unshift @INC, $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? ('../cpan/Cwd', '../cpan/Cwd/lib') : 'cpan/Cwd';
use Cwd;
-use File::Spec::Functions qw(rel2abs);
# To clarify, this isn't the entire suite of modules considered "toolchain"
# It's not even all modules needed to build ext/
# another process has half-written.
my @new_inc = ((map {"$up/$_"} @toolchain), $lib_dir);
if ($is_Win32) {
- @new_inc = map {rel2abs($_)} @new_inc;
+ # It feels somewhat wrong putting this in a loop, but require caches
+ # results, so is fast for subsequent calls. To my mind it's clearer
+ # here than putting the require somewhere far from the code it relates
+ # to.
+ require File::Spec::Functions;
+ @new_inc = map {File::Spec::Functions::rel2abs($_)} @new_inc;
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $Config{path_sep}, @new_inc;