use warnings;
use Test::More;
-$TODO = q{Mouse is not yet completed};
use Test::Exception;
ok($t->check({ one => 1, two => 2 }), '... validated {one=>1, two=>2} correctly');
ok(!$t->check({ one => "ONE", two => "TWO" }), '... validated it correctly');
- ok( $t->equals($t), "equals to self" );
- ok( !$t->equals( $t->parent ), "not equal to parent" );
- ok( $t->parent->equals( $t->parent ), "parent equals to self" );
+ #ok( $t->equals($t), "equals to self" );
+ #ok( !$t->equals( $t->parent ), "not equal to parent" );
+ #ok( $t->parent->equals( $t->parent ), "parent equals to self" );
ok( !$t->is_a_type_of("ThisTypeDoesNotExist"), "not a non existant type" );
ok( !$t->is_subtype_of("ThisTypeDoesNotExist"), "not a subtype of a non existant type" );
is($p->name, 'HashRef[Int]', '... parent name is correct');
ok($t->check({ one => 1, two => 2 }), '... validated it correctly');
- ok(!$t->check({ zero => 10, one => 11, two => 12 }), '... validated { zero => 10, one => 11, two => 12 } correctly');
+ ok(!$t->check({ zero => 10, one => 11, two => 12 }), '... validated { zero => 10, one => 11, two => 12 } correctly') or diag $t->dump;
ok(!$t->check({ one => "ONE", two => "TWO" }), '... validated it correctly');
isa_ok($t, 'Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint');
ok( $t->check({ one => 1, two => 2, three => 3 }), "validated" );
- ok( !$t->check({ one => 1, two => "foo", three => [] }), "failed" );
+ ok( !$t->check({ one => 1, two => "foo", three => [] }), "failed" )
+ or diag $t->dump;
ok( !$t->check({ one => 1 }), "failed" );
+ last; # ScalarRef[] is not supported
my $RefToInt = subtype as 'ScalarRef[Int]';
ok $RefToInt->check(\1), '\1 is okay';