#a command that clears the alarm in all instances - even
#if the Object::Remote::Watchdog is not being used
if ($args{watchdog_timeout}) {
- Object::Remote::WatchDog->new(timeout => $args{watchdog_timeout});
+ Object::Remote::WatchDog->instance(timeout => $args{watchdog_timeout});
} else {
#reset connection watchdog from the fatnode
BEGIN { router()->exclude_forwarding; }
-around new => sub {
- my ($orig, $self, @args) = @_;
- our ($WATCHDOG);
+sub instance {
+ my ($class, @args) = @_;
- return $WATCHDOG if defined $WATCHDOG;
- log_trace { "Constructing new instance of global watchdog" };
- return $WATCHDOG = $self->$orig(@args);
+ return our $WATCHDOG ||= do {
+ log_trace { "Constructing new instance of global watchdog" };
+ $class->new(@args);
+ };
#start the watchdog
#invoke at least once per timeout to stop
#the watchdog from killing the process
sub reset {
- our ($WATCHDOG);
die "Attempt to reset the watchdog before it was constructed"
- unless defined $WATCHDOG;
+ unless defined our $WATCHDOG;
log_debug { "Watchdog has been reset" };