use Config;
# During perl build, we need File::Copy but Fcntl might not be built yet
my $Fcntl_loaded = eval q{ use Fcntl qw [O_CREAT O_WRONLY O_TRUNC]; 1 };
+# Similarly Scalar::Util
+# And then we need these games to avoid loading overload, as that will
+# confuse miniperl during the bootstrap of perl.
+my $Scalar_Util_loaded = eval q{ require Scalar::Util; require overload; 1 };
our(@ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, $VERSION, $Too_Big, $Syscopy_is_copy);
sub copy;
sub syscopy;
sub cp;
sub mv;
-$VERSION = '2.13';
+$VERSION = '2.14';
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
# _eq($from, $to) tells whether $from and $to are identical
-# works for strings and references
sub _eq {
- return $_[0] == $_[1] if ref $_[0] && ref $_[1];
- return $_[0] eq $_[1] if !ref $_[0] && !ref $_[1];
- return "";
+ my ($from, $to) = map {
+ $Scalar_Util_loaded && Scalar::Util::blessed($_)
+ && overload::Method($_, q{""})
+ ? "$_"
+ : $_
+ } (@_);
+ return '' if ( (ref $from) xor (ref $to) );
+ return $from == $to if ref $from;
+ return $from eq $to;
sub copy {
my $TB = Test::More->builder;
-plan tests => 91;
+plan tests => 136;
# We're going to override rename() later on but Perl has to see an override
# at compile time to honor it.
! -e $_ or unlink $_ or die $! for $src, $copy1, $copy2, $copy3;
+ package Crash;
+ # a package overloaded suspiciously like IO::Scalar
+ use overload '""' => sub { ${$_[0]} };
+ use overload 'bool' => sub { 1 };
+ sub new {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ bless \$name, $class;
+ }
+ package Zowie;
+ # a different package overloaded suspiciously like IO::Scalar
+ use overload '""' => sub { ${$_[0]} };
+ use overload 'bool' => sub { 1 };
+ sub new {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ bless \$name, $class;
+ }
+ my $object = Crash->new('whack_eth');
+ my %what = (plain => "$object",
+ object1 => $object,
+ object2 => Zowie->new('whack_eth'),
+ object2 => Zowie->new('whack_eth'),
+ );
+ my @warnings;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ push @warnings, @_;
+ };
+ foreach my $left (qw(plain object1 object2)) {
+ foreach my $right (qw(plain object1 object2)) {
+ @warnings = ();
+ $! = 0;
+ is eval {copy $what{$left}, $what{$right}}, 1, "copy $left $right";
+ is $@, '', 'No croaking';
+ is $!, '', 'No system call errors';
+ is @warnings, 1, 'Exactly 1 warning';
+ like $warnings[0],
+ qr/'$object' and '$object' are identical \(not copied\)/,
+ 'with the text we expect';
+ }
+ }
1 while unlink "file-$$";