package File::Slurp;
+my $printed ;
use strict;
use Carp ;
-use POSIX qw( :fcntl_h ) ;
use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT ) ;
+use POSIX qw( :fcntl_h ) ;
use Symbol ;
+use base 'Exporter' ;
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [
+ qw( read_file write_file overwrite_file append_file read_dir ) ] ) ;
+@EXPORT = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
+@EXPORT_OK = qw( slurp ) ;
+$VERSION = '9999.13';
my $is_win32 = $^O =~ /win32/i ;
# Install subs for various constants that aren't set in older perls
# print "O_CREAT ", O_CREAT(), "\n" ;
# print "O_EXCL ", O_EXCL(), "\n" ;
-use base 'Exporter' ;
-%EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [
- qw( read_file write_file overwrite_file append_file read_dir ) ] ) ;
-@EXPORT = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
-@EXPORT_OK = qw( slurp ) ;
-$VERSION = '9999.12';
*slurp = \&read_file ;
my( $file_name, %args ) = @_ ;
+# my $file_size = -s $file_name ;
+ if ( !ref $file_name && -s $file_name < 10000 && ! %args && !wantarray ) {
+ local( *FH ) ;
+# open( FH, $file_name ) ;
+ unless( open( FH, $file_name ) ) {
+ @_ = ( \%args, "read_file '$file_name' - sysopen: $!");
+ goto &_error ;
+ }
+#print "OPT\n" and $printed++ unless $printed ;
+# sysread( FH, my $buf, -s _ ) ;
+# return $buf ;
+# }
+ my $read_cnt = sysread( FH, my $buf, -s _ ) ;
+ unless ( defined $read_cnt ) {
+# handle the read error
+ @_ = ( \%args, "read_file '$file_name' - sysread: $!");
+ goto &_error ;
+ }
+ return $buf ;
+ }
# set the buffer to either the passed in one or ours and init it to the null
# string
$size_left = -s $read_fh ;
- unless( $size_left ) {
+### TEST
+# blk_size is not needed if we have a real file size > 0. for 0 size who cares?
+# so test this deletion
+# unless( $size_left ) {
- $blk_size = $args{'blk_size'} || 1024 * 1024 ;
- $size_left = $blk_size ;
+# $blk_size = $args{'blk_size'} || 1024 * 1024 ;
+# $size_left = $blk_size ;
+# }
+ }
+ if ( $size_left < 10000 && keys %args == 0 && !wantarray ) {
+#print "OPT\n" and $printed++ unless $printed ;
+ my $read_cnt = sysread( $read_fh, my $buf, $size_left ) ;
+ unless ( defined $read_cnt ) {
+# handle the read error
+ @_ = ( \%args, "read_file '$file_name' - sysread: $!");
+ goto &_error ;
+ return $buf ;
# infinite read loop. we exit when we are done slurping
my $read_cnt = sysread( $read_fh, ${$buf_ref},
$size_left, length ${$buf_ref} ) ;
- if ( defined $read_cnt ) {
+ unless ( defined $read_cnt ) {
+# handle the read error
+ @_ = ( \%args, "read_file '$file_name' - sysread: $!");
+ goto &_error ;
+ }
# good read. see if we hit EOF (nothing left to read)
- last if $read_cnt == 0 ;
+ last if $read_cnt == 0 ;
# loop if we are slurping a handle. we don't track $size_left then.
- next if $blk_size ;
+ next if $blk_size ;
# count down how much we read and loop if we have more to read.
- $size_left -= $read_cnt ;
- last if $size_left <= 0 ;
- next ;
- }
-# handle the read error
- @_ = ( \%args, "read_file '$file_name' - sysread: $!");
- goto &_error ;
+ $size_left -= $read_cnt ;
+ last if $size_left <= 0 ;
# fix up cr/lf to be a newline if this is a windows text file
# handle the atomic mode - move the temp file to the original filename.
- rename( $file_name, $orig_file_name ) if $args->{'atomic'} ;
+ if ( $args->{'atomic'} && !rename( $file_name, $orig_file_name ) ) {
+ @_ = ( $args, "write_file '$file_name' - rename: $!" ) ;
+ goto &_error ;
+ }
return 1 ;