requires( 'Lingua::TagSet::TreeTagger' );
requires( 'Lingua::Features::Structure' );
build_requires( 'Test::Warn' );
+# Modules needed for morphology but not trivially CPANnable
+recommends( 'Lingua::TreeTagger' );
+recommends( 'Flemm' );
--- /dev/null
+package Text::Tradition::Language::Base;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Encode qw/ encode_utf8 decode_utf8 /;
+use Exporter 'import';
+use vars qw/ @EXPORT_OK /;
+use IPC::Run qw/ run /;
+use Lingua::TagSet::Multext;
+use Lingua::TagSet::TreeTagger;
+use Module::Load;
+use Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::Lexeme;
+use Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::WordForm;
+use TryCatch;
+@EXPORT_OK = qw/ lemmatize_treetagger reading_lookup_treetagger /;
+=head1 NAME
+Text::Tradition::Language::Base - Base subroutines for lemmatization of words
+Common routines for applying morphological tagging to a Text::Tradition. Used
+with callbacks from the named language packages.
+=head2 lemmatize_treetagger( $tradition )
+Evaluates the tradition with the given options, and returns the results.
+sub lemmatize_treetagger {
+ my( $tradition, %opts ) = @_;
+ # Given a tradition, lemmatize it witness by witness and see what we get.
+ my $c = $tradition->collation;
+ # First, clear out all existing lexemes from the readings.
+ my %witness_paths = _clear_reading_lexemes( $tradition );
+ foreach my $sig ( keys %witness_paths ) {
+ # Get the text as a sequence of readings and as a string
+ print STDERR "Morphologizing witness $sig\n";
+ my %witopts = (
+ 'path' => $witness_paths{$sig},
+ %opts
+ );
+ _lemmatize_treetagger_sequence( %witopts );
+ }
+sub _clear_reading_lexemes {
+ my $tradition = shift;
+ my $c = $tradition->collation;
+ # Clear out all existing lexemes from the readings. Save the path as long
+ # as we went to the trouble of generating it.
+ my %witness_paths;
+ foreach my $wit ( $tradition->witnesses ) {
+ my @sigla = ( $wit->sigil );
+ push( @sigla, $wit->sigil . $c->ac_label ) if $wit->is_layered;
+ foreach my $sig ( @sigla ) {
+ my @path = grep { !$_->is_meta }
+ $c->reading_sequence( $c->start, $c->end, $sig );
+ map { $_->clear_lexemes } @path;
+ $witness_paths{$sig} = \@path;
+ }
+ }
+ return %witness_paths;
+=head2 reading_lookup( $rdg[, $rdg, ...] )
+Looks up one or more readings using the Flemm package, and returns the
+possible results. This uses the same logic as L<lemmatize> above for the
+entire tradition, but can also be used to (re-)analyze individual readings.
+sub reading_lookup_treetagger {
+ my %opts = @_;
+ $opts{'replace'} = 1;
+ return _lemmatize_treetagger_sequence( %opts );
+sub _lemmatize_treetagger_sequence {
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my @path = @{$opts{'path'}};
+ my $tagresult = _treetag_string( _text_from_path( 1, @path ), $opts{'language'} );
+ if( $tagresult ) {
+ # Map the tagged words onto the original readings, splitting
+ # them up into lexemes where necessary.
+ # NOTE we can have multiple lexemes in a reading, but not
+ # multiple readings to a lexeme.
+ my @tags = split( /\n/, $tagresult );
+ my @lexemes;
+ my $curr_rdg = shift @path;
+ my @curr_lexemes;
+ my $unused_rdg_part;
+ foreach my $tag ( @tags ) {
+ # Get the original word
+ my( $lexeme, @rest ) = split( /\t/, $tag );
+ # Lemmatize the whole
+ # TODO error trap this
+ my @forms = $opts{'callback'}( $tag );
+ my $lexobj = Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::Lexeme->new(
+ 'string' => $lexeme, 'language' => $opts{'language'},
+ 'wordform_matchlist' => \@forms );
+ # Find the next non-meta reading
+ while( $curr_rdg && $curr_rdg->is_meta ) {
+ $curr_rdg = shift @path;
+ }
+ unless( $curr_rdg ) {
+ warn "Ran out of readings in sequence at $lexeme";
+ last;
+ }
+ my $curr_rdg_text = $curr_rdg->has_normal_form
+ ? $curr_rdg->normal_form : $curr_rdg->text;
+ if( $unused_rdg_part &&
+ $unused_rdg_part =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E(\s*)(.*)$/ ) {
+ # Nth part of curr_rdg
+ $unused_rdg_part = $2;
+ push( @curr_lexemes, $lexobj );
+ } elsif( $curr_rdg_text =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E(\s*)(.*)$/ ) {
+ # Flag an error if there is already an unused reading part.
+ warn "Skipped over unused text $unused_rdg_part at $curr_rdg"
+ if $unused_rdg_part;
+ $unused_rdg_part = $2; # will be empty if the whole reading matched
+ push( @curr_lexemes, $lexobj );
+ } else {
+ # We do not cope with the idea of a lexeme being
+ # spread across multiple readings.
+ warn "Word sequence changed unexpectedly in text";
+ # See if we can find a matching reading
+ my @lookahead;
+ my $matched;
+ while( my $nr = shift @path ) {
+ my $nrtext = $nr->has_normal_form ? $nr->normal_form : $nr->text;
+ if( $nrtext =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E/ ) {
+ $curr_rdg = $lookahead[-1] if @lookahead;
+ $matched = 1;
+ last;
+ } else {
+ push( @lookahead, $nr );
+ }
+ }
+ # No match? Restore the state we had
+ unless( $matched ) {
+ unshift( @path, @lookahead );
+ }
+ # Trigger a move
+ $unused_rdg_part = '';
+ }
+ unless( $unused_rdg_part ) {
+ # Record the lexemes for the given reading.
+ #print STDERR sprintf( "Adding lexeme(s) %s to reading %s (%s)\n",
+ # join( ' ', map { $_->string } @curr_lexemes ),
+ # $curr_rdg->id, $curr_rdg->text );
+ _update_reading_lexemes( $opts{replace}, $curr_rdg, @curr_lexemes );
+ $curr_rdg = shift @path;
+ @curr_lexemes = ();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub _update_reading_lexemes {
+ my( $replace, $reading, @lexemes ) = @_;
+ if( $reading->has_lexemes && !$replace ) {
+ # We need to merge what is in @lexemes with what we have already.
+ my @oldlex = $reading->lexemes;
+ my $cmp1 = join( '||', map { $_->string } @oldlex );
+ my $cmp2 = join( '||', map { $_->string } @lexemes );
+ if ( @oldlex == @lexemes && $cmp1 eq $cmp2 ) {
+ # The lexeme strings are the same, so merge the possible
+ # word forms from new to old.
+ foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#lexemes ) {
+ my $ol = $oldlex[$i];
+ my $nl = $lexemes[$i];
+ my %ofw;
+ map { $ofw{$_->to_string} = 1 } $ol->matching_forms;
+ foreach my $form ( $nl->matching_forms ) {
+ unless( $ofw{$form->to_string} ) {
+ print STDERR "Adding form " . $form->to_string .
+ " to lexeme " . $nl->string . " at $reading\n";
+ $ol->add_matching_form( $form );
+ $ol->is_disambiguated(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn "Lexeme layout for $reading changed; replacing the lot";
+ $reading->clear_lexemes;
+ $reading->add_lexeme( @lexemes );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $reading->clear_lexemes if $replace;
+ $reading->add_lexeme( @lexemes );
+ }
+# Utility function so that we can cheat and use it when we need both the path
+# and its text.
+sub _text_from_path {
+ my( $normalize, @path ) = @_;
+ my $pathtext = '';
+ my $last;
+ foreach my $r ( @path ) {
+ unless ( $r->join_prior || !$last || $last->join_next ) {
+ $pathtext .= ' ';
+ }
+ $pathtext .= ( $normalize && $r->has_normal_form )
+ ? $r->normal_form : $r->text;
+ $last = $r;
+ }
+ return $pathtext;
+# Utility function that actually calls the tree tagger.
+sub _treetag_string {
+ my( $text, $lang ) = @_;
+ my $wittext = encode_utf8( $text );
+ # Then see if we have TreeTagger
+ try {
+ load( 'Lingua::TreeTagger' );
+ } catch {
+ warn "Cannot run TreeTagger without Lingua::TreeTagger module";
+ return '';
+ }
+ # OK, we can run it then.
+ # First upgrade to UTF8 for necessary languages.
+ $lang = lc( $lang );
+ my $use_utf8;
+ my @utf8_supported = qw/ french /;
+ if( grep { $_ eq $lang } @utf8_supported ) {
+ $lang .= '-utf8';
+ $use_utf8 = 1;
+ }
+ # Now instantiate and run the tagger.
+ my $tagger = Lingua::TreeTagger->new(
+ 'language' => $lang,
+ 'options' => [ qw/ -token -lemma / ],
+ );
+ if( $use_utf8 ) {
+ $text = encode_utf8( $text );
+ }
+ my $tagresult = $tagger->tag_text( \$text );
+ # TODO maybe send the tokens back rather than the interpreted string...
+ if( $use_utf8 ) {
+ return decode_utf8( $tagresult->as_text() );
+ }
+ return $tagresult->as_text();
+=head2 TODO
+=item * Handle package dependencies more gracefully
+=head1 LICENSE
+This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
+or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tara L Andrews E<lt>aurum@cpan.orgE<gt>
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Encode qw/ encode_utf8 decode_utf8 /;
-use IPC::Run qw/ run /;
-use Lingua::TagSet::TreeTagger;
-use Module::Load;
-use Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::Lexeme;
-use Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::WordForm;
+use Text::Tradition::Language::Base qw/ lemmatize_treetagger reading_lookup_treetagger /;
use TryCatch;
-my $MORPHDIR = '/Users/tla/Projects/morphology';
=head1 NAME
Text::Tradition::Language::English - language-specific module for English
sub lemmatize {
my $tradition = shift;
- # Given a tradition, lemmatize it witness by witness and see what we get.
- my $workdir = File::Temp->newdir();
- my $c = $tradition->collation;
- # First, clear out all existing lexemes from the readings. Save the
- # path as long as we went to the trouble of generating it.
- my %witness_paths;
- foreach my $wit ( $tradition->witnesses ) {
- my @sigla = ( $wit->sigil );
- push( @sigla, $wit->sigil . $c->ac_label ) if $wit->is_layered;
- foreach my $sig ( @sigla ) {
- my @path = grep { !$_->is_meta }
- $c->reading_sequence( $c->start, $c->end, $sig );
- map { $_->clear_lexemes } @path;
- $witness_paths{$sig} = \@path;
- }
- }
- foreach my $sig ( keys %witness_paths ) {
- # Get the text as a sequence of readings and as a string
- print STDERR "Morphologizing witness $sig\n";
- _lemmatize_sequence( undef, @{$witness_paths{$sig}} );
- }
-sub _update_reading_lexemes {
- my( $replace, $reading, @lexemes ) = @_;
- if( $reading->has_lexemes && !$replace ) {
- # We need to merge what is in @lexemes with what we have already.
- my @oldlex = $reading->lexemes;
- my $cmp1 = join( '||', map { $_->string } @oldlex );
- my $cmp2 = join( '||', map { $_->string } @lexemes );
- if ( @oldlex == @lexemes && $cmp1 eq $cmp2 ) {
- # The lexeme strings are the same, so merge the possible
- # word forms from new to old.
- foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#lexemes ) {
- my $ol = $oldlex[$i];
- my $nl = $lexemes[$i];
- my %ofw;
- map { $ofw{$_->to_string} = 1 } $ol->matching_forms;
- foreach my $form ( $nl->matching_forms ) {
- unless( $ofw{$form->to_string} ) {
- print STDERR "Adding form " . $form->to_string .
- " to lexeme " . $nl->string . " at $reading\n";
- $ol->add_matching_form( $form );
- $ol->is_disambiguated(0);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- warn "Lexeme layout for $reading changed; replacing the lot";
- $reading->clear_lexemes;
- $reading->add_lexeme( @lexemes );
- }
- } else {
- $reading->clear_lexemes if $replace;
- $reading->add_lexeme( @lexemes );
- }
+ my %opts = (
+ 'language' => 'French',
+ 'callback' => sub { _parse_wordform( @_ ) }
+ );
+ return lemmatize_treetagger( $tradition, %opts );
=head2 reading_lookup( $rdg[, $rdg, ...] )
sub reading_lookup {
- return _lemmatize_sequence( 1, @_ );
-sub _lemmatize_sequence {
- my( $replace, @path ) = @_;
- my $tagresult = _treetag_string( _text_from_path( 1, @path ) );
- if( $tagresult ) {
- # Map the tagged words onto the original readings, splitting
- # them up into lexemes where necessary.
- # NOTE we can have multiple lexemes in a reading, but not
- # multiple readings to a lexeme.
- my @tags = split( /\n/, $tagresult );
- my @lexemes;
- my $curr_rdg = shift @path;
- my @curr_lexemes;
- my $unused_rdg_part;
- foreach my $tag ( @tags ) {
- # Get the original word
- my( $lexeme, @rest ) = split( /\t/, $tag );
- # Lemmatize the whole
- my @forms = _parse_wordform( $tag );
- my $lexobj = Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::Lexeme->new(
- 'string' => $lexeme, 'language' => 'English',
- 'wordform_matchlist' => \@forms );
- # Find the next non-meta reading
- while( $curr_rdg && $curr_rdg->is_meta ) {
- $curr_rdg = shift @path;
- }
- unless( $curr_rdg ) {
- warn "Ran out of readings in sequence at $lexeme";
- last;
- }
- my $curr_rdg_text = $curr_rdg->has_normal_form
- ? $curr_rdg->normal_form : $curr_rdg->text;
- if( $unused_rdg_part &&
- $unused_rdg_part =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E(\s*)(.*)$/ ) {
- # Nth part of curr_rdg
- $unused_rdg_part = $2;
- push( @curr_lexemes, $lexobj );
- } elsif( $curr_rdg_text =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E(\s*)(.*)$/ ) {
- # Flag an error if there is already an unused reading part.
- warn "Skipped over unused text $unused_rdg_part at $curr_rdg"
- if $unused_rdg_part;
- $unused_rdg_part = $2; # will be empty if the whole reading matched
- push( @curr_lexemes, $lexobj );
- } else {
- # We do not cope with the idea of a lexeme being
- # spread across multiple readings.
- warn "Word sequence changed unexpectedly in text";
- # See if we can find a matching reading
- my @lookahead;
- my $matched;
- while( my $nr = shift @path ) {
- my $nrtext = $nr->has_normal_form ? $nr->normal_form : $nr->text;
- if( $nrtext =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E/ ) {
- $curr_rdg = $lookahead[-1] if @lookahead;
- $matched = 1;
- last;
- } else {
- push( @lookahead, $nr );
- }
- }
- # No match? Restore the state we had
- unless( $matched ) {
- unshift( @path, @lookahead );
- }
- # Trigger a move
- $unused_rdg_part = '';
- }
- unless( $unused_rdg_part ) {
- # Record the lexemes for the given reading.
- #print STDERR sprintf( "Adding lexeme(s) %s to reading %s (%s)\n",
- # join( ' ', map { $_->string } @curr_lexemes ),
- # $curr_rdg->id, $curr_rdg->text );
- _update_reading_lexemes( $replace, $curr_rdg, @curr_lexemes );
- $curr_rdg = shift @path;
- @curr_lexemes = ();
- }
- }
- }
-# Utility function so that we can cheat and use it when we need both the path
-# and its text.
-sub _text_from_path {
- my( $normalize, @path ) = @_;
- my $pathtext = '';
- my $last;
- foreach my $r ( @path ) {
- unless ( $r->join_prior || !$last || $last->join_next ) {
- $pathtext .= ' ';
- }
- $pathtext .= ( $normalize && $r->has_normal_form )
- ? $r->normal_form : $r->text;
- $last = $r;
- }
- return $pathtext;
-# Utility function that actually calls the tree tagger.
-sub _treetag_string {
- my( $text ) = @_;
- my $wittext = encode_utf8( $text );
- # Then see if we have TreeTagger
- my $taggercmd = "$MORPHDIR/TreeTagger/cmd/tree-tagger-english";
- unless( -f $taggercmd ) {
- warn "Cannot do English word lemmatization without TreeTagger";
- return;
- }
- # OK, we can run it then.
- my @cmd = ( $taggercmd );
- my( $tagresult, $err ); # Capture the output and error
- run( \@cmd, \$wittext, \$tagresult, \$err );
- # TODO check for error
- return decode_utf8( $tagresult );
+ my( @path ) = @_;
+ my %opts = (
+ 'language' => 'French',
+ 'callback' => sub { _parse_wordform( @_ ) },
+ 'path' => \@path,
+ );
+ return reading_lookup_treetagger( %opts );
# Utility function to turn a TreeTagger result into a WordForm
-=item * Handle package dependencies more gracefully
-=item * Refactor English/French use of TreeTagger into its own util package
+=item * Tests!
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Encode qw/ encode_utf8 decode_utf8 /;
-use IPC::Run qw/ run /;
-use Lingua::TagSet::Multext;
-use Lingua::TagSet::TreeTagger;
-use Module::Load;
-use Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::Lexeme;
-use Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::WordForm;
+use Module::Load qw/ load /;
+use Text::Tradition::Language::Base qw/ lemmatize_treetagger reading_lookup_treetagger /;
use TryCatch;
-my $MORPHDIR = '/Users/tla/Projects/morphology';
=head1 NAME
Text::Tradition::Language::French - language-specific module for French
is( $ambig, 102, "Found 102 ambiguous forms as expected" );
# Try setting the normal form of a reading and re-analyzing
- my $mr = $tf->collation->reading('99,2');
+ my $mr = $tf->collation->reading('r99.2');
is( $mr->text, 'minspire', "Picked correct test reading" );
is( $mr->language, 'French', "Reading has correct language setting" );
$mr->normal_form( "m'inspire" );
sub lemmatize {
my $tradition = shift;
- # Given a tradition, lemmatize it witness by witness and see what we get.
- my $workdir = File::Temp->newdir();
- my $c = $tradition->collation;
- # First, clear out all existing lexemes from the readings. Save the
- # path as long as we went to the trouble of generating it.
- my %witness_paths;
- foreach my $wit ( $tradition->witnesses ) {
- my @sigla = ( $wit->sigil );
- push( @sigla, $wit->sigil . $c->ac_label ) if $wit->is_layered;
- foreach my $sig ( @sigla ) {
- my @path = grep { !$_->is_meta }
- $c->reading_sequence( $c->start, $c->end, $sig );
- map { $_->clear_lexemes } @path;
- $witness_paths{$sig} = \@path;
- }
- }
- foreach my $sig ( keys %witness_paths ) {
- # Get the text as a sequence of readings and as a string
- print STDERR "Morphologizing witness $sig\n";
- _lemmatize_sequence( undef, @{$witness_paths{$sig}} );
- }
-sub _update_reading_lexemes {
- my( $replace, $reading, @lexemes ) = @_;
- if( $reading->has_lexemes && !$replace ) {
- # We need to merge what is in @lexemes with what we have already.
- my @oldlex = $reading->lexemes;
- my $cmp1 = join( '||', map { $_->string } @oldlex );
- my $cmp2 = join( '||', map { $_->string } @lexemes );
- if ( @oldlex == @lexemes && $cmp1 eq $cmp2 ) {
- # The lexeme strings are the same, so merge the possible
- # word forms from new to old.
- foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#lexemes ) {
- my $ol = $oldlex[$i];
- my $nl = $lexemes[$i];
- my %ofw;
- map { $ofw{$_->to_string} = 1 } $ol->matching_forms;
- foreach my $form ( $nl->matching_forms ) {
- unless( $ofw{$form->to_string} ) {
- print STDERR "Adding form " . $form->to_string .
- " to lexeme " . $nl->string . " at $reading\n";
- $ol->add_matching_form( $form );
- $ol->is_disambiguated(0);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- warn "Lexeme layout for $reading changed; replacing the lot";
- $reading->clear_lexemes;
- $reading->add_lexeme( @lexemes );
- }
- } else {
- $reading->clear_lexemes if $replace;
- $reading->add_lexeme( @lexemes );
- }
+ my %opts = (
+ 'language' => 'French',
+ 'callback' => sub { _parse_wordform( _flemm_lookup( @_ ) ) }
+ );
+ return lemmatize_treetagger( $tradition, %opts );
=head2 reading_lookup( $rdg[, $rdg, ...] )
sub reading_lookup {
- return _lemmatize_sequence( 1, @_ );
-sub _lemmatize_sequence {
- my( $replace, @path ) = @_;
- my $tagresult = _treetag_string( _text_from_path( 1, @path ) );
- if( $tagresult ) {
- # Map the tagged words onto the original readings, splitting
- # them up into lexemes where necessary.
- # NOTE we can have multiple lexemes in a reading, but not
- # multiple readings to a lexeme.
- my @tags = split( /\n/, $tagresult );
- my @lexemes;
- my $curr_rdg = shift @path;
- my @curr_lexemes;
- my $unused_rdg_part;
- foreach my $tag ( @tags ) {
- # Get the original word
- my( $lexeme, @rest ) = split( /\t/, $tag );
- # Lemmatize the whole
- my @forms = _parse_wordform( _flemm_lookup( $tag ) );
- my $lexobj = Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading::Lexeme->new(
- 'string' => $lexeme, 'language' => 'French',
- 'wordform_matchlist' => \@forms );
- # Find the next non-meta reading
- while( $curr_rdg && $curr_rdg->is_meta ) {
- $curr_rdg = shift @path;
- }
- unless( $curr_rdg ) {
- warn "Ran out of readings in sequence at $lexeme";
- last;
- }
- my $curr_rdg_text = $curr_rdg->has_normal_form
- ? $curr_rdg->normal_form : $curr_rdg->text;
- if( $unused_rdg_part &&
- $unused_rdg_part =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E(\s*)(.*)$/ ) {
- # Nth part of curr_rdg
- $unused_rdg_part = $2;
- push( @curr_lexemes, $lexobj );
- } elsif( $curr_rdg_text =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E(\s*)(.*)$/ ) {
- # Flag an error if there is already an unused reading part.
- warn "Skipped over unused text $unused_rdg_part at $curr_rdg"
- if $unused_rdg_part;
- $unused_rdg_part = $2; # will be empty if the whole reading matched
- push( @curr_lexemes, $lexobj );
- } else {
- # We do not cope with the idea of a lexeme being
- # spread across multiple readings.
- warn "Word sequence changed unexpectedly in text";
- # See if we can find a matching reading
- my @lookahead;
- my $matched;
- while( my $nr = shift @path ) {
- my $nrtext = $nr->has_normal_form ? $nr->normal_form : $nr->text;
- if( $nrtext =~ /^\Q$lexeme\E/ ) {
- $curr_rdg = $lookahead[-1] if @lookahead;
- $matched = 1;
- last;
- } else {
- push( @lookahead, $nr );
- }
- }
- # No match? Restore the state we had
- unless( $matched ) {
- unshift( @path, @lookahead );
- }
- # Trigger a move
- $unused_rdg_part = '';
- }
- unless( $unused_rdg_part ) {
- # Record the lexemes for the given reading.
- #print STDERR sprintf( "Adding lexeme(s) %s to reading %s (%s)\n",
- # join( ' ', map { $_->string } @curr_lexemes ),
- # $curr_rdg->id, $curr_rdg->text );
- _update_reading_lexemes( $replace, $curr_rdg, @curr_lexemes );
- $curr_rdg = shift @path;
- @curr_lexemes = ();
- }
- }
- }
-# Utility function so that we can cheat and use it when we need both the path
-# and its text.
-sub _text_from_path {
- my( $normalize, @path ) = @_;
- my $pathtext = '';
- my $last;
- foreach my $r ( @path ) {
- unless ( $r->join_prior || !$last || $last->join_next ) {
- $pathtext .= ' ';
- }
- $pathtext .= ( $normalize && $r->has_normal_form )
- ? $r->normal_form : $r->text;
- $last = $r;
- }
- return $pathtext;
-# Utility function that actually calls the tree tagger.
-sub _treetag_string {
- my( $text ) = @_;
- my $wittext = encode_utf8( $text );
- # Then see if we have TreeTagger
- my $taggercmd = "$MORPHDIR/TreeTagger/cmd/tree-tagger-french-utf8";
- unless( -f $taggercmd ) {
- warn "Cannot do French word lemmatization without TreeTagger";
- return;
- }
- # OK, we can run it then.
- my @cmd = ( $taggercmd );
- my( $tagresult, $err ); # Capture the output and error
- run( \@cmd, \$wittext, \$tagresult, \$err );
- # TODO check for error
- return decode_utf8( $tagresult );
+ my( @path ) = @_;
+ my %opts = (
+ 'language' => 'French',
+ 'callback' => sub { _parse_wordform( _flemm_lookup( @_ ) ) },
+ 'path' => \@path,
+ );
+ return reading_lookup_treetagger( %opts );
# Closure and utility function for the package lemmatizer
-=item * Handle package dependencies more gracefully
+=item * Try to do more things with Perl objects in Flemm and TT
is( $ambig, 102, "Found 102 ambiguous forms as expected" );
# Try setting the normal form of a reading and re-analyzing
- my $mr = $tf->collation->reading('99,2');
+ my $mr = $tf->collation->reading('r99.2');
is( $mr->text, 'minspire', "Picked correct test reading" );
is( $mr->language, 'French', "Reading has correct language setting" );
$mr->normal_form( "m'inspire" );