sub class_string { 'yarp' }
+ package MyClass3;
+ sub new { bless {}, shift }
my $o = MyClass->new;
is "$o", 'welp', 'subref overload';
is sprintf('%d', $o), 42, 'subref overload not overwritten';
+ my @o = (MyClass3->new) x 2;
+ my $copy = '';
+ for my $o (@o) {
+ Role::Tiny->apply_roles_to_object($o, 'MyRole')
+ unless $copy;
+ local $TODO = 'magic not applied to all ref copies on perl < 5.8.9'
+ if $copy && $] < 5.008009;
+ is "$o", 'welp', 'subref overload applied to instance'.$copy;
+ is sprintf('%d', $o), 219, 'method name overload applied to instance'.$copy;
+ ok !$o, 'anon subref overload applied to instance'.$copy;
+ $copy ||= ' copy';
+ }