use Test::More;
if (eval "require Class::Method::Modifiers; 1") {
- plan tests => 57;
+ plan tests => 59;
else {
plan skip_all => "Class::Method::Modifiers required for this test";
[ 'Mouse::Object' ],
'... Point got the automagic base class');
-my @Point_methods = qw(meta new x y clear);
+my @Point_methods = qw(meta new x y clear DESTROY);
my @Point_attrs = ('x', 'y');
[ 'Point' ],
'... Point3D gets the parent given to it');
-my @Point3D_methods = qw(new meta clear);
+my @Point3D_methods = qw(new meta clear DESTROY);
my @Point3D_attrs = ('z');
die $@ if $@;
- is join(',', sort "${class}Class"->meta->get_method_list()), 'foo,meta';
- is join(',', sort "${class}ClassImm"->meta->get_method_list()), 'foo,meta,new';
- is join(',', sort "${class}Role"->meta->get_method_list()), 'bar';
+ is join(',', sort "${class}Class"->meta->get_method_list()), 'foo,meta', "mutable $class";
+ is join(',', sort "${class}ClassImm"->meta->get_method_list()), 'DESTROY,foo,meta,new', "immutable $class";
+ is join(',', sort "${class}Role"->meta->get_method_list()), 'bar', "role $class";