+ # Open the file, assume UTF-8
+ open( my $dot, $args->{'dot'} ) or warn "Failed to read dot file";
+ # TODO don't bother if we haven't opened
+ binmode $dot, ":utf8";
my $reader = Graph::Reader::Dot->new();
- my $graph = $reader->read_graph( $args->{'dot'} );
+ my $graph = $reader->read_graph( $dot );
? $self->graph( $graph )
: warn "Failed to parse dot file " . $args->{'dot'};
+# Render the stemma as SVG.
+sub as_svg {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # TODO add options for display, someday
+ my $dgraph = Graph::Convert->as_graph_easy( $self->graph );
+ # Set some class display attributes for 'hypothetical' and 'extant' nodes
+ $dgraph->set_attribute( 'flow', 'south' );
+ foreach my $n ( $dgraph->nodes ) {
+ if( $n->attribute( 'class' ) eq 'hypothetical' ) {
+ $n->set_attribute( 'shape', 'point' );
+ $n->set_attribute( 'pointshape', 'diamond' );
+ } else {
+ $n->set_attribute( 'shape', 'ellipse' );
+ }
+ }
+ # Render to svg via graphviz
+ my @cmd = qw/dot -Tsvg/;
+ my( $svg, $err );
+ my $dotfile = File::Temp->new();
+ # $dotfile->unlink_on_destroy(0);
+ binmode $dotfile, ':utf8';
+ print $dotfile $dgraph->as_graphviz();
+ push( @cmd, $dotfile->filename );
+ run( \@cmd, ">", binary(), \$svg );
+ $svg = decode_utf8( $svg );
+ return $svg;
+#### Methods for calculating phylogenetic trees ####
before 'distance_trees' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;