$root->setNamespace( $xsi_ns, 'xsi', 0 );
$root->setAttributeNS( $xsi_ns, 'schemaLocation', $graphml_schema );
- # TODO Add some global graph data
+ # Add the data keys for the graph
+ my %graph_data_keys;
+ my $gdi = 0;
+ my @graph_attributes = qw/ wit_list_separator baselabel linear ac_label /;
+ foreach my $datum ( @graph_attributes ) {
+ $graph_data_keys{$datum} = 'dg'.$gdi++;
+ my $key = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
+ $key->setAttribute( 'attr.name', $datum );
+ $key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', $key eq 'linear' ? 'boolean' : 'string' );
+ $key->setAttribute( 'for', 'graph' );
+ $key->setAttribute( 'id', $graph_data_keys{$datum} );
+ }
# Add the data keys for nodes
my %node_data_keys;
$graph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodeids', 'canonical' );
$graph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodes', scalar($self->readings) );
$graph->setAttribute( 'parse.order', 'nodesfirst' );
+ # Collation attribute data
+ foreach my $datum ( @graph_attributes ) {
+ _add_graphml_data( $graph, $graph_data_keys{$datum}, $self->$datum );
+ }
my $node_ctr = 0;
my %node_hash;
my $table;
my @all_pos = sort { $a <=> $b } $self->possible_positions;
+ $DB::single = 1;
foreach my $wit ( $self->tradition->witnesses ) {
# print STDERR "Making witness row(s) for " . $wit->sigil . "\n";
my @row = _make_witness_row( $wit->path, \@all_pos, $noderefs );
-use vars qw/ $xpc $nodedata $witnesses /;
+use vars qw/ $xpc $graphattr $nodedata $witnesses /;
# Return graph -> nodeid -> { key1/val1, key2/val2, key3/val3 ... }
# -> edgeid -> { source, target, wit1/val1, wit2/val2 ...}
my $keyid = $k->getAttribute( 'id' );
my $keyname = $k->getAttribute( 'attr.name' );
- if( $k->getAttribute( 'for' ) eq 'node' ) {
- # Keep track of the XML identifiers for the data carried
- # in each node element.
- $nodedata->{$keyid} = $keyname
+ # Keep track of the XML identifiers for the data carried
+ # in each node element.
+ my $dtype = $k->getAttribute( 'for' );
+ if( $dtype eq 'graph' ) {
+ $graphattr->{$keyid} = $keyname;
+ } elsif( $dtype eq 'node' ) {
+ $nodedata->{$keyid} = $keyname;
} else {
$witnesses->{$keyid} = $keyname;
my $graph_el = $xpc->find( '/g:graphml/g:graph' )->[0];
my $node_reg = {};
+ # Read in graph globals (if any).
+ print STDERR "Reading graphml global data\n";
+ foreach my $dkey ( keys %$graphattr ) {
+ my $keyname = $graphattr->{$dkey};
+ my $keyvalue = _lookup_node_data( $graph_el, $dkey );
+ $graph_hash->{'global'}->{$keyname} = $keyvalue;
+ }
# Add the nodes to the graph hash.
print STDERR "Reading graphml nodes\n";
my $collation = $tradition->collation;
my %witnesses;
+ # Set up the graph-global attributes. They will appear in the
+ # hash under their accessor names.
+ # TODO Consider simplifying this for nodes & edges as well.
+ print STDERR "Setting graph globals\n";
+ foreach my $gkey ( keys %{$graph_data->{'attr'}} ) {
+ my $val = $graph_data->{'attr'}->{$gkey};
+ $collation->$gkey( $val );
+ }
# Add the nodes to the graph.
# TODO Are we adding extra start/end nodes?
$tradition->add_witness( sigil => $wit );
$witnesses{$wit} = 1;
+ $witnesses{$wit} = 2 if $extra;
} elsif( $class eq 'relationship' ) {
# We need the metadata about the relationship.
my $opts = { 'type' => $e->{$RELATIONSHIP_KEY} };
## Deal with node information (transposition, relationships, etc.) that
## needs to be processed after all the nodes are created.
print STDERR "Adding second-pass node data\n";
- my $linear = undef;
foreach my $nkey ( keys %$extra_data ) {
foreach my $edkey ( keys %{$extra_data->{$nkey}} ) {
my $this_reading = $collation->reading( $nkey );
if( $edkey eq $TRANSPOS_KEY ) {
my $other_reading = $collation->reading( $extra_data->{$nkey}->{$edkey} );
- # We evidently have a linear graph.
- $linear = 1;
$this_reading->set_identical( $other_reading );
} else {
warn "Unfamiliar reading node data $edkey for $nkey";
- $collation->linear( $linear );
- # TODO We probably need to set the $witness->path arrays for each wit.
+ # Set the $witness->path arrays for each wit.
+ print STDERR "Walking paths for witnesses\n";
+ foreach my $wit ( $tradition->witnesses ) {
+ my @path = $collation->reading_sequence( $collation->start, $collation->end,
+ $wit->sigil );
+ $wit->path( \@path );
+ if( $witnesses{$wit->sigil} == 2 ) {
+ # Get the uncorrected path too
+ my @uc = $collation->reading_sequence( $collation->start, $collation->end,
+ $wit->sigil . $collation->ac_label, $wit->sigil );
+ $wit->uncorrected_path( \@uc );
+ }
+ }
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new( { binary => 1, # binary for UTF-8
sep_char => "\t" } );
my @lines = split( "\n", $tab_str );
- # Conveniently, we are basically receiving exactly the sort of alignment table
- # we might want to produce later. May as well save it.
my $alignment_table;
foreach my $l ( @lines ) {
my $status = $csv->parse( $l );
# Now for the next rows, make nodes as necessary, assign their ranks, and
# add them to the witness paths.
- $DB::single = 1;
foreach my $idx ( 1 .. $#{$alignment_table} ) {
my $row = $alignment_table->[$idx];
my $nodes = make_nodes( $c, $row, $idx );
# Join up the paths.
- # Save the alignment table that was so handily provided to us.
- # TODO if we support other delimiters, we will have to re-export this
- # rather than saving the original string.
- $c->_save_csv( $tab_str );
sub make_nodes {