=head2 Multiple Database Schemas
-Currently the loader is limited to working within a single schema
-(using the underlying RDBMS's definition of "schema"). If you have a
-multi-schema database with inter-schema relationships (which is easy
-to do in PostgreSQL or DB2 for instance), you currently can only
-automatically load the tables of one schema, and relationships to
-tables in other schemas will be silently ignored.
-At some point in the future, an intelligent way around this might be
-devised, probably by allowing the C<db_schema> option to be an
-arrayref of schemas to load.
-In "normal" L<DBIx::Class::Schema> usage, manually-defined
-source classes and relationships have no problems crossing vendor schemas.
+See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base/db_schema>.
=head2 db_schema
Set the name of the schema to load (schema in the sense that your database
-vendor means it). Does not currently support loading more than one schema
+vendor means it).
+Can be set to an arrayref of schema names for multiple schemas, or the special
+value C<%> for all schemas.
+Multiple schemas have only been tested on PostgreSQL.
=head2 constraint
+ if (defined $self->db_schema) {
+ if (ref $self->db_schema eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (@{ $self->db_schema } > 1) {
+ $self->{qualify_objects} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif (@{ $self->db_schema } == 0) {
+ $self->{db_schema} = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (not ref $self->db_schema) {
+ if ($self->db_schema eq '%') {
+ $self->{qualify_objects} = 1;
+ }
+ $self->{db_schema} = [ $self->db_schema ];
+ }
+ else {
+ croak 'db_schema must be an array or single value';
+ }
+ }
sub _resolve_col_accessor_collisions {
my ($self, $table, $col_info) = @_;
- my $table_name = ref $table ? $$table : $table;
while (my ($col, $info) = each %$col_info) {
my $accessor = $info->{accessor} || $col;
next if $accessor eq 'id'; # special case (very common column)
- if ($self->_is_result_class_method($accessor, $table_name)) {
+ if ($self->_is_result_class_method($accessor, $table)) {
my $mapped = 0;
if (my $map = $self->col_collision_map) {
if (not $mapped) {
warn <<"EOF";
-Column '$col' in table '$table_name' collides with an inherited method.
+Column '$col' in table '$table' collides with an inherited method.
See "COLUMN ACCESSOR COLLISIONS" in perldoc DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base .
$info->{accessor} = undef;
my $full_table_name = ($self->qualify_objects ?
- ($self->_quote($self->db_schema) . '.') : '')
- . (ref $table_name ? $$table_name : $table_name);
+ ($self->_quote($table->schema) . '.') : '')
+ . (ref $table_name eq 'SCALAR' ? $$table_name : $table_name);
# be careful to not create refs Data::Dump can "optimize"
$full_table_name = \do {"".$full_table_name} if ref $table_name;
my $sql_maker = $self->schema->storage->sql_maker;
my $name_sep = $sql_maker->name_sep;
- my $db_schema = $self->db_schema;
+ my $schema = $table->schema;
- if($db_schema) {
- return $self->_quote($self->{db_schema})
+ if ($schema) {
+ return $self->_quote($schema)
. $name_sep
. $self->_quote($table);
-use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/;
use mro 'c3';
+use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table ();
our $VERSION = '0.07010';
DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Pg - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI
PostgreSQL Implementation.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package My::Schema;
- use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/;
- __PACKAGE__->loader_options( debug => 1 );
- 1;
-See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base>.
+See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> and L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base>.
- $self->{db_schema} ||= 'public';
+ $self->{db_schema} ||= ['public'];
if (not defined $self->preserve_case) {
my ($self, $opts) = @_;
my $dbh = $self->schema->storage->dbh;
- my @tables = $dbh->tables(undef, $self->db_schema, '%', '%');
- my $schema_quoted = $tables[0] =~ /^"/;
+ my @tables;
- if ($schema_quoted) {
- s/^"[^"]+"\.// for @tables;
- }
- else {
- s/^[^.]+\.// for @tables;
- }
+ foreach my $schema (@{ $self->db_schema }) {
+ my @raw_tables = $dbh->tables(undef, $schema, '%', '%');
- s/^"([^"]+)"\z/$1/ for @tables;
+ foreach my $table_name (@raw_tables) {
+ my $schema_quoted = $table_name =~ /^"/;
+ if ($schema_quoted) {
+ $table_name =~ s/^"([^"]+)"\.//;
+ }
+ else {
+ $table_name =~ s/^([^.]+)\.//;
+ }
+ my $table = DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table->new(schema => $1);
+ $table_name =~ s/^"([^"]+)"\z/$1/;
+ $table->name($table_name);
+ push @tables, $table;
+ }
+ }
return $self->_filter_tables(\@tables, $opts);
c.relname = ?}
- $uniq_sth->execute($self->db_schema, $table);
+ $uniq_sth->execute($table->schema, $table);
while(my $row = $uniq_sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
my ($tableid, $indexname, $col_nums) = @$row;
$col_nums =~ s/^\s+//;
FROM pg_class
WHERE relname=? AND relnamespace=(
SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname=?)
- }, undef, $table, $self->db_schema
+ }, undef, $table, $table->schema
return $table_comment
FROM pg_class
WHERE relname=? AND relnamespace=(
SELECT oid FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname=?)
- }, undef, $table, $self->db_schema
+ }, undef, $table, $table->schema
return $self->schema->storage->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT col_description(?,?)', undef, $table_oid,
$column_number );
FROM pg_catalog.pg_type
WHERE typname = ?
- if ($typetype eq 'e') {
+ if ($typetype && $typetype eq 'e') {
# The following will extract a list of allowed values for the
# enum.
my $typevalues = $self->schema->storage->dbh
use overload
- '""' => 'name';
+ '""' => sub { $_[0]->name };
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return bless { @_ }, $class;
=head1 SEE ALSO
- sprintf("%.3f", $class35->column_info('a_double')->{default_value}), '10.555',
+ sprintf("%.3f", $class35->column_info('a_double')->{default_value}||0), '10.555',
'constant numeric default',
- sprintf("%.3f", $class35->column_info('a_negative_double')->{default_value}), -10.555,
+ sprintf("%.3f", $class35->column_info('a_negative_double')->{default_value}||0), -10.555,
'constant negative numeric default',