=over 4
-=item B<< Moose::Object->new(%params) >>
+=item B<< Moose::Object->new(%params|$params) >>
This method calls C<< $class->BUILDARGS(@_) >>, and then creates a new
instance of the appropriate class. Once the instance is created, it
calls C<< $instance->BUILD($params) >> for each C<BUILD> method in the
inheritance hierarchy.
-=item B<< Moose::Object->BUILDARGS(%params) >>
+=item B<< Moose::Object->BUILDARGS(%params|$params) >>
The default implementation of this method accepts a hash or hash
reference of named parameters. If it receives a single argument that
This returns true if the object does the given role.
-=item B<DOES ($class_or_role_name)>
+=item B<< $object->DOES($class_or_role_name) >>
This is a a Moose role-aware implementation of L<UNIVERSAL/DOES>.