lib/ Load functions only on demand
lib/SelfLoader.t See if SelfLoader works
lib/ Make AUTOLOADed system() calls
+lib/Shell.t Tests for above
lib/ Perl library to split into words with shell quoting
lib/ For trapping an abort and giving traceback
lib/ Perl library supporting stat function
--- /dev/null
+use Test::More tests => 4;
+BEGIN { use_ok('Shell'); }
+my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
+my $Is_MSWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+my $Is_NetWare = $^O eq 'NetWare';
+$Shell::capture_stderr = 1; #
+# Now test that that works ..
+my $tmpfile = 'sht0001';
+while ( -f $tmpfile )
+ $tmpfile++;
+END { -f $tmpfile && unlink $tmpfile };
+open(SAVERR,">&STDERR") ;
+open(STDERR, ">$tmpfile");
+xXx(); # Ok someone could have a program called this :(
+ok( !(-s $tmpfile) ,'$Shell::capture_stderr');
+$Shell::capture_stderr = 0; #
+# someone will have to fill in the blanks for other platforms
+if ( $Is_VMS )
+ skip "Please implement VMS test", 2;
+ ok(1);
+ ok(1);
+elsif( $Is_MSWin32 )
+ ok(dir(),'Execute command');
+ my @files = dir('*.*');
+ ok(@files, 'Quoted arguments');
+ ok(ls(),'Execute command');
+ my @files = ls('*');
+ ok(@files,'Quoted arguments');