Revision history for Class-C3-Componentised
+ - Add Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks features
1.0009 20 Mar 2011
- Stop importing Carp functions (and thus polluting the inheritor
my $class = shift;
my $target = shift;
- for (reverse @_) {
+ mro::set_mro($target, 'c3');
+ for my $comp (reverse @_) {
no strict 'refs';
- unshift ( @{"${target}::ISA"}, $_ )
- unless ($target eq $_ || $target->isa($_));
- }
+ unless ($target eq $comp || $target->isa($comp)) {
+ my @heritage = @{mro::get_linear_isa($comp)};
+ my @before = map {
+ my $to_run = $Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks::Before{$_};
+ ($to_run?[$_,$to_run]:())
+ } @heritage;
+ for my $todo (@before) {
+ my ($parent, $fn) = @$todo;
+ for my $f (reverse @$fn) {
+ $target->$f($parent)
+ }
+ }
- mro::set_mro($target, 'c3');
+ unshift ( @{"${target}::ISA"}, $comp );
+ my @after = map {
+ my $to_run = $Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks::After{$_};
+ ($to_run?[$_,$to_run]:())
+ } @heritage;
+ for my $todo (reverse @after) {
+ my ($parent, $fn) = @$todo;
+ for my $f (@$fn) {
+ $target->$f($parent)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
=head2 load_optional_class
--- /dev/null
+package Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our %Before;
+our %After;
+sub BEFORE_APPLY (&) { push @{$Before{scalar caller}}, $_[0] };
+sub AFTER_APPLY (&) { push @{$After {scalar caller}}, $_[0] };
+ no strict 'refs';
+ sub import {
+ my ($from, @args) = @_;
+ my $to = caller;
+ my $default = 1;
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $skip = 0;
+ my @import;
+ for my $arg (@args) {
+ if ($skip) {
+ $skip--;
+ $i++;
+ next
+ }
+ if ($arg eq '-before_apply') {
+ $default = 0;
+ $skip = 1;
+ push @{$Before{$to}}, $args[$i + 1]
+ } elsif ($arg eq '-after_apply') {
+ $default = 0;
+ $skip = 1;
+ push @{$After{$to}}, $args[$i + 1];
+ } elsif ($arg =~ /^BEFORE_APPLY|AFTER_APPLY$/) {
+ $default = 0;
+ push @import, $arg
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if $default;
+ *{"$to\::$_"} = \&{"$from\::$_"} for @import
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ package MyComponent;
+ our %statistics;
+ use Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks
+ -before_apply => sub {
+ my ($class, $component) = @_;
+ push @{$statistics{$class}}, '-before_apply';
+ },
+ -after_apply => sub {
+ my ($class, $component) = @_;
+ push @{$statistics{$class}}, '-after_apply';
+ BEFORE_APPLY { push @{$statistics{$class}}, 'BEFORE_APPLY' };
+ AFTER_APPLY { push @{$statistics{$class}}, 'AFTER_APPLY' };
+ AFTER_APPLY { use Devel::Dwarn; Dwarn %statistics };
+ 1;
+This package allows a given component to run methods on the class that is being
+injected into before or after the component is injected. Note from the
+L</SYNOPSIS> that all C<Load Actions> may be run more than once.
+Both import actions simply run a list of coderefs that will be passed the class
+that is being acted upon and the component that is being added to the class.
+=head2 -before_apply
+Adds a before apply action for the current component without importing
+any subroutines into your namespace.
+=head2 -after_apply
+Adds an after apply action for the current component without importing
+any subroutines into your namespace.
+ BEFORE_APPLY { warn "about to apply $_[1] to class $_[0]" };
+Adds a before apply action for the current component.
+ AFTER_APPLY { warn "just applied $_[1] to class $_[0]" };
+Adds an after apply action for the current component.
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+my $awesome_robot = 0;
+my $first = 0;
+my $last = 0;
+ package MyModule::Plugin::TestActions;
+ use Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks;
+ BEFORE_APPLY { $awesome_robot++; $first = $awesome_robot };
+ BEFORE_APPLY { $awesome_robot++; $first = $awesome_robot };
+ AFTER_APPLY { $awesome_robot++; $last = $awesome_robot };
+ 1;
+ package MyModule::Plugin::TestActionDie;
+ use Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks
+ -before_apply => sub { die 'this component is not applicable (yuk yuk yuk)' };
+ 1;
+ package MyModule::Plugin::TestActionLoadFrew;
+ use Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks;
+ BEFORE_APPLY { $_[0]->load_components('TestActionFrew') };
+ 1;
+ package MyModule::Plugin::TestActionFrew;
+ sub frew { 1 }
+ 1;
+is( $first, 0, 'first starts at zero' );
+is( $last, 0, 'last starts at zero' );
+is( $first, 2, 'first gets value of 1 (it runs first)' );
+is( $last, 3, 'last gets value of 2 (it runs last)' );
+dies_ok { MyModule->load_components('TestActionDie') } 'die from BEFORE_APPLY works';
+dies_ok { MyModule->frew } 'fREW is not loaded';
+is( MyModule->frew, 1, 'fREW is loaded' );
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+ package A::First;
+ use Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks;
+ AFTER_APPLY { $_[0]->after("a $_[1]") };
+ AFTER_APPLY { $_[0]->after("b $_[1]") };
+ BEFORE_APPLY { $_[0]->before("a $_[1]") };
+ BEFORE_APPLY { $_[0]->before("b $_[1]") };
+ 1;
+ package A::Second;
+ use base 'A::First';
+ use Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks
+ -after_apply => sub { $_[0]->after("a $_[1]") },
+ -before_apply => sub { $_[0]->before("a $_[1]") },
+ AFTER_APPLY { $_[0]->after("b $_[1]") };
+ BEFORE_APPLY { $_[0]->before("b $_[1]") };
+ 1;
+ package A::Third;
+ use base 'A::Second';
+ 1;
+ package A::Class::Second;
+ use base 'Class::C3::Componentised';
+ use Test::More;
+ our @before;
+ our @after;
+ sub component_base_class { 'A' }
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components('Second');
+ sub before { push @before, $_[1] }
+ sub after { push @after, $_[1] }
+ is_deeply(\@before, [
+ 'b A::Second',
+ 'a A::Second',
+ 'b A::First',
+ 'a A::First',
+ ], 'before runs in the correct order');
+ is_deeply(\@after, [
+ 'a A::First',
+ 'b A::First',
+ 'a A::Second',
+ 'b A::Second',
+ ], 'after runs in the correct order');
+ package A::Class::Third;
+ use base 'Class::C3::Componentised';
+ use Test::More;
+ our @before;
+ our @after;
+ sub component_base_class { 'A' }
+ __PACKAGE__->load_components('Third');
+ sub before { push @before, $_[1] }
+ sub after { push @after, $_[1] }
+ is_deeply(\@before, [
+ 'b A::Second',
+ 'a A::Second',
+ 'b A::First',
+ 'a A::First',
+ ], 'before runs in the correct order');
+ is_deeply(\@after, [
+ 'a A::First',
+ 'b A::First',
+ 'a A::Second',
+ 'b A::Second',
+ ], 'after runs in the correct order');