chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
use warnings;
-# we do not load %Config since this test resides in op and needs
-# to run under the minitest target even without working.
+use Config;
# strictness
my @tests = ();
while (<DATA>) {
s/^\s*>//; s/<\s*$//;
- push @tests, [split(/<\s*>/, $_, 4)];
+ push @tests, [split(/<\s*>/, $_, 4)];
print '1..', scalar @tests, "\n";
$result =~ s/([eE])\-102$/${1}-57/; # " "
if ($Is_VMS_VAX || $Is_Ultrix_VAX) {
- # VAX DEC C 5.3 at least since there is no
+ # VAX DEC C 5.3 at least since there is no
# ccflags =~ /float=ieee/ on VAX.
# AXP is unaffected whether or not it's using ieee.
$data =~ s/([eE])96$/${1}26/; # smaller exponents
+ my $skip = 0;
+ if ($comment =~ s/\s+skip:\s*(.*)//) {
+ my $os = $1;
+ my $osv = exists $Config{osvers} ? $Config{osvers} : "0";
+ # >comment skip: all<
+ if ($os =~ /\ball\b/i) {
+ $skip = 1;
+ # >comment skip: VMS hpux:10.20<
+ } elsif ($os =~ /\b$^O(?::(\S+))?\b/i) {
+ my $vsn = defined $1 ? $1 : "0";
+ # Only compare on the the first pair of digits, as numeric
+ # compares don't like 2.6.10-3mdksmp or 2.6.8-24.10-default
+ s/^(\d+(\.\d+)?).*/$1/ for $osv, $vsn;
+ $vsn && $osv <= $vsn and $skip = 1;
+ }
+ $skip and $comment =~ s/$/, failure expected on $^O $osv/;
+ }
if ($x eq ">$result<") {
print "ok $i\n";
+ elsif ($skip) {
+ print "ok $i # skip $comment\n";
+ }
elsif ($y eq ">$result<") # Some C libraries always give
{ # three-digit exponent
print("ok $i # >$result< $x three-digit exponent accepted\n");
(length(&POSIX::DBL_MAX) - rindex(&POSIX::DBL_MAX, '+')) == 3))
print("ok $i # >$template< >$data< >$result<",
- " Suppressed: exponent out of range?\n")
+ " Suppressed: exponent out of range?\n");
else {
$y = ($x eq $y ? "" : " => $y");
# number of elements. Even so, subterfuge is sometimes required: see
# tests for %n and %p.
+# Tests that are expected to fail on a certain OS can be marked as such
+# by trailing the comment with a skip: section. Skips are tags separated
+# bu space consisting of a $^O optionally trailed with :osvers. In the
+# latter case, all os-levels below that are expected to fail. A special
+# tag 'all' is allowed for todo tests that should fail on any system
+# >%G< >1234567e96< >1.23457E+102< >exponent too big skip: os390<
+# >%.0g< >-0.0< >-0< >No minus skip: VMS hpux:10.20<
+# >%d< >4< >1< >4 != 1 skip: all<
# The following tests are not currently run, for the reasons stated:
=begin problematic
->%.0f< >-0.1< >-0< >C library bug: no minus on VMS, HP-UX<
>%.0f< >1.5< >2< >Standard vague: no rounding rules<
>%.0f< >2.5< >2< >Standard vague: no rounding rules<
->%G< >1234567e96< >1.23457E+102< >exponent too big for OS/390<
->%G< >.1234567e-101< >1.23457E-102< >exponent too small for OS/390<
->%e< >1234567E96< >1.234567e+102< >exponent too big for OS/390<
->%e< >.1234567E-101< >1.234567e-102< >exponent too small for OS/390<
->%g< >.1234567E-101< >1.23457e-102< >exponent too small for OS/390<
->%g< >1234567E96< >1.23457e+102< >exponent too big for OS/390<
=end problematic
>%G< >1234567e96< >1.23457E+102<
>%G< >.1234567e-101< >1.23457E-102<
>%G< >12345.6789< >12345.7<
+>%G< >1234567e96< >1.23457E+102< >exponent too big skip: os390<
+>%G< >.1234567e-101< >1.23457E-102< >exponent too small skip: os390<
>%H< >''< >%H INVALID<
>%I< >''< >%I INVALID<
>%J< >''< >%J INVALID<
>%+12.4e< >1234.875< > +1.2349e+03<
>%+-12.4e< >-1234.875< >-1.2349e+03 <
>%+12.4e< >-1234.875< > -1.2349e+03<
+>%e< >1234567E96< >1.234567e+102< >exponent too big skip: os390<
+>%e< >.1234567E-101< >1.234567e-102< >exponent too small skip: os390<
>%f< >1234.875< >1234.875000<
>%+f< >1234.875< >+1234.875000<
>%#f< >1234.875< >1234.875000<
>%#f< >-1234.875< >-1234.875000<
>%6f< >1234.875< >1234.875000<
>%*f< >[6, 1234.875]< >1234.875000<
+>%.0f< >-0.1< >-0< >C library bug: no minus skip: VMS<
>%.0f< >1234.875< >1235<
>%.1f< >1234.875< >1234.9<
>%-8.1f< >1234.875< >1234.9 <
>%g< >12345.6789< >12345.7<
>%+g< >12345.6789< >+12345.7<
>%#g< >12345.6789< >12345.7<
+>%.0g< >-0.0< >-0< >No minus skip: VMS hpux:10.20<
>%.0g< >12345.6789< >1e+04<
>%#.0g< >12345.6789< >1.e+04<
>%.2g< >12345.6789< >1.2e+04<
>%g< >0< >0<
>%13g< >1234567.89< > 1.23457e+06<
>%+13g< >1234567.89< > +1.23457e+06<
->%013g< >1234567.89< >001.23457e+06<
->%-13g< >1234567.89< >1.23457e+06 <
+>%013g< >1234567.89< >001.23457e+06<
+>%-13g< >1234567.89< >1.23457e+06 <
+>%g< >.1234567E-101< >1.23457e-102< >exponent too small skip: os390<
+>%g< >1234567E96< >1.23457e+102< >exponent too big skip: os390<
>%h< >''< >%h INVALID<
>%i< >123456.789< >123456< >Synonym for %d<
>%j< >''< >%j INVALID<