package SQL::Translator::Producer::GraphViz;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $Id:,v 1.3 2003-05-26 22:29:48 allenday Exp $
+# $Id:,v 1.4 2003-06-05 01:57:48 kycl4rk Exp $
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2003 Ken Y. Clark <>
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(debug);
use vars qw[ $VERSION $DEBUG ];
-$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.4 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
use constant VALID_LAYOUT => {
debug("Data =\n", Dumper( $data ));
debug("Producer args =\n", Dumper( $args ));
- my $width = $args->{'width'} || 8.5;
- my $height = $args->{'height'} || 11;
my $out_file = $args->{'out_file'} || '';
my $layout = $args->{'layout'} || 'neato';
- my $node_shape = $args->{'node_shape'} || 'ellipse';
+ my $node_shape = $args->{'node_shape'} || 'record';
my $output_type = $args->{'output_type'} || 'png';
+ my $width = defined $args->{'width'}
+ ? $args->{'width'} : 8.5;
+ my $height = defined $args->{'height'}
+ ? $args->{'height'} : 11;
+ my $show_fields = defined $args->{'show_fields'}
+ ? $args->{'show_fields'} : 1;
my $add_color = $args->{'add_color'};
my $natural_join = $args->{'natural_join'};
my $join_pk_only = $args->{'join_pk_only'};
die "Invalid node shape'$node_shape'"
unless VALID_NODE_SHAPE->{ $node_shape };
+ for ( $height, $width ) {
+ $_ = 0 unless $_ =~ /^\d+(.\d)?$/;
+ $_ = 0 if $_ < 0;
+ }
# Create GraphViz and see if we can produce the output type.
- my $gv = GraphViz->new(
+ my %args = (
directed => $natural_join ? 0 : 1,
- width => $width,
- height => $height,
layout => $layout,
no_overlap => 1,
bgcolor => $add_color ? 'lightgoldenrodyellow' : 'white',
shape => $node_shape,
style => 'filled',
fillcolor => 'white'
- },
- ) or die "Can't create GraphViz object\n";
+ }
+ );
+ $args{'width'} = $width if $width;
+ $args{'height'} = $height if $height;
+ my $gv = GraphViz->new( %args ) or die "Can't create GraphViz object\n";
my %nj_registry; # for locations of fields for natural joins
my @fk_registry; # for locations of fields for foreign keys
values %$data
) {
my $table_name = $table->{'table_name'};
- $gv->add_node( $table_name );
- debug("Processing table '$table_name'");
my @fields =
map { $_->[1] }
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
map { [ $_->{'order'}, $_ ] }
values %{ $table->{'fields'} };
+ my $field_str = join('\l', map { $_->{'name'} } @fields);
+ my $label = $show_fields ? "{$table_name|$field_str}" : $table_name;
+ $gv->add_node( $table_name, label => $label );
+ debug("Processing table '$table_name'");
debug("Fields = ", join(', ', map { $_->{'name'} } @fields));
my ( %pk, %unique );