? sub () { 1 }
: sub () { 0 }
+ $INC{'Test/Builder.pm'} || $INC{'Test/Builder2.pm'}
+ and
+ $0 =~ m|^ x?t / .+ \.t $|x
+ ) ? sub () { 1 }
+ : sub () { 0 }
+ ;
# Autodetect unless flag supplied
die sprintf( "Class::XSAccessor requested but not available:\n%s\n", __CAG_NO_CXSA )
+ my %deferred_calls_seen;
return sub {
my $current_class = Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) || $_[0];
+ my @cframe = caller(0);
+ if ($deferred_calls_seen{$cframe[3]}) {
+ Carp::carp (
+ "Deferred version of method $cframe[3] invoked more than once (originally "
+ . "invoked at $deferred_calls_seen{$cframe[3]}). This is a strong "
+ . 'indication your code has cached the original ->can derived method coderef, '
+ . 'and is using it instead of the proper method re-lookup, causing performance '
+ . 'regressions'
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $deferred_calls_seen{$cframe[3]} = "$cframe[1] line $cframe[2]";
+ }
+ }
if (
$current_class->can('get_simple') == $original_simple_getter
. "set_simple\n";
- no strict qw/refs/;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ no warnings 'redefine';
my $fq_name = "${current_class}::${methname}";
*$fq_name = Sub::Name::subname($fq_name, do {
eval "sub ${class}::${methname}{$src}";
- undef; # so that no attempt will be made to install anything
+ undef; # so that no further attempt will be made to install anything
# a coderef generator with a variable pad (returns a fresh cref on every invocation)
else {
- ($accessor_maker_cache->{pp}{$group}{$field}{$type} ||= do {
+ ($accessor_maker_cache->{pp}{$type}{$group}{$field} ||= do {
my $src = $accessor_maker_cache->{source}{$type}{$group}{$field} ||=
$maker_templates->{$type}{pp_code}->($group, $field);
my $tfn = catfile($Bin, $tname);
for (
- qw/AccessorGroups.pm AccessorGroupsRO.pm AccessorGroupsSubclass.pm AccessorGroupsWO.pm/,
+ qw|AccessorGroups.pm AccessorGroups/BeenThereDoneThat.pm AccessorGroupsRO.pm AccessorGroupsSubclass.pm AccessorGroupsWO.pm|,
File::Spec::Unix->catfile ($tfn),
) {
delete $INC{$_};
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use File::Spec::Functions;
+use File::Spec::Unix (); # need this for %INC munging
+use Test::More;
+use lib 't/lib';
+ require Class::Accessor::Grouped;
+ my $xsa_ver = $Class::Accessor::Grouped::__minimum_xsa_version;
+ eval {
+ require Class::XSAccessor;
+ Class::XSAccessor->VERSION ($xsa_ver);
+ };
+ plan skip_all => "Class::XSAccessor >= $xsa_ver not available"
+ if $@;
+use AccessorGroupsSubclass;
+$Class::Accessor::Grouped::USE_XS = 1;
+my $obj = AccessorGroupsSubclass->new;
+my $deferred_stub = AccessorGroupsSubclass->can('singlefield');
+my @w;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };
+ is ($obj->$deferred_stub(1), 1, 'Set');
+ is ($obj->$deferred_stub, 1, 'Get');
+ is ($obj->$deferred_stub(2), 2, 'ReSet');
+ is ($obj->$deferred_stub, 2, 'ReGet');
+is (
+ scalar (grep { $_ =~ /^\QDeferred version of method AccessorGroups::singlefield invoked more than once/ } @w),
+ 3
+ '3 warnings produced as expected on cached invocation during testing'