--- /dev/null
+This directory contains the necessary scripts and machinery for running
+the IDP graph calculation service. Installation is a little intricate as
+it includes several components:
+* The IDP system itself (available from
+ http://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/krr/software/idp)
+* The *.idp and *.lua scripts in this directory
+* A Perl DBI-compatible database for the storage of calculation results
+* A Gearman server for dispatching calculation requests
+* The Perl script in this directory, which functions as a Gearman worker
+* The CGI script in this directory, which functions as a Gearman client
+0. Decide on a location for the following:
+* The IDP system software (e.g. /usr/local/idp)
+* The graph calculation IDP scripts (e.g. $HOME/graphcalc or
+ /usr/local/idp/script)
+* The database for storage of calculation results
+Support software and packages
+1. Compile and install IDP for your platform into your chosen directory.
+See http://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/krr/software/idp for more information.
+2. Install (or designate) a Gearman server. The relevant Ubuntu package is 'gearman-job-server'; installing it will set up a server on localhost.
+3. Ensure that the following Perl (v5.12 or later) dependencies are
+* Gearman::Client
+* Gearman::Worker
+* Graph
+* Graph::Reader::Dot
+* IPC::Run
+* Text::Tradition::Analysis
+* Text::Tradition::Directory
+* TryCatch
+4. Install (or designate) a Supervisor daemon. The relevant Ubuntu
+package is 'supervisor'; installing it will start a daemon on localhost.
+Graph calculation service components
+5. Create a file /etc/graphcalc.conf as in the example here, substituting appropriate
+values for your system:
+DBTYPE = <database server type (e.g. mysql / Pg / SQLite / Sybase),
+ default mysql>
+DBHOST = <database server host name or IP, default>
+DBPORT = <database server port, default 3006>
+DBNAME = <database for storage of results, default 'idpresult'>
+DBUSER = <database username, default undef>
+DBPASS = <password for database username, default undef>
+GEARMAN_SERVER = <Gearman server host and port,
+ default>
+IDPBINPATH = <location of 'idp' binary, default /usr/local/idp/bin>
+IDPSCRIPTPATH = <location of graph calculation scripts,
+ default /usr/local/idp/script>
+TMPDIR = <location for temporary files, default /var/tmp>
+---- END CONF FILE ----
+The DBTYPE should be set to a value for which a Perl DBD::* module
+exists. You may optionally specify a value for 'DSN' instead of listing
+the type, host, port, and name separately, but this will break the
+backup and restore scripts.
+6. Copy the *.idp, *.lua, and *.pl scripts from this directory to the
+directory specified in IDPSCRIPTPATH.
+7. Create a database for the storage of calculation results. On MySQL
+this can be done with the following sequence of statements, where
+'user', 'host', and 'password' are chosen appropriately:
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON idpresult.* TO "[user]"@"[host]"
+--> IDENTIFIED BY "[password]";
+8. Copy the graphcalc.cgi script to the cgi-bin directory of your
+webserver, ensuring that it is executable and that the file permissions
+are set appropriately.
+9. Start one or more instances of the gearman_worker.pl script. It is
+recommended that this be done through the Supervisor daemon. An example
+Supervisor configuration script is given here:
+10. Run the idpinit.pl script to initialize the database.
+11. Requests can now be sent via CGI to graphcalc - you're done!
+Maintenance scripts
+Two maintenance scripts, idpbackup.pl and idprestore.pl, are included
+with this distribution. Each of these scripts can be invoked with no
+At the moment the restore script assumes that the database is on a MySQL
+server; it does not know how to drop tables for any other database. The
+backup script will dump all calculation results to
+TMPDIR/idpresults.json; the restore script will wipe the database and
+load them from the temp file. If nothing unexpected happens, the restore
+script will also clean up the temp file.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use lib 'lib';
+use feature 'say';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Text::Tradition::Directory;
+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
+eval { no warnings; binmode $DB::OUT, ':utf8'; $DB::deep = 1000 };
+my %VARS = (
+ DBTYPE => 'mysql',
+ DBHOST => '',
+ DBPORT => '3006',
+ DBNAME => 'idpresult',
+ DSN => undef,
+ DBUSER => undef,
+ DBPASS => undef,
+if( -f "/etc/graphcalc.conf" ) {
+ # Read the variables in from here.
+ open( GCCONF, "/etc/graphcalc.conf" )
+ or die "Could not open configuration file /etc/graphcalc.conf";
+ while(<GCCONF>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ my( $name, $val ) = split( /\s*\=\s*/, $_ );
+ if( exists $VARS{$name} ) {
+ $VARS{$name} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ close GCCONF;
+unless( $VARS{DSN} ) {
+ $VARS{DSN} = sprintf( "dbi:%s:dbname=%s;host=%s;port=%s",
+my $dirargs = { create => 1 };
+$dirargs->{user} = $VARS{DBUSER} if $VARS{DBUSER};
+$dirargs->{password} = $VARS{DBPASS} if $VARS{DBPASS};
+my $dir = Text::Tradition::Directory->new(
+ 'dsn' => $VARS{DSN}, 'extra_args' => $dirargs );
+my $scope = $dir->new_scope();
+say "Initialized database at " . $VARS{DSN};
\ No newline at end of file