my $code = _getcode($arg);
croak __PACKAGE__, "::charinfo: unknown code '$arg'"
unless defined $code;
- my $hexk = sprintf("%04X", $code);
+ my $hexk = sprintf("%06X", $code);
foreach my $range (@CharinfoRanges){
if ($range->[0] <= $code && $code <= $range->[1]) {
$rcode = $hexk;
+ $rcode =~ s/^0+//;
+ $rcode = sprintf("%04X", hex($rcode));
$rname = $range->[2] ? $range->[2]->($code) : '';
$rdec = $range->[3] ? $range->[3]->($code) : '';
- $hexk = sprintf("%04X", $range->[0]); # replace by the first
+ $hexk = sprintf("%06X", $range->[0]); # replace by the first
openunicode(\$UNICODEFH, "Unicode.txt");
if (defined $UNICODEFH) {
- use Search::Dict;
- if (look($UNICODEFH, "$hexk;")) {
+ use Search::Dict 1.02;
+ if (look($UNICODEFH, "$hexk;", { xfrm => sub { $_[0] =~ /^([^;]+);(.+)/; sprintf "%06X;$2", hex($1) } } ) >= 0) {
my $line = <$UNICODEFH>;
chomp $line;
my %prop;
mirrored unicode10 comment
upper lower title
)} = split(/;/, $line, -1);
+ $hexk =~ s/^0+//;
+ $hexk = sprintf("%04X", hex($hexk));
if ($prop{code} eq $hexk) {
$prop{block} = charblock($code);
$prop{script} = charscript($code);