use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION %MMAP $AUTOLOAD);
-$VERSION = "1.03";
+$VERSION = "1.05";
%MMAP = (
"SHA-1" => ["Digest::SHA1", ["Digest::SHA", 1], ["Digest::SHA2", 1]],
=head1 NAME
-Digest:: - Modules that calculate message digests
+Digest - Modules that calculate message digests
- $md2 = Digest->MD2;
- $md5 = Digest->MD5;
- $sha1 = Digest->SHA1;
+ $md5 = Digest->new("MD5");
$sha1 = Digest->new("SHA-1");
+ $sha256 = Digest->new("SHA-256");
+ $sha384 = Digest->new("SHA-384");
+ $sha512 = Digest->new("SHA-512");
$hmac = Digest->HMAC_MD5($key);
=item I<hex>
-A twice as long string of (lowercase) hexadecimal digits.
+A twice as long string of lowercase hexadecimal digits.
=item I<base64>
This is just an alias for $ctx->new.
-=item $ctx->add($data,...)
+=item $ctx->add( $data, ... )
The $data provided as argument are appended to the message we
calculate the digest for. The return value is the $ctx object itself.
-=item $ctx->addfile($io_handle)
+=item $ctx->addfile( $io_handle )
The $io_handle is read until EOF and the content is appended to the
message we calculate the digest for. The return value is the $ctx
object itself.
-=item $ctx->add_bits($data, $nbits)
+=item $ctx->add_bits( $data, $nbits )
-=item $ctx->add_bits($bitstring)
+=item $ctx->add_bits( $bitstring )
The bits provided are appended to the message we calculate the digest
for. The return value is the $ctx object itself.
+=head1 Digest speed
+This table should give some indication on the relative speed of
+different algorithms. It is sorted by throughput based on a benchmark
+done with of some implementations of this API:
+ Algorithm Size Implementation MB/s
+ MD4 128 Digest::MD4 v1.1 24.9
+ MD5 128 Digest::MD5 v2.30 18.7
+ Haval-256 256 Digest::Haval256 v1.0.4 17.0
+ SHA-1 160 Digest::SHA1 v2.06 15.3
+ SHA-1 160 Digest::SHA v4.0.0 10.1
+ SHA-256 256 Digest::SHA2 v1.0.0 7.6
+ SHA-256 256 Digest::SHA v4.0.0 6.5
+ SHA-384 384 Digest::SHA2 v1.0.0 2.7
+ SHA-384 384 Digest::SHA v4.0.0 2.7
+ SHA-512 512 Digest::SHA2 v1.0.0 2.7
+ SHA-512 512 Digest::SHA v4.0.0 2.7
+ Whirlpool 512 Digest::Whirlpool v1.0.2 1.4
+ MD2 128 Digest::MD2 v2.03 1.1
+ Adler-32 32 Digest::Adler32 v0.03 0.2
+ MD5 128 Digest::Perl::MD5 v1.5 0.1
+These numbers was achieved Nov 2003 with ActivePerl-5.8.1 running
+under Linux on a P-II 350 MHz CPU. The last 2 entries differ by being
+pure perl implementations of the algorithms, which explains why they
+are so slow.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-L<Digest::MD5>, L<Digest::SHA1>, L<Digest::HMAC>, L<Digest::MD2>
+L<Digest::Adler32>, L<Digest::Haval256>, L<Digest::HMAC>, L<Digest::MD2>, L<Digest::MD4>, L<Digest::MD5>, L<Digest::SHA>, L<Digest::SHA1>, L<Digest::SHA2>, L<Digest::Whirlpool>
+New digest implementations should consider subclassing from L<Digest::base>.
The C<Digest::> interface is based on the interface originally
developed by Neil Winton for his C<MD5> module.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+ Copyright 1998-2001,2003 Gisle Aas.
+ Copyright 1995-1996 Neil Winton.
use Digest;
-my $hexdigest = "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"; # ASCII
+ package Digest::Dummy;
+ use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+ $VERSION = 1;
-if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC
- $hexdigest = "fe4ea0d98f9cd8d1d27f102a93cb0bb0"; # IBM-1047
+ require Digest::base;
+ @ISA = qw(Digest::base);
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $d = shift || "ooo";
+ bless { d => $d }, $class;
+ }
+ sub add {}
+ sub digest { shift->{d} }
-print "not " unless Digest->MD5->add("abc")->hexdigest eq $hexdigest;
+my $d;
+$d = Digest->new("Dummy");
+print "not " unless $d->digest eq "ooo";
print "ok 1\n";
-print "not " unless Digest->MD5->add("abc")->hexdigest eq $hexdigest;
+$d = Digest->Dummy;
+print "not " unless $d->digest eq "ooo";
print "ok 2\n";
-eval {
- # Not yet EBCDICified.
- print "not " unless Digest->new("HMAC-MD5" => "Jefe")->add("what do ya want for nothing?")->hexdigest eq "750c783e6ab0b503eaa86e310a5db738";
- print "ok 3\n";
-print "ok 3\n" if $@ && $@ =~ /^Can't locate/;
+$Digest::MMAP{"Dummy-24"} = [["NotThere"], "NotThereEither", ["Digest::Dummy", 24]];
+$d = Digest->new("Dummy-24");
+print "not " unless $d->digest eq "24";
+print "ok 3\n";