eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD coverage" if $@;
-all_pod_coverage_ok( { trustme => [ qr/intialize_body/ ] } );
+# This is a stripped down version of all_pod_coverage_ok which lets us
+# vary the trustme parameter per module.
+my @modules = all_modules();
+plan tests => scalar @modules;
+my %trustme = (
+ 'Moose' => ['make_immutable'],
+ 'Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor' =>
+ [qw( initialize_body intialize_body)],
+ 'Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor' => ['initialize_body'],
+ 'Moose::Role' => [
+ qw( after around augment before extends has inner make_immutable override super with )
+ ],
+for my $module ( sort @modules ) {
+ my $trustme = [];
+ if ( $trustme{$module} ) {
+ my $methods = join '|', @{ $trustme{$module} };
+ $trustme = [qr/$methods/];
+ }
+ pod_coverage_ok(
+ $module, { trustme => $trustme },
+ "Pod coverage for $module"
+ );