# Run the analysis of the tradition
## TODO Make proper test db
my $calcdsn = 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=t/data/analysis.db';
-my $results = run_analysis( $tradition, calcdsn => $calcdsn );
my %expected = (
- 3 => 1,
- 28 => 1,
- 39 => 1,
- 73 => '',
- 76 => 1,
- 91 => '',
- 93 => 1,
- 94 => 1,
- 99 => '',
- 136 => '',
- 142 => '',
- 155 => 1,
- 170 => 1,
- 205 => 1,
- 219 => 1,
- 239 => 1,
- 244 => 1,
- 251 => 1,
- 252 => 1,
- 293 => 1,
- 295 => 1,
- 309 => 1,
- 317 => '',
- 318 => 1,
- 319 => 1,
- 328 => '',
- 335 => 1,
- 350 => '',
- 361 => '',
- 382 => '',
- 385 => '',
- 406 => 1,
- 413 => 1,
- 418 => '',
- 493 => 1,
- 497 => '',
- 500 => '',
- 515 => '',
- 558 => '',
- 632 => 1,
- 634 => 1,
- 636 => 1,
- 685 => 1,
- 737 => 1,
- 742 => '',
- 743 => '',
- 744 => '',
- 777 => '',
- 780 => 1,
- 837 => 1,
- 897 => '',
- 898 => '',
- 925 => 1,
- 952 => 1,
- 954 => 1,
- 969 => 1,
- 972 => 1,
- 973 => 1,
- 1003 => 1,
- 1004 => 1,
- 1013 => 1,
+ 2 => 'type1',
+ 3 => 'genealogical',
+ 28 => 'genealogical',
+ 39 => 'genealogical',
+ 62 => 'type1',
+ 63 => 'type1',
+ 73 => 'reverted',
+ 76 => 'genealogical',
+ 91 => 'conflict',
+ 93 => 'genealogical',
+ 94 => 'genealogical',
+ 99 => 'reverted',
+ 110 => 'type1',
+ 117 => 'type1',
+ 136 => 'reverted',
+ 142 => 'conflict',
+ 155 => 'genealogical',
+ 170 => 'genealogical',
+ 182 => 'type1',
+ 205 => 'genealogical',
+ 219 => 'genealogical',
+ 239 => 'genealogical',
+ 244 => 'genealogical',
+ 245 => 'type1',
+ 251 => 'genealogical',
+ 252 => 'genealogical',
+ 293 => 'genealogical',
+ 295 => 'genealogical',
+ 309 => 'genealogical',
+ 310 => 'type1',
+ 314 => 'type1',
+ 315 => 'type1',
+ 317 => 'reverted',
+ 318 => 'genealogical',
+ 319 => 'genealogical',
+ 324 => 'type1',
+ 328 => 'reverted',
+ 334 => 'type1',
+ 335 => 'genealogical',
+ 350 => 'reverted',
+ 361 => 'reverted',
+ 367 => 'type1',
+ 370 => 'type1',
+ 382 => 'reverted',
+ 385 => 'reverted',
+ 406 => 'genealogical',
+ 413 => 'genealogical',
+ 417 => 'type1',
+ 418 => 'reverted',
+ 459 => 'type1',
+ 493 => 'genealogical',
+ 497 => 'reverted',
+ 499 => 'type1',
+ 500 => 'reverted',
+ 515 => 'reverted',
+ 556 => 'type1',
+ 558 => 'conflict',
+ 597 => 'type1',
+ 615 => 'type1',
+ 617 => 'type1',
+ 632 => 'genealogical',
+ 634 => 'genealogical',
+ 636 => 'genealogical',
+ 685 => 'genealogical',
+ 737 => 'genealogical',
+ 742 => 'reverted',
+ 743 => 'reverted',
+ 744 => 'reverted',
+ 745 => 'type1',
+ 746 => 'type1',
+ 747 => 'type1',
+ 757 => 'type1',
+ 762 => 'type1',
+ 763 => 'type1',
+ 777 => 'reverted',
+ 780 => 'genealogical',
+ 802 => 'type1',
+ 803 => 'type1',
+ 815 => 'type1',
+ 837 => 'genealogical',
+ 854 => 'type1',
+ 855 => 'type1',
+ 856 => 'type1',
+ 857 => 'type1',
+ 858 => 'type1',
+ 859 => 'type1',
+ 860 => 'type1',
+ 861 => 'type1',
+ 862 => 'type1',
+ 863 => 'type1',
+ 864 => 'type1',
+ 865 => 'type1',
+ 866 => 'type1',
+ 867 => 'type1',
+ 868 => 'type1',
+ 869 => 'type1',
+ 870 => 'type1',
+ 871 => 'type1',
+ 872 => 'type1',
+ 873 => 'type1',
+ 874 => 'type1',
+ 875 => 'type1',
+ 876 => 'type1',
+ 877 => 'type1',
+ 878 => 'type1',
+ 879 => 'type1',
+ 880 => 'type1',
+ 881 => 'type1',
+ 882 => 'type1',
+ 883 => 'type1',
+ 884 => 'type1',
+ 885 => 'type1',
+ 886 => 'type1',
+ 887 => 'type1',
+ 888 => 'type1',
+ 889 => 'type1',
+ 890 => 'type1',
+ 891 => 'type1',
+ 892 => 'type1',
+ 893 => 'type1',
+ 894 => 'type1',
+ 895 => 'type1',
+ 896 => 'type1',
+ 897 => 'conflict',
+ 898 => 'conflict',
+ 899 => 'type1',
+ 900 => 'type1',
+ 901 => 'type1',
+ 902 => 'type1',
+ 903 => 'type1',
+ 904 => 'type1',
+ 905 => 'type1',
+ 906 => 'type1',
+ 907 => 'type1',
+ 915 => 'type1',
+ 916 => 'type1',
+ 925 => 'genealogical',
+ 927 => 'type1',
+ 952 => 'genealogical',
+ 954 => 'genealogical',
+ 969 => 'genealogical',
+ 972 => 'genealogical',
+ 973 => 'genealogical',
+ 974 => 'type1',
+ 1003 => 'genealogical',
+ 1004 => 'genealogical' # check for transp
+my %num_readings;
+my @all_variant_ranks = sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %expected );
# Look through the results
-my $display = $ARGV[0];
my $c = $tradition->collation;
+my %analysis_opts = ( calcdsn => $calcdsn );
+my $results = run_analysis( $tradition, %analysis_opts );
+my @analyzed;
foreach my $row ( @{$results->{'variants'}} ) {
- if( $display ) {
- say sprintf( "=== Looking at rank %d (%s) ===", $row->{'id'},
- $row->{'genealogical'} ? 'genealogical' : 'not genealogical' );
+ push( @analyzed, $row->{id} );
+ $num_readings{$row->{id}} = scalar @{$row->{'readings'}};
+ my $type = 'genealogical';
+ if( grep { $_->{'is_conflict'} } @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ $type = 'conflict';
+ } elsif( grep { $_->{'is_reverted'} } @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ $type = 'reverted';
+ }
+ my $expected = $expected{$row->{'id'}};
+ $expected = 'genealogical' if $expected eq 'type1';
+ is( $type, $expected, "Got expected genealogical result for rank " . $row->{'id'} );
+ # If the row is genealogical, there should be one reading with no parents,
+ # every reading should independently occur exactly once, and the total
+ # number of changes + maybe-changes should equal the total number of
+ # readings who have that one as a parent.
+ if( $row->{'genealogical'} ) {
+ # Make the mapping of parent -> child readings
+ my %is_parent;
+ my @has_no_parent;
foreach my $rdg ( @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
- my $parents = $rdg->{'source_parents'};
- say sprintf( "Reading %s: %s", $rdg->{'readingid'},
- $rdg->{'conflict'} ? '(conflicted)' : '' );
- if( $parents && @$parents ) {
- say "\tParent reading(s) " . join( ', ', @$parents );
- foreach my $p ( @$parents ) {
- # Is there a relationship here?
- my $rel = $c->get_relationship( $rdg->{'readingid'}, $p );
- if( $rel ) {
- say sprintf( "\t* Relationship %s %s to parent %s",
- $rel->type,
- $rel->annotation ? '('.$rel->annotation.')' : '',
- $p );
- }
- }
+ my $parents = $rdg->{'source_parents'} || {};
+ foreach my $p ( keys %$parents ) {
+ push( @{$is_parent{$p}}, $rdg->{'readingid'} );
- say sprintf( "\t%d independent, %d followed, %d changed, %d unknown",
- $rdg->{'independent_occurrence'}, $rdg->{'followed'},
- $rdg->{'not_followed'}, $rdg->{'follow_unknown'} );
+ push( @has_no_parent, $rdg->{'readingid'} ) unless keys %$parents;
- } else {
- # If not displaying, we're testing.
- # HACK to cope with formerly unuseful rows
- unless( exists $expected{$row->{'id'}} ) {
- $expected{$row->{'id'}} = 1;
- }
- my $gen_bool = $row->{'genealogical'} ? 1 : '';
- is( $gen_bool, $expected{$row->{'id'}},
- "Got expected genealogical result for rank " . $row->{'id'} );
- # If the row is genealogical, there should be one reading with no parents,
- # every reading should independently occur exactly once, and the total
- # number of changes + maybe-changes should equal the total number of
- # readings who have that one as a parent.
- if( $row->{'genealogical'} ) {
- # Make the mapping of parent -> child readings
- my %is_parent;
- my @has_no_parent;
- foreach my $rdg ( @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
- my $parents = $rdg->{'source_parents'} || {};
- foreach my $p ( keys %$parents ) {
- push( @{$is_parent{$p}}, $rdg->{'readingid'} );
- }
- push( @has_no_parent, $rdg->{'readingid'} ) unless keys %$parents;
- }
- # Test some stuff
- foreach my $rdg ( @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
- is( @{$rdg->{'independent_occurrence'}}, 1,
- "Genealogical reading originates exactly once" );
- }
- is( @has_no_parent, 1, "Only one genealogical reading lacks a parent" );
+ # Test some stuff
+ foreach my $rdg ( @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ is( @{$rdg->{'independent_occurrence'}}, 1,
+ "Genealogical reading originates exactly once" );
+ is( @has_no_parent, 1, "Only one genealogical reading lacks a parent" );
-done_testing() unless $display;
+# Check that run_analysis ran an analysis on all our known variant ranks
+is_deeply( \@all_variant_ranks, \@analyzed, "Ran analysis for all expected rows" );
+# Now run it again, excluding type 1 variants.
+map { delete $expected{$_} if $expected{$_} eq 'type1' } keys %expected;
+my @useful_variant_ranks = sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %expected );
+$analysis_opts{'exclude_type1'} = 1;
+@analyzed = ();
+$results = run_analysis( $tradition, %analysis_opts );
+foreach my $row ( @{$results->{'variants'}} ) {
+ push( @analyzed, $row->{id} );
+ my $type = 'genealogical';
+ if( grep { $_->{'is_conflict'} } @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ $type = 'conflict';
+ } elsif( grep { $_->{'is_reverted'} } @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ $type = 'reverted';
+ }
+ is( $type, $expected{$row->{'id'}}, "Got expected genealogical result on exclude_type1 run for rank " . $row->{'id'} );
+is_deeply( \@analyzed, \@useful_variant_ranks, "Ran analysis for all useful rows" );
+# Now run it again, excluding orthography / spelling.
+my @merged_exclude = qw/ 76 136 142 155 293 317 319 335 350 361 413 500 515 636 685
+ 737 954 1003 /;
+# 205 now conflicts; it and 493 should also have one fewer reading
+$expected{205} = 'conflict';
+map { delete $expected{$_} } @merged_exclude;
+my @merged_remaining = sort { $a <=> $b } keys( %expected );
+$analysis_opts{'merge_types'} = [ qw/ orthographic spelling / ];
+@analyzed = ();
+$results = run_analysis( $tradition, %analysis_opts );
+foreach my $row ( @{$results->{'variants'}} ) {
+ push( @analyzed, $row->{id} );
+ my $type = 'genealogical';
+ if( grep { $_->{'is_conflict'} } @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ $type = 'conflict';
+ } elsif( grep { $_->{'is_reverted'} } @{$row->{'readings'}} ) {
+ $type = 'reverted';
+ }
+ is( $type, $expected{$row->{'id'}}, "Got expected genealogical result on merge_types run for rank " . $row->{'id'} );
+ is( scalar @{$row->{'readings'}}, $num_readings{$row->{id}}, "Got expected number of readings during merge" );
+is_deeply( \@analyzed, \@merged_remaining, "Ran analysis for all useful unmerged rows" );