our $VERSION = '1.008026'; # 1.8.26
-our @KNOWN_FLAGS = qw(--self-contained --deactivate --deactivate-all);
-sub DEACTIVATE_ONE () { 1 }
-sub DEACTIVATE_ALL () { 2 }
-sub INTERPOLATE_ENV () { 1 }
-sub LITERAL_ENV () { 0 }
sub import {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
- # Remember what PERL5LIB was when we started
- my $perl5lib = $ENV{PERL5LIB} || '';
+ my @steps;
- my %arg_store;
- for my $arg (@args) {
+ while (@args) {
+ my $arg = shift @args;
# check for lethal dash first to stop processing before causing problems
# the fancy dash is U+2212 or \xE2\x88\x92
if ($arg =~ /\xE2\x88\x92/ or $arg =~ /−/) {
dashes with normal minus signs.
- elsif(grep { $arg eq $_ } @KNOWN_FLAGS) {
- (my $flag = $arg) =~ s/--//;
- $arg_store{$flag} = 1;
+ elsif ($arg eq '--self-contained') {
+ die "FATAL: The local::lib --self-contained flag has never worked reliably and the original author, Mark Stosberg, was unable or unwilling to maintain it. As such, this flag has been removed from the local::lib codebase in order to prevent misunderstandings and potentially broken builds. The local::lib authors recommend that you look at the lib::core::only module shipped with this distribution in order to create a more robust environment that is equivalent to what --self-contained provided (although quite possibly not what you originally thought it provided due to the poor quality of the documentation, for which we apologise).\n";
+ }
+ elsif( $arg eq '--deactivate' ) {
+ my $path = shift @args;
+ push @steps, ['deactivate', $path];
- elsif($arg =~ /^--/) {
+ elsif ( $arg eq '--deactivate-all' ) {
+ push @steps, ['deactivate_all'];
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg =~ /^--/ ) {
die "Unknown import argument: $arg";
else {
- # assume that what's left is a path
- $arg_store{path} = $arg;
+ push @steps, ['activate', $arg];
+ if (!@steps) {
+ push @steps, ['activate', undef];
+ }
+ my $self = $class->new;
+ for (@steps) {
+ my ($method, @args) = @$_;
+ $self = $self->$method(@args);
+ }
+ if ($0 eq '-') {
+ $self->print_environment_vars_for;
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->setup_local_lib_for;
+ }
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ bless {@_}, $class;
+sub clone {
+ my $self = shift;
+ bless {%$self, @_}, ref $self;
+sub inc { $_[0]->{inc} ||= \@INC }
+sub libs { $_[0]->{libs} ||= [ \'PERL5LIB' ] }
+sub bins { $_[0]->{bins} ||= [ \'PATH' ] }
+sub roots { $_[0]->{roots} ||= [ \'PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT' ] }
+sub extra { $_[0]->{extra} ||= {} }
+sub shelltype { $_[0]->{shelltype} ||= $_[0]->guess_shelltype }
+my $_archname = $Config{archname};
+my $_version = $Config{version};
+my @_inc_version_list = reverse split / /, $Config{inc_version_list};
+my $_path_sep = $Config{path_sep};
+sub _as_list {
+ my $list = shift;
+ grep length, map {
+ !(ref $_ && ref $_ eq 'SCALAR') ? $_ : (
+ defined $ENV{$$_} ? split(/\Q$_path_sep/, $ENV{$$_})
+ : ()
+ )
+ } ref $list ? @$list : $list;
+sub _remove_from {
+ my ($list, @remove) = @_;
+ my %remove = map { $_ => 1 } @remove;
+ grep !$remove{$_}, _as_list($list);
+my @_lib_subdirs = (
+ [$_version, $_archname],
+ [$_version],
+ [$_archname],
+ (@_inc_version_list ? \@_inc_version_list : ()),
+ [],
+sub install_base_bin_path {
+ my ($class, $path) = @_;
+ return File::Spec->catdir($path, 'bin');
+sub install_base_perl_path {
+ my ($class, $path) = @_;
+ return File::Spec->catdir($path, 'lib', 'perl5');
+sub install_base_arch_path {
+ my ($class, $path) = @_;
+ File::Spec->catdir($class->install_base_perl_path($path), $_archname);
+sub lib_paths_for {
+ my ($class, $path) = @_;
+ my $base = $class->install_base_perl_path($path);
+ return map { File::Spec->catdir($base, @$_) } @_lib_subdirs;
+sub _mm_escape_path {
+ my $path = shift;
+ $path =~ s/\\/\\\\\\\\/g;
+ if ($path =~ s/ /\\ /g) {
+ $path = qq{"\\"$path\\""};
+ }
+ return $path;
+sub _mb_escape_path {
+ my $path = shift;
+ $path =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ return qq{"$path"};
+sub installer_options_for {
+ my ($class, $path) = @_;
+ return {
+ PERL_MM_OPT => defined $path ? "INSTALL_BASE="._mm_escape_path($path) : undef,
+ PERL_MB_OPT => defined $path ? "--install_base "._mb_escape_path($path) : undef,
+ };
+sub active_paths {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self = ref $self ? $self : $self->new;
+ return grep {
+ # screen out entries that aren't actually reflected in @INC
+ my $active_ll = $self->install_base_perl_path($_);
+ grep { $_ eq $active_ll } @{$self->inc};
+ } _as_list($self->roots);
+sub deactivate {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ $self = $self->new unless ref $self;
+ $path = $self->resolve_path($path);
+ my @active_lls = $self->active_paths;
- if($arg_store{'self-contained'}) {
- die "FATAL: The local::lib --self-contained flag has never worked reliably and the original author, Mark Stosberg, was unable or unwilling to maintain it. As such, this flag has been removed from the local::lib codebase in order to prevent misunderstandings and potentially broken builds. The local::lib authors recommend that you look at the lib::core::only module shipped with this distribution in order to create a more robust environment that is equivalent to what --self-contained provided (although quite possibly not what you originally thought it provided due to the poor quality of the documentation, for which we apologise).\n";
+ if (!grep { $_ eq $path } @active_lls) {
+ warn "Tried to deactivate inactive local::lib '$path'\n";
+ return;
- my $deactivating = 0;
- if ($arg_store{deactivate}) {
- $deactivating = DEACTIVATE_ONE;
+ my %args = (
+ bins => [ _remove_from($self->bins, $self->install_base_bin_path($path)) ],
+ libs => [ _remove_from($self->libs, $self->install_base_perl_path($path)) ],
+ inc => [ _remove_from($self->inc, $self->lib_paths_for($path)) ],
+ roots => [ _remove_from($self->roots, $path) ],
+ );
+ $args{extra} = $self->installer_options_for($args{roots}[0]);
+ $self->clone(%args);
+sub deactivate_all {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self = $self->new unless ref $self;
+ my @active_lls = $self->active_paths;
+ my %args = (
+ bins => [ _remove_from($self->bins,
+ map $self->install_base_bin_path($_), @active_lls) ],
+ libs => [ _remove_from($self->libs,
+ map $self->install_base_perl_path($_), @active_lls) ],
+ inc => [ _remove_from($self->inc,
+ map $self->lib_paths_for($_), @active_lls) ],
+ roots => [ _remove_from($self->roots, @active_lls) ],
+ );
+ $args{extra} = $self->installer_options_for(undef);
+ $self->clone(%args);
+sub activate {
+ my ($self, $path) = @_;
+ $self = $self->new unless ref $self;
+ $path = $self->resolve_path($path);
+ $self->ensure_dir_structure_for($path);
+ my @active_lls = $self->active_paths;
+ if (grep { $_ eq $path } @active_lls) {
+ $self = $self->deactivate($path);
- if ($arg_store{'deactivate-all'}) {
- $deactivating = DEACTIVATE_ALL;
+ my %args = (
+ bins => [ $self->install_base_bin_path($path), @{$self->bins} ],
+ libs => [ $self->install_base_perl_path($path), @{$self->libs} ],
+ inc => [ $self->lib_paths_for($path), @{$self->inc} ],
+ roots => [ $path, @{$self->roots} ],
+ );
+ $args{extra} = $self->installer_options_for($path);
+ $self->clone(%args);
+sub _legacy {
+ my ($self, $path, $deactivating) = @_;
+ $self = $self->new unless ref $self;
+ $self = $self->${\($deactivating ? 'deactivate' : 'activate')}($path) if defined $path;
+ $self;
+sub build_environment_vars_for {
+ my ($self) = _legacy(@_);
+ (
+ PATH => join($_path_sep, _as_list($self->bins)),
+ PERL5LIB => join($_path_sep, _as_list($self->libs)),
+ PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT => join($_path_sep, _as_list($self->roots)),
+ %{$self->extra},
+ );
+sub setup_local_lib_for {
+ my ($self) = _legacy(@_);
+ $self->setup_env_hash_for;
+ @INC = @{$self->inc};
+sub setup_env_hash_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %env = $self->build_environment_vars_for(@_);
+ for my $key (keys %env) {
+ if (defined $env{$key}) {
+ $ENV{$key} = $env{$key};
+ }
+ else {
+ delete $ENV{$key};
+ }
+sub print_environment_vars_for {
+ my $self = shift;
+ print $self->environment_vars_string_for(@_);
+sub environment_vars_string_for {
+ my $self = _legacy(@_);
- $arg_store{path} = $class->resolve_path($arg_store{path});
- $class->setup_local_lib_for($arg_store{path}, $deactivating);
+ my $build_method = 'build_' . $self->shelltype . '_env_declaration';
+ my @envs = (
+ PATH => $self->bins,
+ PERL5LIB => $self->libs,
+ PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT => $self->roots,
+ %{$self->extra},
+ );
+ my $out = '';
+ while (@envs) {
+ my ($name, $value) = (shift(@envs), shift(@envs));
+ if (
+ ref $value
+ && @$value == 1
+ && ref $value->[0]
+ && ref $value->[0] eq 'SCALAR'
+ && ${$value->[0]} eq $name) {
+ next;
+ }
+ $out .= $self->$build_method($name, $value);
+ }
+ return $out;
+sub build_bourne_env_declaration {
+ my ($class, $name, $args) = @_;
+ my $value = $class->_interpolate($args);
+ $value =~ s/"/\\"/g
+ if defined $value;
+ return defined($value) ? qq{export ${name}="${value}"\n} : qq{unset ${name}\n};
+sub build_csh_env_declaration {
+ my ($class, $name, $args) = @_;
+ my ($value, @vars) = $class->_interpolate($args);
+ @vars = grep { $_ ne $name || defined $value } @vars;
+ $value =~ s/"/"\\""/g
+ if defined $value;
+ join '',
+ (map qq{if ! \$?$_ setenv $_ "";\n}, @vars),
+ (defined($value)
+ ? qq{setenv $name "$value";\n}
+ : qq{unsetenv $name;\n});
+sub build_cmd_env_declaration {
+ my ($class, $name, $args) = @_;
+ my $value = $class->_interpolate($args, '%', '%');
+ $value =~ s/"/\\"/g
+ if defined $value;
+ return defined($value) ? qq{set ${name} "${value}"\n} : qq{set ${name}=\n};
+sub _interpolate {
+ my ($class, $args, $start, $end) = @_;
+ return
+ unless defined $args;
+ return $args
+ unless ref $args;
+ return
+ unless @$args;
+ $start = '$' unless defined $start;
+ $end = '' unless defined $end;
+ my @vars;
+ my $string = join($Config{path_sep}, map {
+ (ref $_ && ref $_ eq 'SCALAR') ? do { push @vars, $$_; $start.$$_.$end }
+ : $_
+ } @$args);
+ return wantarray ? ($string, @vars) : $string;
sub pipeline;
-sub _uniq {
- my %seen;
- grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } @_;
sub resolve_path {
my ($class, $path) = @_;
- $class->${pipeline qw(
+ $path = $class->${pipeline qw(
+ $path = Win32::GetShortPathName($path)
+ if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+ $path;
sub resolve_empty_path {
-sub setup_local_lib_for {
- my ($class, $path, $deactivating) = @_;
- my $interpolate = LITERAL_ENV;
- my @active_lls = $class->active_paths;
- $class->ensure_dir_structure_for($path)
- unless $deactivating;
- # On Win32 directories often contain spaces. But some parts of the CPAN
- # toolchain don't like that. To avoid this, GetShortPathName() gives us
- # an alternate representation that has none.
- # This only works if the directory already exists.
- $path = Win32::GetShortPathName($path) if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
- if (! $deactivating) {
- if (@active_lls && $active_lls[0] eq $path) {
- exit 0 if $0 eq '-';
- return; # Asked to add what's already at the top of the stack
- } elsif (grep { $_ eq $path} @active_lls) {
- # Asked to add a dir that's lower in the stack -- so we remove it from
- # where it is, and then add it back at the top.
- $class->setup_env_hash_for($path, DEACTIVATE_ONE);
- # Which means we can no longer output "PERL5LIB=...:$PERL5LIB" stuff
- # anymore because we're taking something *out*.
- $interpolate = INTERPOLATE_ENV;
- }
- }
- if ($0 eq '-') {
- $class->print_environment_vars_for($path, $deactivating, $interpolate);
- exit 0;
- } else {
- $class->setup_env_hash_for($path, $deactivating);
- my $arch_dir = $Config{archname};
- @INC = _uniq(
- (
- # Inject $path/$archname for each path in PERL5LIB
- map { ( File::Spec->catdir($_, $arch_dir), $_ ) }
- split($Config{path_sep}, $ENV{PERL5LIB})
- ),
- @INC
- );
- }
-sub install_base_bin_path {
- my ($class, $path) = @_;
- File::Spec->catdir($path, 'bin');
-sub install_base_perl_path {
- my ($class, $path) = @_;
- File::Spec->catdir($path, 'lib', 'perl5');
-sub install_base_arch_path {
- my ($class, $path) = @_;
- File::Spec->catdir($class->install_base_perl_path($path), $Config{archname});
sub ensure_dir_structure_for {
my ($class, $path) = @_;
unless (-d $path) {
$shelltype = do {
local $_ = $shellbin;
if(/command\.com/) {
- 'win32'
+ 'cmd'
} elsif(/cmd\.exe/) {
- 'win32'
+ 'cmd'
} elsif(/4nt\.exe/) {
- 'win32'
+ 'cmd'
} else {
return $shelltype;
-sub print_environment_vars_for {
- my ($class, $path, $deactivating, $interpolate) = @_;
- print $class->environment_vars_string_for($path, $deactivating, $interpolate);
-sub environment_vars_string_for {
- my ($class, $path, $deactivating, $interpolate) = @_;
- my @envs = $class->build_environment_vars_for($path, $deactivating, $interpolate);
- my $out = '';
- # rather basic csh detection, goes on the assumption that something won't
- # call itself csh unless it really is. also, default to bourne in the
- # pathological situation where a user doesn't have $ENV{SHELL} defined.
- # note also that shells with funny names, like zoid, are assumed to be
- # bourne.
- my $shelltype = $class->guess_shelltype;
- while (@envs) {
- my ($name, $value) = (shift(@envs), shift(@envs));
- $value =~ s/(\\")/\\$1/g if defined $value;
- $out .= $class->${\"build_${shelltype}_env_declaration"}($name, $value);
- }
- return $out;
-# simple routines that take two arguments: an %ENV key and a value. return
-# strings that are suitable for passing directly to the relevant shell to set
-# said key to said value.
-sub build_bourne_env_declaration {
- my $class = shift;
- my($name, $value) = @_;
- return defined($value) ? qq{export ${name}="${value}";\n} : qq{unset ${name};\n};
-sub build_csh_env_declaration {
- my $class = shift;
- my($name, $value) = @_;
- return defined($value) ? qq{setenv ${name} "${value}";\n} : qq{unsetenv ${name};\n};
-sub build_win32_env_declaration {
- my $class = shift;
- my($name, $value) = @_;
- return defined($value) ? qq{set ${name}=${value}\n} : qq{set ${name}=\n};
-sub setup_env_hash_for {
- my ($class, $path, $deactivating) = @_;
- my %envs = $class->build_environment_vars_for($path, $deactivating, INTERPOLATE_ENV);
- @ENV{keys %envs} = values %envs;
-sub build_environment_vars_for {
- my ($class, $path, $deactivating, $interpolate) = @_;
- if ($deactivating && $deactivating == DEACTIVATE_ONE) {
- return $class->build_deactivate_environment_vars_for($path, $interpolate);
- } elsif ($deactivating && $deactivating == DEACTIVATE_ALL) {
- return $class->build_deact_all_environment_vars_for($path, $interpolate);
- } else {
- return $class->build_activate_environment_vars_for($path, $interpolate);
- }
-# Build an environment value for a variable like PATH from a list of paths.
-# References to existing variables are given as references to the variable name.
-# Duplicates are removed.
-# options:
-# - exists: paths are included only if they exist (default: interpolate == INTERPOLATE_ENV)
-# - filter: function to apply to each path do decide if it must be included
-# - empty: the value to return in the case of empty value
- interpolate => INTERPOLATE_ENV,
- exists => undef,
- filter => sub { 1 },
- empty => undef,
-sub _env_list_value {
- my $options = shift;
- die(sprintf "unknown option '$_' at %s line %u\n", (caller)[1..2])
- for grep { !exists $ENV_LIST_VALUE_DEFAULTS{$_} } keys %$options;
- my %options = (%ENV_LIST_VALUE_DEFAULTS, %{ $options });
- $options{exists} = $options{interpolate} == INTERPOLATE_ENV
- unless defined $options{exists};
- my %seen;
- my $value = join($Config{path_sep}, map {
- ref $_ ? ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? "%${$_}%" : "\$${$_}") : $_
- } grep {
- ref $_ || (defined $_
- && length($_) > 0
- && !$seen{$_}++
- && $options{filter}->($_)
- && (!$options{exists} || -e $_))
- } map {
- if (ref $_ eq 'SCALAR' && $options{interpolate} == INTERPOLATE_ENV) {
- defined $ENV{${$_}} ? (split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{${$_}}) : ()
- } else {
- $_
- }
- } @_);
- return length($value) ? $value : $options{empty};
-sub build_activate_environment_vars_for {
- my ($class, $path, $interpolate) = @_;
- return (
- _env_list_value(
- { interpolate => $interpolate, exists => 0, empty => '' },
- $path,
- ),
- $class->installer_options_for($path),
- _env_list_value(
- { interpolate => $interpolate, exists => 0, empty => '' },
- $class->install_base_perl_path($path),
- \'PERL5LIB',
- ),
- PATH => _env_list_value(
- { interpolate => $interpolate, exists => 0, empty => '' },
- $class->install_base_bin_path($path),
- \'PATH',
- ),
- )
-sub _mm_escape_path {
- my $path = shift;
- $path =~ s/\\/\\\\\\\\/g;
- if ($path =~ s/ /\\ /g) {
- $path = qq{"\\"$path\\""};
- }
- return $path;
-sub _mb_escape_path {
- my $path = shift;
- $path =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- return qq{"$path"};
-sub active_paths {
- my ($class) = @_;
- return () unless defined $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT};
- return grep {
- # screen out entries that aren't actually reflected in @INC
- my $active_ll = $class->install_base_perl_path($_);
- grep { $_ eq $active_ll } @INC
- }
- grep { $_ ne '' }
- split /\Q$Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT};
-sub build_deactivate_environment_vars_for {
- my ($class, $path, $interpolate) = @_;
- my @active_lls = $class->active_paths;
- if (!grep { $_ eq $path } @active_lls) {
- warn "Tried to deactivate inactive local::lib '$path'\n";
- return ();
- }
- my $perl_path = $class->install_base_perl_path($path);
- my $bin_path = $class->install_base_bin_path($path);
- my %env = (
- PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT => _env_list_value(
- {
- exists => 0,
- },
- grep { $_ ne $path } @active_lls
- ),
- PERL5LIB => _env_list_value(
- {
- exists => 0,
- filter => sub {
- $_ ne $perl_path
- },
- },
- \'PERL5LIB',
- ),
- PATH => _env_list_value(
- {
- exists => 0,
- filter => sub { $_ ne $bin_path },
- },
- \'PATH',
- ),
- );
- # If removing ourselves from the "top of the stack", set install paths to
- # correspond with the new top of stack.
- if ($active_lls[0] eq $path) {
- my $new_top = $active_lls[1];
- my %opts = $class->installer_options_for($new_top);
- $env{keys %opts} = values %opts;
- }
- return %env;
-sub installer_options_for {
- my ($class, $path) = @_;
- return (
- PERL_MM_OPT => defined $path ? "INSTALL_BASE="._mm_escape_path($path) : undef,
- PERL_MB_OPT => defined $path ? "--install_base "._mb_escape_path($path) : undef,
- )
-sub build_deact_all_environment_vars_for {
- my ($class, $path, $interpolate) = @_;
- my @active_lls = $class->active_paths;
- my %perl_paths = map { (
- $class->install_base_perl_path($_) => 1,
- ) } @active_lls;
- my %bin_paths = map { (
- $class->install_base_bin_path($_) => 1,
- ) } @active_lls;
- my %env = (
- PERL_MM_OPT => undef,
- PERL_MB_OPT => undef,
- PERL5LIB => _env_list_value(
- {
- exists => 0,
- filter => sub {
- ! scalar grep { exists $perl_paths{$_} } $_[0]
- },
- },
- ),
- PATH => _env_list_value(
- {
- exists => 0,
- filter => sub {
- ! scalar grep { exists $bin_paths{$_} } $_[0]
- },
- },
- \'PATH'
- ),
- );
- return %env;